This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series EXACTLY WHAT OUR SAVIOR TAUGHT ABOUT SIN


With gratitude to God for all who are faithful dealing out His Word, and with Christian charity for those who honestly differ from his own convictions, the writer still believes there is a tragic need for a re-examination of the sin question, in the Light of Christ’s own words.

Many are teaching that Christians “sin every day in thought, word and deed.” Yet, the Son of God from Heaven declared, “He that loveth Me keepeth My commandments,” and who could truthfully say that he sins while he is keeping the commandments of Jesus?

In a time when the world is divided into two camps and both are stock-piling bombs and missiles that could literally annihilate the other, surely it is time to make every possible effort to learn and to teach exactly what He taught, who came into the world to “bear witness of the Truth; “and Who is, indeed, “the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

In 1896 a passenger train was flying into New York City. Another train was flying in the opposite direction on the same track. There was a head-on collision. There were 300 members of the Knights of Pythias on that train. Fifty lives were snuffed out. The engineer of one of the trains was pinned under his engine. When they came to remove the wreckage they heard his agonizing cries. They pulled him out. The blood was streaming from his nostrils. He was crushed. The tears were streaming down his cheeks. In his dying pains he held a piece of yellow paper, crushed in his hand and he said, “Take this. This will show you that someone gave me the wrong orders.”

In publishing this book my deepest concern has been to give only the most accurate information by setting forth exactly what Christ himself taught.

The author

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