God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
We must never forget – if we are to grow in grace, and therefore grow like Christ – that the One we trust, love, and serve is a crucified Savior. To follow Him means taking up the cross, as well as denying ourselves. It means a crucified life.
(Acts 8 : 26-40)
ACTS of Apostles records the more significant acts
of some of the apostles: those that are intended
to serve as examples for all ages to come. The fore
part of the book deals with the preaching of Peter ; the
latter part, with the preaching of Paul.
Of the various cases of conversion recorded, that of
the eunuch is the plainest. The process is so clearly
outlined that misconception is impossible.
By way of introduction we might note that the
eunuch was an Ethiopian; a man of high rank in his
kingdom; that he had come all the way to Jerusalem
to worship, and was now returning home. We are
going to study this conversion under the following
captions :
1. What the angel did. The angel was a special mes-
senger of God. Angels have always played an import-
ant part in God's plans for the human race (Gen. 19:
1; 22:11; Dan. 8:16; Matt. 4:11; Luke 1:11; Acts
7 : 53 ; Gal. 3 : 19 ; 2 Thess. 1:7). The angel told Philip
to go south to "the way that leads from Jerusalem to
Gaza" (v. 26). Philip obeyed, although he left behind
large crowds who had listened to his preaching in
Samaria. He left popularity behind, to start to an-
other destination, without knowing what was in store
for him. He walked by faith and not by sight. We
wonder how many modern evangelists would display
such a degree of faith. When he came to this road, he
saw a chariot coming towards him.
2. What the Spirit did. The Spirit told him to
"join himself to the chariot." Notice that the Spirit
said unto Philip (v. 29). He did not move him, but
said to him in audible tones: "Go near, and join thy-
self to the chariot " (vs. 26-30). The Spirit never told
any one directly how to be saved. The Spirit never
pardoned any one directly. The Spirit operates
through the preaching of the Word (John 6: 63). The
Spirit brought the preacher to the sinner because faith
comes by hearing the word of God (Eom. 10:17).
God's foreign missionary policy was to convert the
eunuch and send him back to his own people to preach
the gospel to them in his native language; as in the
case of Lydia and her household.
3. What the preacher did. The eunuch was reading
the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah regarding the suffering
of Jesus Christ. How different from modern officers
of high rank! Imagine a modern politician riding on
a train reading the Bible ! The eunuch did not under-
stand what he was reading. So Philip began at "the
same scripture and preached unto him Jesus." No
doubt this preaching was done in ordinary conversa-
tion. To-day we might call it "personal work." What
did Philip preach? "Jesus," or how that Jesus of
Nazareth fulfilled the Scriptures (vs. 30-35). Evidently
Philip included baptism in this message, for, as they
were riding along, they came to "a certain water" and
the eunuch asked what hindered him being baptized
(v. 36).
4. What the sinner did. Evidently the eunuch was
a good man. He needed no particular change of life.
But he did need to obey the gospel, in order to be
cleansed by the blood of Christ.
He asked what hindered him being baptized. Philip
told him that he could be baptized if he believed (v.
37). Faith must precede baptism in all instances
(Mark 16: 16; Acts 2: 38). Hence there is no need of
any external rites over the unknowing infant who can
not believe.
What did the eunuch believe — and "with all his
heart" (v. 37). That Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
This is the creed of Christianity (Matt. 16:16). This
embraces the Christian system of faith in one state-
ment. This is all that a sinner needs to believe to be
saved (Rom. 10:8-10).
The eunuch made a confession of his faith before
being baptized. This is the great confession "unto
salvation" which must precede baptism (Rom. 10: 10).
After making this confession at the edge of the
water, they "both went down into the water, both
Philip and the eunuch" (v. 38). Why all this detail?
It seems that God could look forward and see all the
controversy that would ensue over the action of bap-
tism, and made this example too clear for dispute or
misconception. After both Philip and the eunuch went
down into the water, "he baptized him" — that is, the
one who was preaching and baptizing baptized the one
who needed to be baptized. Then they came up out of
the water (vs. 38, 39). From this, we find that bap-
tism requires:
a. Water (v. 36) ;
b. Coming to the water (v. 36) ;
c. Going down into the water (v. 38) ;
d. Coming up out of the water (v. 39).
We find also, in John 3:23, that baptism requires
"much water." But what was the action, while they
were both in the water, by which the eunuch was bap-
tized? Upon investigation, we find that baptism repre-
a. A birth (John 3:5).
b. A death, burial and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-
5; Col. 2:12).
c. A planting (Rom. 6:5).
d. A washing (Acts 22:16; Heb. 10:22).
Why is nothing said of repentance? Repentance is
a complete change of attitude. The attitude of the
eunuch was right. He was a good man and a wor-
shiper of the true God. He was one of those who did
not particularly need any repentance (Lube 15:7).
But he did need to obey; and he demonstrated his
faith by his willingness to obey the commands of the
5. What God did for the sinner. The eunuch had
obeyed; consequently God pardoned him. All who
who obey the gospel will enjoy remission of sins (Acts
2:38). Man must obey on earth; the pardoning is
done in heaven. The Lord adds to the' church those
who are being saved (Acts 2:47).
What was God's plan? Through the Spirit, the
preacher and sinner were brought together; the
preacher preached Jesus Christ ; the sinner heard, be-
lieved, confessed his belief, and obeyed the gospel.
The Lord added him to the church, and the sinner
went on his way rejoicing. He had been redeemed,
sanctified, cleansed by the blood of Christ. This plan
has never been changed.