Clearing The Smokescreens Ame


The untold story of America’s covenant relationship with God is once again being unveiled to the American people. This synopsis is part of a renewal in understanding of what God did in the founding of our nation. It is a result of 25 years of historical research. The writers have not created a story or tried to fit Christianity and its God into American history. what they have uncovered is that this nation, its republican institutions, economic prosperity, and individual liberty can only be attributed to the hand of God and the covenant between our founders and their Creator.

For several generations we have been assured that the American experience is just the chance accumulation of adventurers, Deists, aristocrats, convicts and religious outcasts who came here seeking their own economic gain, seizing the Indians’ land, using slaves to clear the forests, and stumbling into assured prosperity because of abundant natural resources. the above stereotype is portrayed in varying degrees through television dramas, history textbooks, and news commentaries.

Because the Providential perspective of this book is new to our generation, although certainly not to our Founders, we felt it was important to address common questions and doubts that hang as shadows over the possibility of restoring The American Covenant. In seminars throughout America, the authors have found that there are some basic questions that consistently recur. Let us begin to clear away the smokescreens of falsehood and ignorance that stand between us and the restoration of our republic.