God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
What the Holy Spirit does in the new birth is not to make a man a Christian regardless of the evidence, but on the contrary to clear away the mists from his eyes and enable him to attend to the evidence.
(Acts 16:31.)
WITHOUT faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is absolutely necessary
to salvation (Mark 16: 16). It is the first command of the
gospel (Acts 16:31). It must precede baptism (Acts
8 : 36, 37). In this discourse we desire to find out what
faith is and how it is produced.
1. What is faith?
a. In its narrowest sense, it is the belief of testi-
mony. Those nations which have had no positive reve-
lation know nothing of Jesus Christ (John 20:30, 31).
Where there is no testimony, there is no faith.
b. In a broader sense, it is absolute confidence in
God. It is taking Ood at His word (Heb. 11). In this
chapter the blessings of faith are recited and the
meaning of faith illustrated in the lives of the ancient
men of God, who walked by faith, and not by sight.
c. In its broadest sense, it is "the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen" (Heb.
11:1). "Substance" means that which stands under,
and supports, a structure. Faith is that which supports
all of our hopes. It stands under our hope of immor-
tality and eternal life.
"The evidence of things hoped for 9 9 means the as-
surance that such things do exist. I have never been
in Boston or Paris or Berlin, but I have the evidence
that these cities are in existence. I have never seen
Jesus Christ in person, but I have the evidence con-
tained in His wonderful teachings and promises.
Where? In the word of God.
2. How is faith acquired? Calvinism teaches that
men are as dead spiritually as was Lazarus physically;
and that, since it required a special miracle to raise
Lazarus from the dead, it requires miraculous influence
to save a sinner. If this be true, there is no such a
thing as human responsibility; and all men should be
saved, as God is no respecter of persons. But it is not
true, as the following Scriptures will prove:
a. John 17 : 20. How do we believe ? Through their
(the apostles') word.
b. John 20:30, 31. These things were written to
make you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Believing, you may have life through His name.
c. Acts 15 : 7. Their believing a result of hearing.
d. Acts 17 : 11, 12. The Bereans searched the Scrip-
tures daily. Therefore many of them believed.
e. Rom. 10 : 17. This clinches the matter.
Faith is not produced by prayer. It is not a direct
gift from God. It comes from hearing the Word.
3. What must men believe to be saved? (John 20:
30, 31; Acts 8: 37.) Belief in Lutheranism, Calvinism,
Methodism, or any other "ism," will not bring any
remission of sins. The faith that will save is the be-
lief in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. This faith
comes from the investigation of testimony.
4. The scope of faith.
a. It stretches from the cradle to the grave. The
infant's faith in mother. The pupil's faith in the
b. It controls the business world.
c. It makes the home life happy.
d. It lightens the burdens of life.
e. It makes the soul happy at the coming of death.
5. What is the object of faith? "That we might
have life through his name." Notice that by faith
only we do not have life; but we may have life, and
have it more abundantly, if our faith is strong enough
to lead us to obedience (John 3:14-17; 20:30, 31).
"To as many as received him, to them he gave
the power to become the children of God" (John 1:
12). They are not children of God by faith alone;
but they have the power to become such after believ-
ing in His name.
Faith without works is dead (Jas. 2:17). Faith
alone makes merely a disciple. We must repent and
be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38),
in order to get into Christ, and be Christians (Gal.
Faith is a continuous thing. Repentance is faith
willing; confession is faith speaking; baptism is faith
acting; prayer is faith communing; and the Christian
life is faith serving. Hence we are saved by faith as
a system that leads to the very portals of eternity,
where it becomes a faith realized (Gal. 2:20; 3:26;
1 Cor. 13:13; 1 Pet. 1:9).