
Grains, Dairy, Seafood Chinese 1 Servings


1/2 c Coconut cream
2 tb Red curry paste
2 c Chopped ; boned Chinese style Roast Duck
3 c Coconut milk
1 tb Fish sauce
1 tb Palm sugar or brown sugar
12 Fresh wild lime leaves
A handful of fresh basil leaves
1/2 A small pineapple peeled and cut in bite size chunks or 1 cup cherry tomat; (guess they meant TOMATO)


1.In a medium heavy bottomed saucepan warm the coconut cream over a medium
heat until it boils gently. Adjust the heat to maintain a gentle boil and
cook for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. When you see tiny pools of oil
glistening on the surface add the curry paste and stir to dissolve. Cook
for 1-2 mins more.
2.Add the cooked duck and stir fry to coat evenly with the paste. Cook for
1-2 minutes then increase the heat and add the coconut milk, pineapple or
tomato, fish sauce, sugar and 6 of the lime leaves. Simmer gently for 6-8
minutes, stirring occasionally.
3.Check seasoning. Remove from heat. Cool then cover and chill for a few
hours or overnight.Before serving discard some of the fat from the surface
of the curry.
4.when ready to serve warm gently, uncovered over a low heat until just hot
but not boiling.Transfer to a serving bowl, stir in the basil leaves and
remaining lime leaves and serve hot or warm.
Posted to recipelu-digest by LSHW <shusky@erols.com> on Feb 18, 1998

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