Cracking The Crack Habit


There’s an epidemic in our midst!! A plague so ominous, so black, so evil hovers over this modern day age. Its victims are consumed, to the very depths of their being. They are snared and held in bondage, tormented and tortured inside out. This plague knows no social barriers. It consumes rich and poor alike and is color blind as it grabs one’s life, and gains control of the depths of the soul.

This vile disgusting creature is called CRACK or rock. Technically it’s the derivative of cocaine base. It promises you the moon and gives emptiness and misery instead. It deceives you. It holds you in a demonic bondage of twisted satisfaction, pain and torture. It offers you a fleeting euphoria that turns in the end to despair and emptiness. Like a deadly cobra it spits poison: fear, paranoia and mental insanity. Its victims become prisoners held in bondage to the craving for the need for a taste, for that momentary elusive euphoria or high. Prisons are full, grave yards packed to testify of the heinous effects of crack or rock cocaine.

The fact is that this plague is Satanic. The Bible portrays the character of Satan and his influences. For instance in John 8:44 he is described as a murderer from the beginning. This is evident as we see the deaths caused through drugs and alcohol, violence and sin. This verse also states that Satan is a liar, this is also true. He is the master of deception and has deceived multitudes to seek false satisfaction through a drug or alcohol high. But this is all a lie! There is no real satisfaction in a drug high. It’s all Satanic deception and the end result is pain, emptiness and inner misery. The final end is torment of the soul, not peace, joy or tranquillity.

Further on in the Bible in John 10:10 Satan is called a thief who has come to steal, kill and to destroy. Crack, cocaine and the drug high, the partying lifestyle is one of the numerous tricks he utilizes. I see and talk to the men incarcerated in prison. I’ve seen the pain as I’ve looked in the eyes of 17 year old prostitutes, and the young people who will steal from their parents in order to get high. Yes, I’ve seen and experienced the reality of Satan’s tactics. He’ s out to rob, kill and destroy. But there’s a cure! There is a solution to the plague that rumbles in our midst. There’s a source that will supply the Joy, Peace and Freedom for which the soul of man craves and cries.

My friend that source is JESUS CHRIST. As one comes to HIM and experiences His love and the forgiveness that’s through His Blood shed upon Calvary’s CROSS, they find freedom and satisfaction. John 8:36 says, “If the SON therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Only in Jesus can we find the peace, joy and liberty the soul seeks. He is the ROCK that never falters. As one comes to Him, admitting they are sinners, and asking God’s forgiveness, receiving his love, mercy and redemption they taste of God’s Grace. As one repents or turns from his sinful wickedness and turns toward God he experiences the peace of Christ’s righteousness, the joy of salvation.

Jesus is the cure. He is the solution to the emptiness and pain of your soul. Pray and ask God to set you free, trust fully in the Blood bought redemption of JESUS CHRIST. There’s freedom in Him and peace that passes all understanding.

Other Bible Helps:

Matthew 11:28-30
John 5:24; 14:6 & 27
Romans 10:9-10
I Corinthians 1:25-31
Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-9.

by Bro. Mickey Park – inmate missionary

Set Free to Serve

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