Christian Political Opinion
by merrymortician on 2002-11-21 00:17:47
taken from (with permision)
Over the Summer I had the opportunity to attend a Promise Keepers conference in Cleveland, Ohio. Without getting sidetracked to much, let me say that the event was phenomenal, I was extremely moved by the proceedings throughout the weekend, I feel it had a very positive outcome on my life and I would recommend it to any man who desires to live a more fulfilling life and grow closer to the Lord. For more information on promise keepers, you can go to
Back to the point of my story, for lunch on the second day of the conference we were ushered outside for a prepackaged meal, afterwards, as I was making my way back into the arena, my attention was averted to a group of radically dressed gothic young adults who were chanting “racist, sexist, anti-gay, promise keepers go away”. Obviously I was quite taken back by the fact that a perfectly harmless group of guys who gathered together to learn how to be better husbands and fathers while being obedient to the Lord and following the teachings of Jesus Christ could warrant this type of response.
In the months to follow the event I’ve had many opportunities to reflect on what happened that day, the most intriguing question I’ve been left to answer is why? Why when there are truly significant problems in the world would a group of young people with no jobs or social agenda choose to boycott a group of Christian men on a Saturday?
After lengthy periods of deliberation, I’ve decided the reason those young people despise us is likely similar to the reason ignorant Middle Easterners blindly follow their deceitful leadership, because their minds are easily impressionable and they’re willing to act under the pretext that they are serving some greater good. The young people of today are growing up in a society that supports or is inflicted by premarital relations, marriages that ends in divorce, adults that molest teens, teens that murder children, abortions that relinquish responsibility for not abstaining, internet that allows accessibility to pornography, in your face homosexuality, freedom of speech that promotes profanity, working mothers who dump their children in day care, public schools that teach evolution while ignoring the facts supporting creation, and the list goes on and on and on.
Now I sound like a radical Jesus freak who’s making baseless accusations about how I perceive reality. Undoubtedly that is how some of you feel, and for those of you who agree with my previous statement you are entitled to your opinion, however, I will tell you that there was a time when I also rejected the policies and conditions that go along with abiding by a Christian lifestyle, I have come full circle, and I’ve never been happier and felt better about myself and had less to worry about than I do today.
Back to the protestors, no non-believer wants to admit that their doing anything wrong, furthermore, they certainly don’t want to acknowledge that they may be judged in the afterlife and end up in a less than desirable situation. So I realized that the best way for those young people to attempt to lobby support for their life of lies is to try and convince others the Christians are all wrong and that there’s no God and nothing to be fearful of, then they can all run a muck with no concern for any redemption.
Obviously I’ve shown my bias and need not summarize my thoughts, but I would ask you to consider this: Option A – God exists and the bible is his official text book, Jesus, God’s only son, was sent to earth to die for the sins of humanity so the rest of us can receive eternal salvation. Option B – There’s no God and once we die we’re just gone, there’s no after life. If you abide by the ideology of option A and it’s not correct, you are no worse off, you lived a remarkably honest lifestyle and that’s the end of it. If you abide by the ideology of option B and it’s not correct, well, I’ve never been there, but I imagine it’s not very pleasant. If this was Las Vegas, what would be the line on eternity? I know where I’m putting my money.