ACTS xxiv. 24. “Concerning the faith in Christ.”

THIS was Paul’s one subject. When did he discourse
upon any other? How did Paul treat his subject? Did
it contract or expand in his hands? It seemed to be a
sentimental subject, but really it was the most practical
of all subjects, for it branched out into righteousness, tem-
perance, and judgment to come. That is the true view
of the faith in Christ. Practical preaching is evangelical
preaching. So a noble life is a Gospel life.
I. Paul’s was personal preaching; and it was addressed
to Felix.
II. Paul’s was practical preaching; it treated of righteous-
III. Paul’s preaching was alarming preaching; Felix
trembled. The best preacher may have a bad hearer. Do
not blame the pulpit. Hearers may become used to the
most powerful and exciting preaching. Felix often sent
for Paul. Even trembling may become a habit. Beware.
IV. Paul’s was argumentative preaching; he reasoned.
J. P.