O blessed Jesus, who in Thy life and death
hast set before us a perfect pattern of humi-
lity, enable me by Thy grace to imitate Thy
wonderful condescension; that I may not,
by pride and vanity, lose that happiness
which Thy humility hath purchased for me.
Make me sensible of my own vileness, by
reason of my sins, which are evident proofs
of my folly and weakness, baseness and in-
gratitude, and render me contemptible in
Thy sight. Let the thoughts of this cover
me with shame and confusion, check all my
vain and aspiring thoughts, and wean me
from any fond opinion of myself.
To Thee, O Lord, belongs the glory of all
the good I enjoy, for from Thee I receive it;
to Thee belongs the glory of all the good I
think, or do, for it is Thy grace enables me,
and Thy Holy Spirit works in me to will
and to do, according to Thy good pleasure.
O let me never purchase the praise of men
by mean flattery, and sinful compliances,
nor entertain their applause with too great
delight; but make me humble in all thoughts
of myself, and patient under reproaches and
indignities, because Thou, who wast without
sin, didst not disdain to suffer them for my
sake: Grant this, blessed Jesus, who with
the Father, and the Holy Spirit, livest and
reignest one God, world without end. Amen.