2 COR. iv. 1, 2. “Therefore
seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we
faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty,
not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceit-
fully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves
to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”
I. THE ministry is a business with the world. It is a
divinely appointed agency for the communication of God’s
will to man. It is this which exalts it far above human
resource and human authority. So long as men are born
and die and sin, so long will the ministry have a business
with the world.
II. This business of the ministry is mainly with the con-
sciences of men. Every man has a conscience, and it is a
comfort broad and strong that there is something in all of
you marking the faithful appeal, pointing the solemn warn-
III. The great instrumentality which the ministry is
empowered to use is the truth. That truth is the Gospel.
In Paganism the higher rose the culture the deeper sank
the character; and the whole world seemed like one vast
valley fertile and gay with flowers, but no motion in the
dim dead air till the breath came down from heaven.
Our great business is to bring that conscience and that
truth in connection with each other. We may range the
consciences of humanity in three states: those that are
slumbering, those that are apprehensive, those that are
peaceful and at rest. To each of these we are to commend
the truth in the sight of God.
W. Morley Punshon, D.D.
It seems so many in the church today want to talk about their experience. True disciples should be talking more about their commitment.
Randy Smith