Deference is an area in which evangelical or fundamental Christians are often weak. We glory in our “freedom in Christ”, and forget sometimes that what we may indulge in with moderation will be excused in excess by those who observe us, including our children.

While refusing to compromise on matters central to the gospel (see Galatians 2:5), the apostle Paul voluntarily limited his freedoms in other areas in order to reach as many people as possible with the gospel.

He wrote, “Though I am free, and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” (I Corinthians 9:19 NIV)

In the context of what he wrote to the church at Corinth, Paul said that he was willing to adapt to a wide variety of circumstances and conditions in order to minimize objections to his person or his message.

We Christians are sometimes guilty of a lack of sensitivity to other Christian groups or the culture or customs or preferences of people we are trying to reach with the gospel.

Some of the most common areas of sensitivity are modes of relating to the opposite sex, the handling of money and food, appropriate subjects for humor, and ways of discussing differences between racial and cultural groups.

Let’s learn how to put our Christianity into practice by simply being considerate and kind to the people around us.

Our message is much more than “Be Nice,” but if we “come over” as being insensitive and obnoxious, nobody will listen to us when we speak of God’s love in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our message is important enough to put on a tie, and if necessary, endure a shave and a haircut.

We would like to “win” you over, too. Our message is based on the Bible, and we invite you to start reading in the New Testament.

[Clyde Price, Arrows4]