God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
What is conflict in its essence? It's easy to recognize its surface symptoms: the anger, the panic, the shakes and the collywobbles. None of us welcomes the unpleasant responses it stimulates. But the working basis of conflict is confrontation, a clash of interests, an argument, perhaps an ongoing state of active and continuous dissatisfaction. Its effects are both personal and global, touching the lives of individuals, families, whole organizations, even nations or groups of nations. Conflict begins with matters of value, concern, anger or philosophy. It can end with agitation, anger, hostile action, even the termination of otherwise long-cherished human bonds of friendship and marriage.
(Acts 26 : 9.)
MEN have attempted in vain to define this term
explicitly. Psychology has even been unable to
compound a definition that would stand the test under
all circumstances. Although we can not understand
just to what extent conscience abides in the spiritual
man, nor formulate a statement that would compre-
hend within itself all of its varied activities, yet there
are several things which we can and do know about
the term. It is the purpose of this discourse to
elucidate the facts that have already been ascertained.
The principal question for consideration is: To
what extent can human conscience be depended upon
as a guide in religious faith and practice? Can con-
science be interpreted as the oracle of God? Is it
"that spark of celestial fire" within man that is
infallibly right under all circumstances? Or is human
conscience liable to error? If infallible, it is reliable;
if not infallible, it is not reliable under all circum-
stances. It is exceedingly important that we study
this matter, as there is much confusion in the popular
mind regarding it.
1. Man is by nature a dual being, Robert Louis
Stevenson disclosed no new fact in "Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde"; he merely stated a principle as old as
the Bible itself. Man has both a carnal and a spiritual
mind (Rom. 8:5-7). The carnal mind is not subject
to the law of God; the purely carnal mind, if such
a thing were possible in man, could not be subject to
divine law. It would do no good to read the Ten
Commandments to a horse, or preach the gospel to a
cow, as neither could be subject to divine law. But as
we know of no person absolutely carnally minded, or
totally depraved, we know of no man that is not sub-
ject to some form of divine law.
The spiritual mind is subject to the law of God.
It is capable of interpreting and applying law. Con-
science is that factor of the spiritual mind which ap-
plies law to individual conduct. Hence it follows that
conscience will apply law according to previous train-
ing. Therefore, if imperfectly educated, it is liable
to error.
The carnal mind produces carnal propensities-, the
spiritual mind produces spiritual propensities. Paul
calls the former the law of his members, and the latter
the law of his mind, describing the warfare that is
constantly going on between the two forces within
him (Rom. 7:21-23). He speaks of the physical as
the "outward" man; and of the spiritual, as the
"inward" man (1 Cor. 4:16). Conscience is an attri-
bute of the inward man.
2. Conscience is superior to human law. It is a
higher law than the Magna Charta, or the Constitu-
tion of the United States. A man may refuse to obey
civil law when it conflicts with the dictates of his con-
science, and not incur the displeasure of God. All
human law contains more or less of error; judicial
decisions more often look at the technical than the
moral side of an issue. Consequently, human law is
liable, at times, to sink to a very low standard morally.
The highest moral standard in human law is attained
among those nations which have applied the ethical
principles of the teachings of Christ and woven them
into their systems of law.
When Daniel was forbidden to pray, he disobeyed
the edict and prayed according as his conscience dic-
tated (Dan. 6). The apostles disobeyed the Jewish
Sanhedrin because conscience told them to preach
Jesus Christ as they had been commanded (Acts 4
and 5). This nation was founded upon the principle
of religious freedom, and only under such conditions
could primitive Christianity ever have been restored.
Such a propaganda would have been crushed in its
infancy by ecclesiastical authority, had it been inaugu-
rated on the old continent.
No matter how many times a man may be acquitted
in human courts, if he is guilty of crime, conscience
will convict him and sometimes drive him to confes-
sion, or suicide. We have several instances in the
divine record wherein conscience has created remorse,
sometimes leading to self-destruction (1 Sam. 24:5;
John 8:1-11; Matt. 26:69-75; Matt. 27:1-5). No
matter how much of a hypocritical mask a man may
wear before the world, his conscience convicts him
inwardly of sin. Conscience is of a higher order than
human law.
3. Conscience is supreme among heathen nations.
It is the supreme moral law for people who have
no positive revelation, but who have established sys-
tems of natural religion.
Man has never been found without a religion. It
is as natural for him to pray as to eat. Worship is
an instinct of the spiritual man. There are two kinds
of revelation: The positive revelation of God, or the
Bible, and the revelation of nature. The positive rev-
elation of God is divided into two parts — the law and
the gospel, or the old covenant and the new (Gal.
3:24, 25; Heb. 8). Those races which have no posi-
tive revelation build up a religious system of their
own from the revelation of nature. Brahmanism is
a fair example, in which God is worshiped as the
essence of the material universe. The Aztecs wor-
shiped Him as the sun; the American Indian, as the
Great Spirit. Man, unaided by God, has never been
able to grasp the spiritual conception of God, and
consequently has failed to formulate any true system
of religion. So Christianity is the true system in that
it is the last positive revelation coming directly from
the Almighty.
