God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
The more you know about Christ, the less you will be satisfied with superficial views of Him.
C.H. Spurgeon
Cranberry-Apple Sorbet
Digest, Feb95, Ornish, Fatfree
Golden Delicious apples
Peeled, cored, and coarsely
Cranberry Juice
1. In medium-size saucepan, combine apples and juice. Heat to boiling. 2.
Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook 20 minutes or until apples are very
soft. 3. Uncover and set aside to cool to room temperature. 4. In food
processor or blender, puree apple and juice until smooth. 5. Pour into
ice-cream maker and process into sorbet following manufacturer's
directions. OR 6. If not using ice-cream maker, pour puree into a9-inch
square pan. Cover and freeze until partially frozen -- about 2 hours. 7.
Meanwhile, chill a large bowl and beaters of an electric mixer. 8. Place
puree in chilled bowl and beat on low speed until pieces are broken up,
then beat on high speed until smooth and fluffy -- about 1 minute. 9. Pack
sorbet into freezer container and freeze several hours before serving.
Nutritional Info: (per 1/2 cup) 2 g. protein, 27 g. carbohydrate, .3 g.
fat, 2 g. fiber, 2 mg. sodium, 108 calories.
Posted by BRRB11A@prodigy.com (MRS ROSE L GEIGER) to the Fatfree Digest
[Volume 15 Issue 6] Feb. 6, 1995.
Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe collections
copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith,
SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen
Mintzias, km@salata.com.
File ftp://ftp.idiscover.co.uk/pub/food/mealmaster/recipes/fatfreex.zip
A Message from our Provider:
“To ignore God is the height of selfishness”
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