

BASIC R.C. BELIEF One ordained to the diaconate, the major order below a priest. He is the priest’ principle assistant at Mass and other rites. With permission of the pastor or bishop, he may preach to the people and, in cases of emergency, administer solemn Baptism or given Holy Communion.

POST VATICAN II The Vatican II document LUMEN GENTIUM (11/14/64) opened the way for married deacons “should the Roman Pontiff see fit.”

In February 1978, the first ordination to the permanent diaconate (not a diaconate as a step toward priesthood) for the Oakland, California diocese was held. It began with a procession of the deacons and their wives.

The deacon’s primary purpose is stated to be service, but this is specifically assisting at the altar during Mass, preaching the Gospel, administering Baptism and Holy Vaticum and conducting wake, funeral and prayer services.

In an editorial, Rev. Mangini of the Catholic Voice said, “We now hope the Church, both locally and as a whole, will take up the important question of the ordination of women to the diaconate.”

CHRISTIAN COMMENT The Roman Catholic concept of a deacon is not biblical (Acts 6:1-4). A deacon’s function is that of practical service, rather than being primarily a liturgical function.