CHURCH of Israel
CHURCH of Israel
- Established by God # De 4:5-14 26:18 Ac 7:35,38
- Admission into, by circumcision # Ge 17:10-14
- All Israelites members of # Ro 9:4
- Was relatively holy # Ex 31:13 Nu 16:3
- HAD 5a) An appointed place of worship
# De 12:5
5b) Appointed ordinances # Ex 18:20 Heb 9:1,10 5c) Appointed feasts # Le 23:2 Isa 1:14 5d) An ordained ministry # Ex 29:9 De 10:8 5e) The divine presence manifested in it # Ex 29:45,46 Le 26:11,12 1Ki 8:10,11 5f) A spiritual church within it # Ro 9:6-8 11:2-7 6) In covenant with God # De 4:13,23 Ac 3:25 7) The depository of holy writ # Ro 3:2 8) CALLED THE 8a) Congregation of Israel # Ex 12:47 Le 4:13 8b) Congregation of the Lord # Nu 27:17 31:16 9) Privileges of # Ro 9:4 10) Proselytes admitted into # Nu 9:14 15:15,29 11) Supported by the people # Ex 34:20 De 16:17 12) WORSHIP OF, CONSISTED IN 12a) Sacrifice # Ex 10:25 Le 1:2 Heb 10:1 12b) Prayer # Ex 24:11 Ps 5:7 95:6 12c) Praise # 2Ch 5:13 30:21 12d) Reading God’s word # Ex 24:7 De 31:11 12e) Preaching # Ne 8:4,5 13) Attachment of the Jews to # Joh 9:28,29 Ac 6:11 14) MEMBERS OF 14a) Required to know its statutes # Le 10:11 14b) Required to keeps its statutes # De 16:12 14c) Required to attend its worship # Ex 23:17 14d) Separated from, while unclean # Le 13:46 15:31 Nu 5:2-4 14e) Excommunicated for heavy offences # Nu 15:30,31 19:20 15) Persons excluded from # Ex 12:48 De 23:1-4 Eze 44:7,9 16) A type of the church of Christ # Ga 4:24-26 Heb 12:23