Driven To Darkness Dave Wilke DRIVEN TO DARKNESS! BY DAVID WILKERSON (8-3-1987)

“‘To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according
to this word, it is because there
is no light in them…And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness; and they shall be driven to darkness.’ -Isaiah 8:20- 22

Last night I attended a Christian music

festival. I will never forget what I saw, and can truly say was a heartbreaking experience. Since leaving the concert I have been weeping for hours, groaning in the Spirit, feeling the wrath of a holy God burning against what I sa w.

I went to the festival because the ‘star performer’ featured last night had been in my office just hours before, crying, telling me how much he loved Jesus, how sincere he was, how he wanted to learn more about holines
s. He told me
my written messages convicted him. His words sounded right-his attitude seemed humble. At his request I went to hear him and his group because he assured me I would not be offended.

My heart is now so set on the
massive human
need in New York City, and my great concerns now have to do with rescuing lost souls from drugs, alcohol and demon possession. I DID NOT WANT TO GET INVOLVED ANYMORE IN THE MATTER OF ROCK AND ROLL, HEAVY METAL, AND
I felt I had said enough on the subject and I told the musician so when he sat in my office. We have prayed together and I hugged him when he left my office.

I went last night with an open heart, full of
love and compassions – for him, for all Christian musicians, and especially for the 3,000 or so young people attending the festival. I sat through two devotional-type songs, then I sat attentively listening as the musi
cian testified
about what he said Christ had done in his life. No preacher anywhere could have spoken with more conviction and sincerity-the words were right. He spoke of separation, of being obedient to Jesus, of winning so
uls, of prayer, of holy
matrimony [he was married], of living a holy ÜjÜ