
Communication – A Biblical Approach

  1. Key Texts # Pr 10:11-14,18-21 25:11-14 26:17-28 Jas 3:1-8
  2. Communication 2a) The Power of Words

    # Pr 11:9 12:18 15:4 18:21 Mt 12:37 Jas 3:1-8

2b) The Value of Words # Pr 20:15 25:11-14 2c) The Source of Words # Pr 6:12 15:28 16:23,24 Mt 12:34 3) Handling Communication Properly 3a) Be Listening # Pr 18:13 19:20 Jas 1:19 3b) Do Not Talk Too Much # Pr 10:19 13:2,3 17:27-28 Ec 10:12-14 Col 4:6 3c) Do Not Nag # Pr 21:19 26:21 3d) Do Not Meddle # Pr 26:27 3e) Do Not Gossip # Pr 11:13 20:19 26:20 3f) Do Not Brag # Pr 14:23 27:2 3g) Be Slow to Speak # Pr 15:28 29:20 Jas 1:19 3h) Be Wise in Timing # Pr 15:23 Eph 4:29 3i) Admit Wrongs # Pr 29:23 Jas 5:16 3j) Do Not Lie # Ps 34:13 Pr 12:19,22 26:18,19 Eph 4:15,25 3k) Do Not Respond in Anger # Pr 15:1 Eph 4:26 3l) Avoid Quarrels # Pr 17:14 20:3 4) Communication Guidelines 4a) Set a Guard over my Lips # Ps 141:3 4b) Deliver me from Lying Lips # Ps 120:3 4c) May my Lips Offer up a Sacrifice of Praise # Heb 13:15 4d) Let me Speak Encouragingly # Eph 4:29 4e) Bride my Tongue # Jas 1:26