Gracious God, who art good, and dost
good, who extendest Thy loving kindness to
all mankind; suffer me not to exclude any
from my charity, who are the objects of Thy
tenderness and mercy; but grant me grace
to treat all my neighbors with that love and
good will which is due to all Thy servants
and children.
Make me ready to embrace all occasions
that may minister to their happiness, by
assisting the needy, protecting the oppressed,
instructing the ignorant, reproving the
wicked and profane. Grant, that I may look
upon the defects and frailties of others as if
they were mine own; that I may conceal
them; and making Thy love to me, O blessed
Jesus, the pattern of my love to them, may
I above all things endeavor to promote their
eternal welfare. Thou didst not think any-
thing too dear to part with, to rescue me
from eternal misery; O let me not think
anything too dear to part with, that may set
forward the everlasting good of my fellow
Christians. They are members of Thy body;
therefore I will cherish them. Thou hast
redeemed them with an inestimable price;
therefore will I endeavor to recover them
from destruction; that, thus adorning Thy
holy gospel by doing good according to my
power and capacity, I may at last be received
into the endearments of Thy eternal love,
and sing praises to the Lamb, who was slain,
and sitteth upon the throne, to whom be
glory forever. Amen, Amen.