Erev Rosh HaShannah service n i

Rosh HaShannah TISHRI 1; 5750 . .HOLY DAYS BEGIN AT SUNDOWN ON PRECEDING DAY . . 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992. .ROSH HA–SHANNAH……………….09/12 09/30 09/20 09/09 09/28 . ROSH HA-SHANAH/NEW YEARS…….Civil New Year; The blowing of the shofar

(Yom Truah), seen by some as the future event spoken of in 1Thess.4:13-18. .
Erev Rosh HaShannah, Chag haTruah, Feast of Trumpets Messianic Service: .
{found in Erev Shabbat home service}

  1. {Turn to section 3 of Erev Shabbat Synagogue Service}
  2. READINGS: Lev. 23:23-25 Psalms 81:1-4
  3. CONGREGATION SINGS: Adonai Sphatai
  4. O Lord, open thou my lips that my mouth might declare Thy praise. Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, and God of our fathers; God of Abraham, God of Issac and God of Jacob; great, mighty, and revered God, sublime God, who bestowest loving kindness, and art Master of all things, Who hast graciously brought the Redeemer, Yeshua HaMashiach, to provide our atonement; and wilt bring Israel unto Thyself for Thy Holy Names sake. Thank You for life, O King Who delightest in life; thank You for inscribing us in the Lamb’s book of life, through the sacrifice of Yeshua, the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world.
  5. CONGREGATION SINGS: Melech Ozair.
  6. Thou sustainest the living with kindness and revivest the dead with great mercy; Thou support all who fall and heal the sick; Thou settest the captives free, and keepest faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like Thee Lord of power? Who resembles Thee O King? Thou bringest death and restorest life, and causest Salvation to flourish. Thou art Holy and Thy Name is Holy, and holy beings praise Thee daily. Thou O Lord our God, hast graciously given us this day of Remembrance, a day for the blowing of the shofar, a holy festival in remembrance of the exodus from Egypt, and of our future exodus from this world to be forever with the Lord. .
  7. READINGS: Num 10:1-3 I Thess.4:13-17 I Cor. 15:51-57
  8. Our God, and God of our fathers, may the remembrance of Messiah the son of David Thy servant ascend and come and be accepted before Thee for deliverance and happiness, for grace, kindness and mercy, for life and peace on this Day of Remembrance for Israel as it is for us. Draw Thy people Israel, and all peoples, unto Thyself through Yeshua HaMashiach, our Salvation, for Thou art a gracious and merciful God and King. BaShem Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen. . 3. SOUNDING THE SHOFAR, {Trumpet}
    1. CONGREGATION SINGS: Clap Your Hands
    2. READINGS: Ps. 47
    3. BLESSING: Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who hast sanctified by the blood of the Messiah, and commanded us to hear the sound of the Shofar. . CONGREGATION RECITES: May it be Thy will O Lord our God, and God of our fathers to let the sounds that come forth from our shofar ascend before Thy throne in remembrance of Thy deliverance of Israel from Egypt, and of that future day when Thou shalt gather us unto Thyself. .
    4. RESPONSIVE READING: Happy are the people who know the trumpet-call!

      O Lord, they walk in the light of Thy favor. In Thy Name they rejoice all the day long;

      Through Thy justice they are exalted. For Thou art their glorious strength;

      And through Thy favor our honor is high. Happy are those who dwell in Thy house;

      They are ever praising Thee. Happy are the people that are so situated;

      Happy are those people whose God is the Lord. .

    5. All the living shall ever thank Thee and sincerely praise Thy Name O God, Who art always our Salvation and help. May it please Thee to bless Thy people Israel with peace at all times and at all hours.
    7. CONGREGATION SINGS: I Will Bless…,He Who Keepeth Israel

      L’shannah tovah tikawtaevu! May all be inscribed for a good year, even as those who are trusting in Yeshua haMashiach are inscribed for everlasting life. . 4. KIDDUSH: . Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who createst the fruit of the vine. Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who hast chosen and exalted us above all nations, and hast sanctified us through the blood of the Messiah. Thou O Lord hast graciously given us this Day of Remembrance, a day for the sounding of the Shofar, a Holy Festival in remembrance of the departure from Egypt and the coming departure from the earth as we are gathered unto Yeshua in clouds. Blessed art Thou O Lord, King over all the earth, Who sanctifieth the Festival of Trumpets. . Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who bringest forth bread from the earth. . Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who createst the fruit of the tree. {Dipping apple in honey say:} May it be Thy will O Lord our God and God of our fathers to grant us a happy and pleasant New Year. . Shalom

      [Rabbi T. Nassi on Rosh HaShannah]…the three-fold sound of the ram’s horn which is sounded on Rosh Hashanah, is an emblem of the Three-fold nature of G-d. . While the shofar is being blown in the Synagogue on Rosh HaShannah the following remarkably significant prayer is offered: . Merciful and gracious G-d, I have sinned against Thee, and done that which is evil in Thy sight. Have mercy on me and forgive all my transgressions, trespasses and sins, through >Yehoshua< the Prince of His Presence.1 . In most prayer books of the present day this prayer is omitted, and the following offered instead: . May it please Thee, O L-rd G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that Thou mayest accept it as the meditation through Elijah and Joshua, the Prince of the Presence, the Prince Metatron and that Thou mayest be filled with mercy towards us. Blessed art Thou, O L-rd Who art merciful. . The angel Metatron, according to Jewish theology, was he who discoursed with Moses[2] and the angel in whom G-d placed His Name. The following from the Zohar is of interest in this case: . There is a man, if a Man He is, Who is an Angel.This Angel is Metatron, the Keeper of Israel; He is a man in the image of the Holy One, blessed be He, Who is an Emanation from Him [from G-d]; yea, He [the Metatron] is Jehovah. Of Him cannot be said, He is created, formed or made; but He is the Emanation from G-d.3 . 1.Salvation:don’t have the referrance handy to look it up for myself as to the exact form of the word used…seems to be Joshua. from the Prayer Book For The New Year (1913). Rev.Dr.A.Th.Phillips, page 100. 2.Exodus 3:2-15 3.Zohar, chapter 67, page 130.

      Now, brothers, we want you to know the truth about those who have died; otherwise, you might become said the way other people do who have nothing to hope for. For since we believe that Yeshua died and rose again, we also believe that in the same way God, through Yeshua, will take with Him those who have died. When we say this, we base it on the Lord’s own Word: we who remain alive when the Lord comes will certainly not take precedence over those who have died. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a rousing cry, with a call from one of the ruling angels, and with God’s shofar/{ram’s horn}; those who died united with the Messiah will be the first to rise; then we who are left still alive will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord. So encourage each other with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18/JNT