God, Thou hast taught me from my youth. — Ps.
lxxi. 17.
Thou hast taught me from my youth.
Through my parents, through my teachers,
through the pastors of Thy Church, Thou
hast taught me. I can neither remember
nor tell all the many ways in which Thou
hast taught me. But when I think of hea-
then youth, or see the many youth of
ungodly parents around me, who are grow-
ing up in ignorance of Thee and of Thy holy
religion, I am filled with gratitude for what
Thou hast done for me.
Above all, Thou hast taught me by Thy
Holy Spirit! He was given to me in my
baptism; and all through my childhood, by
a “still small voice,” He drew my tender
heart away from sin, and allured it toward
Thee! Everlasting thanks, heavenly Fa-
ther, for the gift of the Holy Ghost!
O Holy Spirit! Thou who art true and
eternal God, with the Father, and the Son;
who art also given to me, to make me, by a
true faith, partaker of Christ and all His
benefits; fulfil in me, I beseech Thee, Thy
mission of love, and abide with me forever.