God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
The right way to receive correction based upon Scripture is to be humble. The humble person welcomes every chance the Holy Spirit might be using to burn off the rough edges and forever make him more like his blessed Savior. The humble person doesn’t respond harshly, regardless of the criticism or the messenger, but is concerned with the content and takes everything with a grain of salt, considering it, praying about it and diligently seeks to determine where the correction, to whatever degree, is appropriate. God is given time to work in his heart. Energy and contemplation is placed on, “What is the Lord saying to me” and “how can I learn from these comments” as compared to, “How am I going to defend myself against this attack.” It is about not flying off the handle when corrected, but exercising self-control. Don’t we know that “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (Jas. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5). You see, when we run away from even the slightest hint of criticism, we forfeit the very means by which the Lord wants to use to make us more godly.
Randy Smith
Cranberry-Orange Tart
Desserts, Holiday
French pastry (recipe posted)
Currant jelly; melted
Currant jelly
An orange; cut up
Unflavored gelatin
Orange liqueur
On a lightly floured surface roll French Pastry dough to a 13-inch circle.
Line an 11-inch flan pan with removable bottom with dough, being careful
not to stretch dough. Trim edges. Fold any excess dough under. Prick bottom
and sides; line with foil and fill with dried beans.
Bake pastry in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Remove foil and beans;
baking 10 to 15 minutes more or till pastry is light brown. Brush melted
jelly over bottom of crust. Cool on a wire rack.
In a 10-inch skillet bring the 1 cup jelly and .A cup water to boiling. Add
cranberries;cook, uncovered, over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes or till
berries pop. With slotted spoon, transfer cranberries to a bowl; set aside.
In blender container or food processor bowl combine the orange and 1/4cup o
f the jelly liquid; cover and blend till smooth. Return mixture to skillet.
Combine gelatin and 1/4 cup water let stand 5 minutes. Add gelatin mixture
and liqueur to s killet. Heat and stir till gelatin is dissolved. Pour
gelatin mixture over cranberries. To cool, place skillet in a bowl or sink
of ice about 15 minutes or till mixtu re is partially set, stirring
Spoon mixture into pastry shell; spread evenly. Chill 2 hours or till firm.
To serve, cut into wedges. Makes 10 servings. Scanned and Busted by
Contributor: Holiday Cooking (BH&G 1986)
Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 360 by P&S Gruenwald
<sitm@ne.infi.net> on Dec 12, 1997
A Message from our Provider:
“No one knows the pain of rejected love like Jesus”
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