FAQ before you attend a church

by Glen on 2002-09-01 00:47:18

From http://www.uccks.org/faq.php

  1. Why should I

    want to go to church? and where does it say to go to church in the bible?

    1. In Hebrews the Bible says, “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves
      together.” In other words Christian should get together often. When Christians
      get together it is called church.
      SCRIPTURE: Hebrews

    2. What do you
      do in church?

    3. The purpose for getting together as Christians is to encourage, teach,
      fellowship, pray and have fun together (have our spirits lifted). Singing
      is often a big part of this.
      SCRIPTURE: Acts
      and Ephesians

    4. Aren’t some
      of the world’s biggest sinners in church?

      1. Yes, often big sinners get some psychological support and justification
        to not change by attending and even being a leader in a church.
        SCRIPTURE: Acts
        and 3
        John 9-11

      2. If there are
        sinners in church why would I want to go to church where they are?

      3. To encourage, teach, pray and be an example of real Christian discipleship.
        SCRIPTURE: 1
        Timothy 4:12

      4. Do I have to
        be a Christian to go to Church?

      5. No, many people attend church when they are searching for faith.
        Some just attend out of a need for fellowship.
      6. I don’t know of any church that limits attendance to Christians.
        SCRIPTURE: 1
        Corinthians 14:24-25
        and Luke

      7. What do I have
        to wear to go to Church?

      8. Wear whatever you would wear to work or any other public place.
        There is no such thing as ‘church clothes’
        SCRIPTURE: James

      9. Am I going to
        be laughed at or made fun of since I’ve never been?

        1. No
          SCRIPTURE: Romans

        2. What does it
          take to be saved?

        3. The main point of the Bible is that God resists the proud, but gives
          grace to the humble. Humility before God is the source of the salvation that
          He promised through grace by His son Jesus.
          SCRIPTURE: James
          and Luke

        4. Do I have to
          pay money to go or tithe money to go?

        5. No, Giving to God comes from our surrender to him and is not related
          to attending a church service even though offerings are received for His work
          in church services.
          SCRIPTURE: 2
          Corinthians 8:1-5

        6. Is this church
          just out to get money?
      10. No, God will provide through those who love Him the resources to
        operate each church.
        SCRIPTURE: 2
        Corinthians 9:7-8