FIRST Fruits
FIRST Fruits, The
- To be brought to God’s house # Ex 34:26
- DIFFERENT KINDS OF 2a) Barley harvest
# Le 23:10-14
2b) Wheat harvest # Ex 23:16 Le 23:16,17 2c) Wine and oil # De 18:4 2d) Wool # De 18:4 2e) Honey # 2Ch 31:5 2f) Fruit of new trees in fourth year # Le 19:23,24 2g) All agricultural produce # De 26:2 3) To be the very best of their kind # Nu 18:12 4) Holy to the Lord # Eze 48:14 5) God honoured by the offering of # Pr 3:9 6) Offering of, consecrated the whole # Ro 11:16 7) TO BE OFFERED 7a) Without delay # Ex 22:29 7b) In a basket # De 26:2 7c) With thanksgiving # De 26:3-10 8) Allotted to the priests # Nu 18:12,13 Le 23:20 De 18:3-5 9) Law of, restored after the captivity # Ne 10:35,37 13:31 10) ILLUSTRATIVE OF 10a) The Jewish church # Jer 2:3 10b) First converts in any place # Ro 16:5 10c) Church of Christ # Jas 1:18 Re 14:4 10d) Resurrection of Christ # 1Co 15:20,23