Church Trust Me Smyrna Title: Church, Trust Me! Text: Rev. 2:8-11 Tracing: Preached 5/27/90 Topic: Rewards of Faithfulness Theme:

Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:

Intro.: We ÿlive in a society which totters on the brink ÿof madness – threatening ÿto ÿfall ÿinto a vat of ÿgodlessness, ÿÿhatred, ÿÿand mysticism ÿwhich would lead to the first persecution of Christians in America since colonial days. I ÿdon’t ÿspeak often from the pulpit on the things ÿthat ÿare developing ÿin our country only because I recognize that ÿI ÿwould have ÿa ÿtendency to dwell on those things to the neglect ÿof ÿthe scriptures that give hope in such circumstances. ÿBut I am ÿaware of and deeply concerned about these trends. Christians ÿwho ÿprotest ÿagainst abortion and ÿgo ÿlimp ÿwhen Police ÿtake ÿthem into custody have been beaten and held in ÿjail for ÿover ÿtwo months without having bail set. ÿÿHomosexuals ÿwho splatter ÿblood claimed to be AIDS-infected on the doors and walls of ÿthe City Council in the presence of the Police in Kansas ÿCity are not even arrested. ÿIn a similar incident in Washington, D.C. the ÿoffenders were released immediately and officials ÿsaid ÿthat they ÿwould ÿeach later have to pay a $50 ÿÿfine. ÿÿA ÿÿprominent television ÿevangelist ÿis rightfully convicted of fraud ÿ– ÿÿbut whereas ÿmen who commit murder and rape often get off ÿwith ÿseven years or so, Jim Baker was sentenced to FORTY YEARS! Christians in the media have been fired ÿsimply for their beliefs, even if their work remained objective. We might very well see REAL persecution in our lifetimes – and if ÿwe ÿdo, ÿÿthere ÿis much we can learn from ÿthe ÿletter ÿJesus dictated to the church in the Asian city of Smyrna. Turn to Rev. 2:8-11. Body: The ÿessence of this letter is: ÿIn the midst of persecution – STAY FAITHFUL. In this context, we might define faith as “trusting obedience” – Continue to trust and obey Jesus even in persecution. The church at Smyrna faced two problems- 1) they were poor, as many ÿChristians were in that day 2) ÿthey were persecuted – ÿthe Jews ÿin ÿthat ÿcity ÿappear to have ÿbeen ÿparticularly ÿhateful, vindictive, and bitter in their persecution. Sometime ÿafter ÿthis letter was written, ÿone of ÿthe ÿchurch fathers, ÿPolycarp, ÿand a disciple of John, ÿwas to be ÿexecuted. When ÿthe sentence was passed down that he would be ÿburned, ÿÿthe Jews ÿRAN to collect fuel for the fire. ÿAfterwards, ÿthey ÿarmed themselves and encircled his body, ÿurging the Romans not to ÿhand it over to the Christians! These were evidently what Jesus called the “Synagogue of Satan” and they probably spearheaded the earlier persecution which Jesus warns about. Why be faithful, why not just give in and live? I. THE NATURE OF OUR LORD v.8 -First and Last: ÿHe who began a good work will complete it… He will not let our victory be stolen! -Died ÿand ÿLives: ÿHe demostrated an indestructible life ÿand thus ÿwe ÿcan be confident that He remains to help us, ÿÿand ÿthat nothing remains strong enough to defeat Him! II. THE NATURE OF OUR REWARD. v.9-11 -Incorruptible Riches: Illus. Sammy Davis Jr. Our Reward cannot be lost, stolen, destroyed! See Mt. 6:19-20 We have it even in spite of apparent poverty! It is more valuable than worldly wealth – not “pie in the sky by and by” but valuable NOW! -Inexstinguishable Life: not that we will not die (physically) but ÿthat ÿwe ÿwill ÿbe sustained in the hour ÿof ÿdeath ÿand ÿour existence will continue. The “second death” will not touch us! Conc.: What is the key? FAITHFULNESS! Trust and obedience – Do not be afraid . . .Be Faithful. Sometimes we find that we have not been faithful even when we are not being persecuted! We need repentance, confession. “If we confess our sins . . .

Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!