O God of Hosts, who in Thy wonderful
providence, hast made the holy angels minis-
tering spirits, and sendest them to minister
to them who are the heirs of salvation; be-
hold with pity the temptations and dangers
to which the frailty of my nature is con-
stantly exposed; and give Thy holy angels
charge to bear me in their hands, that I fall
not. Let those friendly spirits ever succor
and defend me in my pilgrimage on earth,
and shield me from all the violence of the
powers of darkness. Give me grace, I be-
seech Thee, to praise and adore Thee for
their ministry and protection; and to endea-
vor to do Thy will with the same diligence
and industry, with the same zeal and cheer-
fulness, as it is done by Thy blessed angels
in heaven; that, imitating their exemplary
obedience, and unspotted purity, in life, I
may enjoy the advantage of their assistance
in the hour of death, in that dismal conflict
with the powers of darkness; and being by
them conducted to the mansions of glory,
may be advanced to a more intimate society
with them, in the life to come: through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I used to write in my daily calendar “7-7:30 a.m.: Prayer.” But many times I passed that up. It was one more thing to pass by that day. Now I write “7-7:30 a.m.: God.” Somehow that's a little harder to neglect.
Don Postema