Discussions With Unbelievers


We have, over the years, held many discussions with various individuals and groups regarding the Holy Bible and the inspiration of the text by God. In many cases we have had to allow the “other end” to remain with their beliefs while we retained our own. The factors of each time have always resulted in the situation that the “other end” chooses to disbelieve. The Bible, time and time again, over the centuries has proven its trustworthiness and accuracy. While this convinces a few, several remain in disbelief by choice. It is for those individuals that this series of questions is posed:

  1. How is it that the Old Testament, one of the most ancient of books, is always marvelously accurate when it touches scientific questions; whereas ALL other books a hundred years old, whenever touching such questions are full of glaring, and often foolish mistakes. A scientist once wrote to the British Association apologizing for not having a paper printed. He stated, “anything printed is ipso facto out of date.”
  2. How is it that of the Bible, and the BIBLE ALONE, it can be said: “It has … truth without any mixture of error for its matter” (Locke). How is it that no single virtue or standard of righteousness taught elsewhere eclipses that taught in the Bible?
  3. How is it that no references to historical events, historical characters, ancient customs, geographical and astronomical records abounding in the Bible have been proved incorrect?
  4. How do you explain how Christ could be “in the beginning with God,” one with the Father, and at the same time err in teaching and believing that the Bible was verbally inspired, as Jesus did?
  5. How is it that hundreds of prophesies recorded in the Bible have been fulfilled to the letter, centuries after they were recorded. Why is it that the BIBLE ALONE has this unique feature that NO OTHER text in the world has?
  6. How is it that a book written by some 40 individuals whose writings ranged over 1600 years, could, when bound together, present one unique whole, whose unity of thoughts in doctrine and plan is evident to the most casual of readers, and is a matter of increasing wonder and admiration to the student. Again, this has NEVER been found in any other collection of literature. A vivid contrast are the Hindu Shastras.
  7. How is that writers such as Moses, David, Isaiah, John, Paul, Peter and many other men of integrity and spiritual acumen, could claim that many of the words they used were God’s words, and all were written by inspiration, if in truth they had written them themselves apart from the control of the Holy Spirit. The former claim is made by the writers about 4,000 times.
  8. How is it that fishermen, tax collectors and others were enabled to succeed in portraying a perfect character in the Gospels which no other writers have been able to do before or since them?
  9. How is it that the Law given to Israel milleniums ago, worked successfully for centuries without amendment or repeal (Deut 4:2); and finally was used as a basis for British and American Law. During the reign of Victoria over 650 acts of Parliament were repealed. No count was kept of amendments!
  10. How do you explain how it is that God honors all the promises in His Word when conditions are fulfilled, and when presented by those to whom they have been given. If they are not HIS promises, why does HE honor them?
  11. How is it that the words of Scripture have, in numerous cases, unaided by man’s influence, completely transformed the reader, turning him from the ways of error to a holy, clean and upright life? No OTHER book can make such a claim!
  12. How is it that the spiritual treasures are inexhaustible. Every year produces scores of volumes, thousands of sermons, and tens of thousands of articles – all of which seek to exploit the unsearchable depths and riches of Jesus Christ, and the precious truths and teachings found in the Bible. This cannot be said about ANY OTHER book ever written!
  13. How is it that apart from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit much of the contents of the Bible are hidden from the wisest?
  14. How is it that the Scriptures are uniquely adaptable for translation into any tongue? All other books lose greatly being translated and the value of many would be practically lost. There are over 800 languages and dialects in which some portion of the Bible is now obtainable in print. Many of these add freshness and beauty to a multitude of passages.

To close, I wish to add that I have yet to debate with a person on the merits of the Bible where my opponent has even read the Bible. The majority have desired to question my faith and my beliefs without addressing the issue of the Bible. They wish to quote other human writers without the scholar attitude of checking the Bible themselves.