God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Personal benefits when conflict with others is handled properly: It has increased my tenderness to the pain and affliction of others. It has broadened my outlook that life is not as black and white as I often think. It has helped me to listen better and understand good perspectives that might differ from mine. It has encouraged me to search the Scriptures and be able to better articulate my beliefs. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and increased my faith in God and in His Word. It has taught me to work harder to be a more effective communicator to express my feelings. It has helped me consider other people more important than myself. It has helped me understand that relationships are more important than the conflict and compromising (when biblically appropriate) is more important than being right. It has increased my love for unity. It has manifested the love and power and forgiveness of God both received and extended. It has taught me that my desires and plans do not lie at the center of the world. And in many cases, when resolved correctly, it has even strengthened the specific relationship.
Randy Smith
Cocoa Fudge Cake
Dairy, Eggs
1 2/3
All purpose flour
1 1/2
Cocoa powder
Applesauce; (this works out to 1/3 a can; I freeze the rest in half-cup portions for later use)
1 1/2
Skim milk yogurt
1 1/2
Baking soda
Salt; (I use a bit less)
Egg whites
Heat oven to 350. Mix wet and dry separately, then combine, beating at low
speed, scraping bowl occasionally for 30 seconds. Beat on high speed,
scraping occasionally, 3 minutes. Bake 35-40 minutes, until wooden pick
comes out clean Great without frosting, but frost if you prefer
Makes one 13x9x2 pan or about 15 cupcakes.
Comments Don't overcook, or it tastes really burnt. Watch it closely, and
experiment with length of cooking to suit your pan. Don't bother licking
the spoon/bowl -- the yogurt makes it taste kind of tingly and wierd, IMHO.
I make up "cake mixes" of the dry ingredients, and list the wet ones to add
on the label. I freeze applesauce in 1/2 cup portions, and egg whites in
ice cube trays, and love yogurt, so usually have some in the fridge. Very
easy and quick to make -- great for company. Freezes wonderfully.
Posted to fatfree digest by Angela Kelleher
<angela_kelleher@bc.sympatico.ca> on Feb 18, 1998
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“God weeps for you”
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