COUNSELS and Purposes of God

COUNSELS and Purposes of God, The

  1. Are great # Jer 32:19
  2. Are wonderful # Isa 28:29
  3. Are immutable # Ps 33:11 Pr 19:21 Jer 4:28 Ro 9:11 Heb 6:17
  4. Are sovereign # Isa 40:13,14 Da 4:35
  5. Are eternal # Eph 3:11
  6. Are faithfulness and truth # Isa 25:1
  7. None can disannul # Isa 14:27
  8. Shall be performed # Isa 14:24 46:11
  9. The sufferings and death of Christ were according to # Ac 2:23 4:28
  10. Saints called and save according to # Ro 8:28 2Ti 1:9
  11. The union of all saints in Christ, is according to # Eph 1:9,10
  12. The works of God according to # Eph 1:11
  13. Should be declared by ministers # Ac 20:27
  14. Attend to # Jer 49:20 50:45
  15. Secret not to be searched into # De 29:29 Mt 24:36 Ac 1:7
  16. THE WICKED 16a) Understand not

    # Mic 4:12

16b) Despise # Isa 5:19 16c) Reject # Lu 7:30