Christian Witness of Linda

I believe in hands-on religion based on a relationship with a LIVING GOD

I am 39 and very happy with that. I have been married to a wonderful guy for the last 22 years. He is a believer and he and I are facilitators for a “marriage enrichment ministry in our church. We have three children. TeAta is 16, and is a youth leader at church. She also works at the local library.She volunteers at the church library. Tamara is 12. She is involved in the puppet ministry and is on the local city swim team. Joshua Levi is our little man. He is 10. He does baseball and when I have a problem with the computer….I call him. He is also ADD. He is the reason that we started homeschooling.I started with Joshua and the next year all of them came home. We love it…most of the time. HA! All of my children are believers. That is the greatest peace of my life.

O.K. hmmmm. When I was 8-years-old I was sitting in a church pew and listening to Pastor Guy talk about the “wages of sin”. He then talked about all sorts of sins and when he talked about lying I knew that he was talking to me. Boy, I had told some whoppers. My heart just felt like it was about to pound out of my chest and I felt like I practically ran down the aisle. Family legend has it that this incident happened time and time again until the Pastor told my parents that he didn’t care how old I was, for he believed that I knew exactly what I was doing and he would not turn me away again. What I remember most is that I belonged to Jesus.Ever since that time I have always known that I belonged to Jesus. I have not always lived like it but I always knew. Oh and I was actually baptized in a river while good folks sang, “Shall we gather by the River” Cool huh!?

About seven years ago, I was in total rebellion to God and after chastisement He brought me to repentance and brokenness. Ever since then I have given Him Lordship. My joy is restored. My zeal to live for Him has been renewed. I hunger after His Word and I truly feel disconnected if I don’t keep my quiet time consistently. The more I learn, the more I need to learn, the more I am humbled by a Mighty God whose mercies are fresh to me every morning.

I am a singer at my church. I also have done altar work. And I teach 7th grade girls. I truly covet your prayers for the last one. These young girls are already so jaded. My heart just goes out to them.

I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin the Son of God. I believe that He is the son of God and that He is God. I believe in the Trinity. I believe that Jesus was sinless.  I believe that He willingly laid down His life as an atoning sacrifice on a Roman cross and that because He became sin for me, I can now become the righteousness in Him. I believe He died but that on the third day He rose again Alive!! I believe He now sits on the right hand of the father and that He is our advocate. I also believe that when I gave my life to Him, I was given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who is the third person in the Trinity Godhead. I believe that because I have given my life to Jesus I will never experience the second death. I believe that the Bible..the Holy Word of God is inerrant, complete and inspired and profitable for doctrine, reproof and inspiration.

Lastly, I believe in hands-on religion based on a relationship with a LIVING GOD.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is: Joel 2:13 “So rend your heart,and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful…” At a time when I was most unlovable Jesus surrounded me with forgiveness, mercy and love. I have been forgiven much….and I have much to love Him for.

I hope you make it through this book I’ve written…sorry. Hey..I’m a relator!:-) God Bless,
