It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
Lam. iii. 27.
Take my yoke upon you. These are Thy
words, Lord Jesus. It is good to bear Thy
yoke in youth.
By Thy yoke my naturally wild and way-
ward will must be subdued, and my life
trained to obedience and usefulness. It is
good that this be done while my nature is
yet pliable, and my habits are not yet
It is good for me to be early restrained,
and instructed in the way in which I ought
to go. For this reason, a kind heavenly
Father has placed me under the guard and
restraint of parents. For this reason He
has placed me under the watchful care of
the Church. How good it is that I am sur-
rounded by those who are older, wiser, and
more experienced than I am, that I may be
counselled, warned, and instructed. Lord,
give me humility and a submissive spirit,
that I may profit by these advantages.
I am now also a Catechumen. I know
that much is expected of me. The eyes of
others are now fixed on me. My walk and
conversation will be strictly noticed. This
will be a restraint on me. It is good for me
that I bear this yoke. O may the thought
of these things make me watchful, and aid
in keeping me in my place!
I must now yield myself to the influences
which are to aid in turning my life into the
right channel. I have not been forced to
assume these restraints on my spirit and
conduct. I see that they are good and need-
ful to me, and hence I desire to be under
them. O may they be means of great good
to me!
When I become a full member of the
Church, I will have still greater restraints
around me. How must I watch my words,
and guard my life! But my profession will
be a yoke that it will be good for me to bear
in my youth; and Thou, my Saviour, wilt
grant me grace to learn of Thee. Then Thy
yoke will be easy unto me, and Thy burden