God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
It's amazing how people can affirm that God is a God of order and absolute precision in everything He does in the natural world, yet believe He unconcerned about the moral world. The scientist in the laboratory operates on the basis that his chemical mixtures are not going to violate a known truth and blow the building to bits. The astronauts who blast off into space count on the absolute immutability and accuracy of scientific laws. If God is a God of law and order in the natural realm, He's not going to say, ';Oh, just do your own thing. Believe anything you want.' Such inconsistency is absurd!
(Acts 3: 22, 23)
JESUS of Nazareth the central figure of all ages.
Was born and reared in the city of Nazareth, with-
out any opportunity of acquiring an extensive learn-
ing, yet His marvelous wisdom has startled the world.
He could look back to the very dawn of creation and
tell about the patriarchs and prophets. He could look
forward to the very end of time and tell us the signs
that would precede His second coming. His divinity
is easily substantiated by His wisdom (John 7:46).
Peter's sermon from Solomon's porch (Acts 3:11-
26). He quotes the prophecy of Moses (Deut. 18:15-
19), showing that it has been fulfilled in Jesus of
Nazareth (Acts 3:22, 23). Jesus Christ the consum-
mation of the line of prophets which began with
A close analysis of the prophecy of Moses (Deut.
18:15-19) reveals four facts: (1) That God would
raise up a prophet out of Israel; (2) that this prophet
would be the antitype of Moses; (3) that this prophet
would speak the will of God to men; (4) that those
who would not listen to the words of God, spoken
through this prophet, would suffer the penalty for
In this sermon we are studying Jesus of Nazareth
as the fulfillment of this prophecy (Matt. 16 : 14 ; 21 :
11; Luke 7:16; 24:19). Let us study some of the
prophecies uttered by our Christ while He was upon
1. Concerning the fulfillment of the old institution
(Matt. 5: 17, 18). He did not destroy the law, but He
fulfilled it upon the cross (Col. 2: 14). To fulfill is to
complete, or bring to an end. Neither did He destroy
the prophets, but He was the fulfillment of prophecy
in Himself. We have both the law and the prophets
"untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament,"
although the authority of the entire old institution was
done away in Christ (2 Cor. 3: 14).
I make an appointment to preach at a certain place
at a certain time. When I go there and preach at the
specified time, I fulfill the appointment. That is the
end of the matter.
The Old Testament was to lead us to Christ (Gal.
3:24, 25). But the entire old institution was brought
to an end in Him; and was abrogated when the new
institution, or the church, was established on Pentecost
(Acts 2; John 1: 17).
The personal ministry of Christ was under the law,
and not "one jot nor tittle' ' passed away until it was
completed by His death, burial, resurrection and coro-
nation (Eph. 2: 13-15).
2. Concerning the ultimate rejection of the Jews
(Matt. 8:10-12; Luke 1:3:24-30). This prophecy has
been fulfilled in subsequent history. The Jews, for
many centuries, have been the laughing-stock of all
races. They have been tortured and persecuted by
the monarchs of all nations, through both medieval
and modern times. Since the fall of Rome, they
have been scattered over all parts of the globe; and
to-day there is not a flag that unfolds its emblems
to the breezes of the heavens that the Jew can call
his own.
3. Concerning the cost of discipleship (Matt. 10 : 32-
42). Christianity is pre-eminently a religion of sacri-
fice. The true Christian must put Christ above all
earthly relationship. How many would fail if put to
the crucial test! This is quite different from the
modern wishy-washy conception of discipleship. Jesus
said that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.
How often have these words been fulfilled ! How
often have men been martyred, crucified, burned at the
stake, disfranchised and disinherited for becoming fol-
lowers of the lowly Nazarene! Let us have the faith
that Paul expresses in his second letter to Timothy,
chapter 4, verses 6-8.
4. Concerning the destruction of the cities of Gali-
lee (Matt. 11:21-24; Luke 10:13-15). In Chorazin,
Capernaum and Bethsaida, many of His "mighty
works" were done. Near Bethsaida, the five thousand
were fed. He began His public ministry at Caper-
naum; and, near there, delivered the Sermon on the
Mount. To-day the original site of Chorazin is un-
known, although Jerome says it was situated two miles
from Capernaum. And merely a mass of ruins marks
the previous location of Bethsaida and Capernaum,
both of which were on the shores of Galilee. They
have indeed been left desolate!
5. Concerning the establishment of the church
(Matt. 16:13-20). Fulfilled in the second and tenth
chapters of Acts. In the second chapter, Peter opens
the door of the church to the Jews; and in the tenth
chapter, to the Gentiles.
6. Concerning His sufferings and death, and resur-
rection on the third day (Matt. 20 : 17-19 ; 17 : 22, 23 ;
Mark 10 : 33, 34 ; Luke 18 : 31-33 ; 9 : 22 ; John 2 : 19-21 ;
6:70). Our Master understood that His death and
resurrection were to perfect the remedial system.
7. Concerning His ascension (John 7:33, 34; 20:
17). All fulfilled in due season.
8. Concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and of
the temple (Matt. 24:1, 2; Mark 13:2; Luke 13:34,
35; 19:41-44; 21:6). Under the rule of Titus, the
Roman legions triumphantly entered the doomed city
and sacked it; not one ston'e of the temple was left
upon another; and the streets of Jerusalem were
ploughed up. This prophecy was literally fulfilled.
9. Concerning His second coming.
a. No one knows the hour (Mark 13: 24-37).
b. General conditions preceding it (Luke 17:22-36).
Apply these statements to present conditions in the
c. Preceded by a period of wars and pestilences, by
the rise of false Christs and false prophets, and by a
general apostasy of the saints (Matt, 24:4-28; Mark
d. The apostles will be especially blessed (Matt.
Are we entering this period now?
10. Concerning the general resurrection of the dead
(John 5:25-29). What we do here below will decide
our eternal destiny. It all hinges upon doing or not
doing the will of God.
11. Concerning the general judgment (Matt. 25 : 31-
46). Those judged worthy of eternal life will be im-
mortalized. Those condemned to eternal punishment
will not be immortalized.
Thus we see that many of the prophecies uttered
by Jesus have been fulfilled in subsequent history. So
will those be fulfilled concerning His second coming,
the resurrection and general judgment. What a con-
vincing proof that He is the Son of God! Let us so
live that we will be ready and glad to meet Him at
His coming.
"Christ" is His official title. "Christ" means "the
anointed one." Three classes of rulers were anointed
in olden times — prophets, priests and kings. When
you confess before men that Jesus is your Christ, you
recognize Him as your Prophet, Priest and King. Will
you do that now?