Dallas Franklyn Billington

Dallas Franklyn Billington
Dallas Billington was born in a log house in west Kentucky. Although his parents were devout Christians and his formative years were spent in a Christian environment, he did not respond personally to the Gospel until the age of 21, in a tent meeting in Paducah, Kentucky, to which he had been invited by his fiancee, Nell Stokes.

In 1927, having moved to Akron, Ohio, to gain employment, he answered God’s call to preach during a serious illness of his infant son, Charles. In June, 1934, he was invited to preach for a small group of people who were meeting in Rimer School. There, with a congregation of 13 and an offering of $1.18, the Akron Baptist Temple was born. Under his ministry during the next 38 years, the church grew to 16,000 members, with physical assets of several million. The outreach of radio, television, and missionaries contributed to its worldwide ministry, in addition to aiding the establishment of hundreds of independent Baptist churches across America.

Dr. Billington’s ministry was unique in that his messages were plain, simple, and to the point. A master in the use of illustrations and always preaching with the invitation in view, he was used of God to win thousands of men to Christ. His compassion for people, his integrity and spotless example as a man of God will long be remembered.

Having suffered heart trouble since 1941, he died August 26, 1972, at the age of 69. His only son, Charles, having served with his father for 24 years, succeeded him as pastor of the Akron Baptist Temple.