O Lord, look upon mine adversity and
misery, which call aloud to Thee for ease.
O, most gracious God, my pains are extreme;
have pity on me, and lighten them. In
Thine anger, which I have deserved, remem-
ber mercy, and consider my feebleness and
frailty. I have waited for Thy relief,
Father; give me the comforts of it. show
me Thy mercy, and speedily, for my need is
great. Send me seasonable help and strength
now, and everlasting rest with Thee in the
end: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
It is sometimes said that the doctrine of predestination exposes God to the charge of injustice. But this is hardly correct. We could speak of injustice only if man had a claim on God, and God owed man eternal salvation. But the situation is entirely different if all men have forfeited the blessings of God, as they have. No one has the right to call God to account for electing some and rejecting others. He would have been perfectly just, if He had not saved any, Matt. 20:14, 15; Rom. 9:14, 15.
Louis Berkhof