1. Visions in sleep # Job 33:15 Da 2:28
  2. Often by imaginary # Job 20:8 Isa 29:8
  3. Excess of business frequently leads to # Ec 5:3
  4. God’s will often revealed in # Nu 12:6 Job 33:15
  5. FALSE PROPHETS 5a) Pretended to

    # Jer 23:25-28 29:8

5b) Not to be regarded in # De 13:1-3 Jer 27:9 5c) Condemned for pretending to # Jer 23:32 6) Vanity of trusting to natural # Ec 5:7 7) THE ANCIENTS 7a) Put great faith in # Jud 7:15 7b) Often perplexed by # Ge 40:6 41:8 Job 7:14 Da 2:1 4:5 7c) Anxious to have, explained # Ge 40:8 Da 2:3 7d) Consulting magicians on # Ge 41:8 Da 2:2-4 8) God the only interpreter of # Ge 40:8 41:16 Da 2:27-30 7:16 9) MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE OF 9a) Abimelech # Ge 20:3-7 9b) Jacob # Ge 28:12 31:10 9c) Laban # Ge 31:24 9d) Joseph # Ge 37:5-9 9e) Pharaoh’s butler and baker # Ge 40:5-19 9f) Pharaoh # Ge 41:1-7 9g) Midianite # Jud 7:13-15 9h) Solomon # 1Ki 3:5-15 9i) Nebuchadnezzar # Da 2:1,31 4:5,8 9j) Daniel # Da 7:1-28 9k) Joseph # Mt 1:20,21 2:13,19,20 9l) Wise men # Mt 2:11,12 9m) Pilate’s wife # Mt 27:19 10) ILLUSTRATIVE OF 10a) Prosperity of sinners # Job 20:5-8, Ps 73:19,20 10b) Impure imaginations # Jude 1:8 10c) Enemies of the church # Isa 29:7,8