JOHN xix. 34. “One of the soldiers with a spear pierced His
side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.”

I. EVEN after our Lord’s death men rudely assailed Him.
We too, after His death, have pierced Him by hypocrisy,
by unbelief, by carelessness.
II. These attacks on the Saviour are overruled to display
His grace the better. The heart of Christ was opened by
the spear, and often the heart of truth is revealed by the
opposition brought to bear against it.
III. Since the soldier sent his spear into the Saviour’s
heart, the way to that heart is open. It was always open;
but now we can see it.
IV. The wound in Christ’s side reveals the heart of
Jesus in its preciousness, blood to pardon, water to sanc-
Charles H. Spurgeon