This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Feasts

FEAST of Sabbatical Year, The

  1. A sabbath for the land # Le 25:2
  2. Kept every seventh year # Ex 23:11 Le 25:4
  3. Surplus of sixth year to provide for # Le 25:20-22
  4. ENACTMENTS RESPECTING 4a) Cessation of all field labour# Le 25:4,5

4b) The fruits of the earth to be common property # Ex 23:11 Le 25:6,7 4c) Remission of debts # De 15:1-3 Ne 10:31 4d) Release of all Hebrew servants # Ex 21:2 De 15:12 4e) Public reading of the law at feast of tabernacles # De 31:10-13 4f) No release to strangers during # De 15:3 5) Release of, not to hinder the exercise of benevolence # De 15:9-11 6) Jews threatened for neglecting # Le 26:34,35,43 Jer 34:13-18 7) The seventy years captivity a punishment for neglecting # 2Ch 36:20,21 8) Restored after the captivity # Ne 10:31

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