God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Thoughts are the parents of words and deeds.
J.C. Ryle
Iraq (Apr. 15, 2004) - U.S. Navy Chaplain, Lt. Cmdr. Lulrick Balzora, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Fourteen (NMCB-14), prepares to baptize Construction Mechanic Kyle Ellis. Balzora baptized several members assigned to NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 using a 2.5 cubic yard front-end loader bucket as an improvised baptismal. NMCB-14 and NMCB-74 are currently deployed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). U.S. Navy photo by Builder 2nd Class Jerome Kirkland (RELEASED)
(Acts 3: 19)
IN our text Peter says: 6 'Repent ye, therefore, and be
converted." In the American Revised Version, it
reads: " Repent ye, therefore, and turn." Conversion
is the process of turning to God.
As three distinct changes were involved in the fall
of man, the same changes are involved in his restora-
tion. We prefer to call them "changes," rather than
" steps," as the latter makes the process too formal.
1. The changes involved in the alienation of man
from God were:
a. Change of mind. The first preacher that appeared
after the human family, consisting of Adam and Eve,
were created and placed in the Garden, brought a mes-
sage of disobedience. God had told them that, if they
ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they
would surely die; this preacher said, "Ye shall surely
not die." The supremacy of positive law hung in the
balance (Gen. 3:1-6). The woman listened to the ser-
mon on disobedience.
b. Change of attitude. As the preacher persuaded,
she resolved to eat of the forbidden fruit. She brought
her will in subjection to the will of the devil. But
neither she nor the man fell from their high estate
until they committed the outward act of disobedience.
c. Change of relationship. When they actually ate
of the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened. They
immediately discovered their own nudeness (Gen. 3:7).
They were driven from the Garden and the sentence
was pronounced: "Dust thou art; and unto dust shalt
thou return' ' (Gen. 3:19). They were alienated from
God. Sin had entered their hearts. They no longer
enjoyed personal communion with their Creator; their
relationship was changed by the evil act which they
had done — a disobedience of positive divine law.
2. The same changes are involved in the restoration
of man. Jesus Christ came in the fullness of time
and offered his body as a living sacrifice for the sins
of the world, and effected a way of reconciliation
(Eph. 2:16; Col. 1:21; 2 Cor. 5:18). These same
changes are:
a. Change of mind. Along comes the preacher oi
righteousness (Rom. 1:16). The sinner, being of the
world, alienated from God, listens to the message of
salvation through Christ. He hears the facts of the
gospel (Acts 4:12; Eom. 10:13-17; 1 Cor. 1:18-21;
15:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:20). He believes the gospel. His
mind is changed by faith. He believes that Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of God, and his personal Saviour
(Rom. 10:9).
b. Change of attitude. Moved with sorrow because
of his past sins, he turns to God (2 Cor. 7 : 9, 10). He
is led by the goodness of God to change his attitude
from that of disobedience to that of willingness to obey
(Rom. 2:4). This is repentance. Genuine repentance
leads to confession of sin, restitution, and reformation
of life. But the change of attitude does not put him
in the kingdom. There is one more change necessary.
c. Change of relationship. He shows his faith and
repentance by the overt act of obedience which puts
him into Christ (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:21;
Mark 16: 16). Immersion is the boundary-line between
the church and the world just as the Rio Grande is
the boundary-line between Texas and Mexico. By his
own act of disobedience to a positive divine law, man
fell from his high estate; by his own act of obedience
to a positive divine law, he may be restored to the
kingdom of God (2 Cor. 5:17).
3. We find that three things lead us "unto" Christ;
and one action puts us "into" Christ. "Unto" means
a coming up to; "into" means an actual entrance.
"When I go unto a certain city, I merely approach it;
when I go into the city, I actually enter within.
a. Belief unto righteousness (Rom. 10:10). Right-
eousness is doing the will of God (Matt. 3: 15). Faith
leads a man to do the will of God.
b. Repentance unto salvation (2 Cor. 7:10). God-
ly sorrow causes the sinner to repent, or turn to God.
This turning leads him unto salvation, but not into
Christ. Judas repented, but his sins were not remitted,
as he did not go ahead and obey the gospel (Matt. 27 :
c. Confession unto salvation (Rom. 10 : 10 ; Acts
d. Baptism into Christ (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3).
This act puts us into Christ. It is the visible line be-
tween the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of
God ; an action ordained by the Master Himself. There
is no virtue in the water alone, excepting as a symbol
of purification. There is virtue, however, in the out-
ward act of obedience to a positive law. When a man
will do what God commands, whether he can see any
necessity for it or not, then he has genuine saving faith.
4. God's law of restoration is positive, divine and
unchangeable; just as much so as any of the laws gov-
erning the natural universe. Prayer will not alter a
positive law. For example, study the story of the
sedition of Miriam and Aaron (Num. 12). As a conse-
quence of her rebellious agitation, Miriam was covered
with leprosy. She prayed for cleansing ; Aaron prayed ;
and finally Moses prayed. But she was not healed.
Why? Because God had given a law for the cleansing
of lepers, and He could not change it (Lev. 13 and 14).
Moses stopped the entire procession of the Israelites for
seven days, so that Miriam might be kept without the
camp and be healed according to law.
Jesus Christ, from the cross, prayed: " Father, for-
give them; they know not what they do" (Luke 23:
34). But God did not forgive them. Why? Because
He had previously established a law of restoration, and
He could not change it. By obedience to this law, on
the day of Pentecost, three thousand were forgiven;
and many more during the ensuing days (Acts 2:4).
If a prayer of our Master will not alter a law of
God, how can man presume to do so with impunity?
Man must be taught to respect the law of God.
We hear of thousands " converted" in this day of
handclapping, card-signing evangelism, who have never
been converted at all. We must learn that the only
right way is God's way. Righteousness is doing the
will of God.