Chronology Of Medicine

  • Chronology of Medicine ==========================


3000 Sumerian seals discovered in modern-day Iraq revealed the existence of physicians 5,000 years ago.

2700 Acupuncture was invented by Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung.

2500 Surgical operations were illustrated on the tombs of Pharoahs at Saqqara in Egypt.

1800 The Code of Hammurabi of Babylonia, modern-day Iraq, decreed that a surgeon responsible for the death of his patient would have his hands cut off.

1500 The Edwin Smith Papyrus, concerned mostly with surgery, gave a precise description of many diseases.

1000 Chinese Emperor Hoang Ti published the earliest known manual of medicine, the Nei Tsing. It contained a complete doctrine of internal conditions, with an emphasis on pulse-taking and observation of the tongue.

900 During the Brahmanic period of medicine in India, skillful plastic surgery was practiced.

400 Hippocratic philosophy, based on experiment and reason, was born. Diseases were regarded from a strictly naturalistic viewpoint.


100 An important work on women’s diseases was written by Soranos of Ephesus, modern-day Turkey.

369 The Hospital of St. Basil, one of the first Christian hospitals, was erected by Justinian at Caesarea, modern-day Israel.

896 In a work entitled De Pestilencia, the Persian doctor Rhazes distinguished the specific characteristics of measles and smallpox.

1080 A hospital for lepers was established near Canterbury.

1131 The Council of Rheims in France forbade clergy to practice medicine.

1140 King Roger of Sicily introduced a compulsory exam for medicine, and a medical center in Bologna was established.

1181 A medical center specializing in surgery was established at the University of Montpellier.

1227 Ibn An-Nafis of Cairo first described pulmonary circulation.

1270 Venetian glassmakers introduced spectacles.

1302 Bartolomeo da Varignana performed the first medico-legal autopsy at Bologna.

1317 Contrary to the teachings of his time, Henri de Mondeville emphasized the importance of studying anatomy.

1348 Military medicine began, with the treatment of wounds from firearms.

1377 The first quarantines were imposed as a controlling measure at Reggio nell’Emilia in northern Italy.

1540 Valerius Cordus discovered sulphuric ether.

1543 De Humani Corporis Fabrica, a book that initiated a method of describing the body based on detailed observation, was published by Andreas Vesalius of Brussels.

1601 Medical journals began to be published during the seventeenth century.

1628 William Harvey published an important treatise describing the circulation of blood.

1639 The first hospital in Canada was established.

1665 Robert Hooke first used the term “”cell” in his work Micrographia.

1667 Jean Denis of France first attempted the transfusion of blood from an animal to a human.

1673 Leewenhook made the first microscope.

1673 Thomas Willis first discovered that the urine of diabetics tastes sweet.

1674 Morel invented the tourniquet for stopping hemorrhages.

1688 The first recorded operation to remove a cataract was performed by Stephen Blaukaart.

1711 Stephen Hales gave the first demonstration of blood pressure.

1761 In his work Inventum novum, Dr. Joseph Leopold Auenbrugger of the Spanish Hospital in Vienna described how the thorax gives off different sounds on percussion according to the condition inside.

1765 John Morgan established the first American medical school, in Philadelphia.

1795 Luigi Galvani showed that electrical processes are involved in the function of muscles and nerves.

1798 Edward Jenner introduced an immunization against small-pox.

1801 At the beginning of the nineteenth century, doctors in New York State were paid $1 for a home visit, $5 for an office consultation or home visit at night, $2 for bloodletting, and $125 for a hernia, stone, or cataract operation.

1805 Serturner isolated morphine, the active ingredient of opium.