Ps. 19 : 1, 2. Any one can discern God in the
revelation of nature. The wonderful design of the
material universe substantiates the existence of the
infinite Architect. The existence of life in its varied
forms is positive proof of the existence of a Power
from which life has originated (Rom. 1:19, 20). His
eternal power and Godhead have been manifested since
the beginning of the world, in the marvels of the
material universe. No man has any excuse for deny-
ing God, whether he has a Bible or not.
Rom. 2 : 14, 15. When Gentiles who have no writ-
ten law (Bible) do by nature the things contained in
the written law (Bible), they, having no written law,
become a law unto themselves. They show the works
of the law written in their hearts. Conscience will
bear witness with their standard of moral law, either
excusing or accusing them in the day when all will
be judged. What are some of the works which heathen
nations do by nature that are works of the written
law? "We mention two in particular. The ceremony
of marriage is observed among all heathen nations; as
also the offering of bloody sacrifices to propitiate the
anger of their deities. Both marriage and sacrifice
are of divine origin — works of the written law.
So we see that the law of conscience is supreme
among heathen nations.
4. Conscience is not the supreme law among
nations which have a positive revelation. The positive
revelation of God in the Bible is superior to the rev-
elation of nature. Positive divine law is of a higher
order than moral law. In order to test the faith of
Abraham, God commanded him to offer up his only
son, Isaac, on the sacrificial altar (Gen. 22). Now, it
always was wrong to kill. The sentiment of filial
affection forbade that being done which had been
commanded. Yet the positive command of God made
that right which was wrong within itself. When God
commands we should obey, whether or not we can see
any virtue in the thing commanded.
Conscience is a creature of education. Those
things which the popular conscience sanctions in one
age, it will condemn in another. People upheld slav-
ery one hundred years ago; to-day they condemn it.
Ten years ago they upheld the liquor traffic as a body;
to-day they are voting it out of existence. The pop-
ular conscience is being educated to recognize such
things as wrong in the sight of God.
A person may have a deceived conscience as a
result of improper training. Saul of Tarsus had been
educated a Pharisee of the strictest sect (Acts 26 : 4,
5). He thought, as a result of early training, that
the religion of Christ was false, and he wrought havoc
with the church at Jerusalem and persecuted the
Christians even unto foreign cities (Acts 8:3; 26 : 9-
11). Though sincere in the matter, he says himself
that he was the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:12-15).
Saul was following his conscience when persecuting
Christ; but he was entirely in the wrong. Do you
recall a time in your life when you were sincerely
in the wrong?
Just because a man is sincere is no evidence that
he is right. Saul of Tarsus thought he was right in
ruining the church, because he had a deceived con-
science, or one that had been imperfectly trained. But
it does not follow that he was right just because he
thought so ; in fact, he was absolutely wrong in the
sight of God.
Conscience will dictate according to previous train-
ing. That is why I will do things which I think to
be right, that you look upon as wrong; and that is
why you will do Ihings that you think are right, but
that I look upon as wrong. Your conscience may
have been trained to accept sprinkling or pouring for
baptism; my conscience has been trained to regard
immersion only as baptism. How are we to settle
the matter?
We must have a source of infallibility somewhere;
So we go to that source — the divine guide — the Word,
which is the revelation of God's conscience. What-
ever the Word teaches about the matter is right, is
regardless of our preconceived ideas. We can follow
human conscience just to the extent that it has been
trained in accordance with the Word (1 Pet. 4:11).
Human conscience is not the supreme law for those
who have a positive revelation from God. The life of
Saul of Tarsus should be a constant warning to those
who try to make human conscience supreme.
Some say: "It matters not what you do, just so
you are sincere. " An utter fallacy! There was a
statute in the Mosaic law forbidding any person not
a Levite to touch the ark of the covenant. As the
ark was being taken to Jerusalem on a new cart,
Uzzah saw it totter and threaten to fall. He put out
his hand to steady it. What was the result? He fell
dead on the spot (2 Sam. 6:1-7). No doubt that he
was sincere in the matter, but sincerity did not keep
him from suffering the penalty prescribed for violation
of this particular law of God.
When God outlines a definite program for man to
follow, man must carry out every item of the pro-
gram before God can do the rest for him. The story
of Joshua before Jericho (Josh. 6). The story of
Naaman the leper (2 Kings 5). When God commands
us to believe, repent and be baptized into Christ for
the remission of sins, we have no assurance that God
has pardoned us until we have complied with every
item of the program. We can not follow conscience
because it is subject to positive divine law. We must
obey the word of God.
In this land where Bibles are so easily procured,
there is no excuse for ignorance of divine law. Let us
study to find out the will of God (2 Tim. 2: 15). Let
us educate conscience correctly by a thorough study
of the Word. As we grow in the knowledge of the
redemptive system, we will respect the law of God
more and more; and we will appreciate more highly
His love and benevolence as manifested in the giving
of His only begotten Son for the salvation of erring
mankind (John 3:16),