COM:What God has done for us by Mark S. Camp
I. Doctrinal
- Chapter 1
- Blessed us with every spiritual blessing
- Elected us unto salvation
- Predestined us to be adopted as sons
- Freely bestowed his grace upon us through Christ
- Redeemed us and forgiven us of our sins
- Made known to us the mystery of his will
- Given us an eternal inheritance
- Sealed us with the Holy Spirit
- Given us ability to have a knowledge of him
- Enlightened the eyes of our heart
- Raised Christ from the dead and seated him in a place of sovereign Lordship
- Chapter 2
- In mercy and love he quickened us out of our
deadness and made us alive with Christ
2. Made us to reign with Christ
3. Given us faith to believe in Christ
4. Created us to do good works
5. Made us to be his spiritual Israel
6. Made us partakers of the covenants of promise
7. Abolished the law of commandments
8. Reconciled both Jew and Gentile by Christ’s death 9. Has given us direct access to himself
10. Made us fellow citizens of his household
11. Has made the church a holy temple in the Lord
12. Has made the corporate body of believers a
dwelling place for his Spirit
C. Chapter 3
- Has revealed to us the mystery of Christ by the preaching of the prophets and apostles
- Has made the church the vehicle of communicating his manifold wisdom
- Has made men to be martyrs so that we might come to glory in Christ
- He is able to strengthen our inner man by his power through the ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Has enabled us to have Christ dwell in our hearts by faith
- Enables us to know the love of Christ which surpasses common knowledge and understanding
- He able is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think according to the power that works within us
II. Practical
- Chapter 4
- We are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling
- We are to manifest the fruits of humility, patience, and gentleness
- We are to forbear with one another
- We are to make every effort to promote unity and peace within the body
- We are to thank him for the gifts which he has given to the church
- The pastor-teachers are to equip the people for the work of the ministry
- The saints are themselves to minister
- We are to continually strive for a greater knowledge of the truth
- We are to press on towards spiritual maturity
- We are to discern between true and false teachers
- The truth is not to be compromised
- The truth is to be spoken in love
- We are to keep in mind that we as individuals make up one body and that we need each other in order to be complete
- We are to keep ourselves free from impurity and greed
- We are to lay aside laziness and constantly be renewing our minds
- We are to admonish one another when necessary and are not to be quick to take offense
- We are not to allow the devil the opportunity to make us become angry and vengeful
- We are to be honest at our labors
- We are to share material goods with one another
- We are to guard out tongues and are to speak words of edification to one another
- We are to put away bitterness and malice and slanderous talk
- We are to forgive one another and be kindhearted to one another
- Chapter 5
- We are to imitate the character of God
- We are to walk together in love
- We are to keep ourselves from immorality
- We are not to act as fools and court-jesters, telling off-colored stories and the such
- We are to praise God and give him thanks
- We are to be separated from those who practice evil
- We are to walk as people upon whom the light of the gospel has shown
- We are to expose sin and heresy
- We are to walk wisely, making the most of our time
- We are to indulge moderately in the pleasures of this life, deriving our chief joy and happiness from godly things
- We are to be people of praise
- We are to be submissive to one another in the fear of Christ
- Wives are to respect and be submissive to their husbands
- Husbands are to exhibit Christ-like love towards their wives
- Husbands are to cherish their wives and nourish them both physically and spiritually
- Chapter 6
- Children are to obey their parents
- Parents are to treat their children graciously and instruct them constantly in the things of God
- In our secular occupations we are to respect our employers and work for them as though we were working for God
- If we own a business we are to treat our employees fairly
- We are to find our strength in the Lord
- We are to put on the armor of God and withstand the schemes and tricks of the devil
- We are to pray spiritual prayers, not mere repetitions of words
- We are to pray for all the saints, especially for those who labor in spreading the gospel
- We are to love our Lord Jesus Christ with a sincere, incorruptible love
- Do you realize what God has done for you?
- Are you acting accordingly?