Christian Symbolism The Fish
Christian Symbolism
The following information appeared as a news item in the 29 Aug. 1988 issue of “THE SPOTLIGHT” newspaper.
The Washington state Human Rights Commission has BANNED the Christian fish symbol from any advertising on the grounds of “discrimination” or “expressing a preference for dealing with persons accepting a particular creed.” The information comes from William Gladden, executive secretary of the Washington HRC in a letter to a publisher. Gladden sent a copy of the letter to the AntiDefamation League of B’nai B’rith. “If you have any questions,” wrote Gladden, “Please feel free to call me at (206) 753-2558.”
It is interesting that for years the jews have forced American food processors who wished to sell to them, to pay money to carry their Kosher symbol (a circle with a letter in it ). Yet it seems obvious that it is the jews who are behind this latest unconstitutional move to prevent Christians from having an equal right.
I think that we Christians should begin using our freedoms before we lose them. Lets all see how many places the fish can swim. For those who may not be aware, the fish is made of the first 2 Greek letters of Christ’s name, Chi and Rho , which when put together simulate a fish. Early Christians scribbled it in unobtrusive places as a message to other Christians that they were among friends and could find safe haven. Since we seem to be under constant attack, lets make others aware of our presence.