God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
God is pleased when you give beyond your ability to give. The point is God is pleased when you give sacrificially. Salvation is free, but stewardship is costly. Few of us really give sacrificially. Most of us adjust our standard of giving to our standard of living. Instead, we should adjust our standard of living to our standard of giving.
PAUL'S solemn charge to Timothy, that of an in-
spired apostle of Jesus Christ to a young minister
of the gospel, was :
"Preach the word; be urgent in season, out of
season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering
and teaching; for the time will come when they will
not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching
ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own
lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth,
and turn aside unto fables. But be thou sober in all
things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist,
fulfil thy ministry."
Although this exhortation was given to all preachers
of the glad tidings of salvation through Christ, just as
much as to Timothy, we are sorry to say that it re-
ceives very little consideration from a great number of
professed spiritual leaders of to-day. For some reason,
ministers have gotten the impression that the world is
no longer in need of the bread of life, and have been
handing out stones instead. Modern pulpits do not
ring with the burning message of Jesus Christ and Him
crucified which was the sum and substance of apostolic
preaching — a message for which the apostles gave their
lives humbly, willingly, glorying in the opportunities
of taking up the cross and following Him. Young min-
isters, especially, seem to have the idea that the only
way to achieve popularity and to make a mark in the
world is through the discussion of ethics, sociology,
literature, fiction, politics or something of like nature.
The author has listened to sermon after sermon rich in
word painting: sermons which almost made him hear
the singing of the birds, the whispering of the winds
through the trees, and the rippling of the brook, accom-
panied by the sweet smell of flowers and blossoms of
the early spring — but never one word about Him who
died, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day
according to the Scriptures, bringing life and immor-
tality to light through the gospel. Why does such a
condition prevail anywhere in the very face of the fact
that the most impressive eloquence that ever fell from
human lips is the eloquence of that man whose theme
is the love of God as it has been displayed in the
working out of the scheme of redemption ; an eloquence
which convicts men of sin, righteousness and judgment,
and moves them to repent, turn to Him who is eternal
in the heavens, and to own Jesus as their Christ, as the
one who came into the world to be their personal
Saviour? Why does such an impression exist in the
face of the fact that the greatest men of all ages have
been those who have been loyal to God's word; and in
view of the fact that the greatest men to-day in the
brotherhood of Christians only are not those men who
compromise the truth as it is contained in Jesus Christ,
but those men who sound out the gospel message in all
of its original purity, purpose and power? We look
through the names of the leaders of the current Resto-
ration and we find that those who are true to the Book
are the ones who have risen above the common level
and have become noted among their brethren in Christ.
God is with the man who loves and preaches His word.
We are glad, however, to see a marked reaction on
the part of many churches of Christ against this species
of preaching that stands for everything in general and
nothing in particular. And it is solely for the purpose
of assisting such a needed reformation, and fostering
the spirit of loyalty among disciples of Christ, that
this book is published. We hope and pray that it may
become an invaluable aid to every minister who
preaches the Word.
After long centuries of ignorance, superstition and
sectarianism, the pioneers of the Restoration movement
pointed the religious forces of the world back to the
unity for which Christ prayed: a unity that had been
broken by the creeds, traditions and laws of an eccle-
siastical clergy. At first this plea for Christian unity
was hailed with derision. But the truth ultimately pre-
vails — and to-day the theory of denominationalism is
doomed, and men are beginning to puzzle over the
method of getting away from the practice of it. There
is no controversy, whatever, to-day as to the practica-
bility of unity; all are agreed upon that point. The
question of controversy now concerns the method of
bringing this unity about.
We feel that there is but one way of doing this, and
that all other ways will ultimately fail. Unity can
never result from the complete setting aside of all the
doctrinal differences. Such a platform would be so
" broad" that it would soon collapse of its own accord.
Neither can unity be brought about by federation — for
such a plan would put a, Protestant pope over a Prot-
estant hierarchy, and experiences of the past have been
sufficient to warn us of the dangers of ecclesiasticism.
But unity can be brought about in the course of time
by the friendly discussion of doctrinal differences in
the light of the true doctrine — the word of God — until
the truth is ultimately reached. Nothing is settled until
it is settled right; and nothing is settled right until
settled according to the law and the testimony — God's
way. Indeed, the day of controversy is not over. The
world needs, as never before, the plea for the restora-
tion of the church of Jesus Christ, with its laws, its
ordinances, its organization and its fruits; and the
unification of the followers of God in the one body — the
body of Christ.
This age demands a doctrinal restatement of the
truths of the Christian system. This is a time when
every minister of the church of Christ should be at the
post of duty, preaching the way of the Lord with all
diligence, giving the world that for which it is hungry
— the bread of life. In this volume we have attempted
to set forth the principal teachings of the Book of Acts,
giving an exhaustive treatment of each subject from
the entire Word. In many instances, we have uncon-
sciously reproduced thoughts from the pens of the great
expositors, both deceased and living, that have been
identified with the Eestoration. The important doc-
trinal truths of the New Testament never change. Inas-
much as these truths have been stated in clear, concise
language in the works of previous writers, the best that
we can do is to set forth a summary of them, together
with original thoughts and statements, in a simple style
that will be helpful to all students and ministers of the
Word. While there are some repetitions of doctrinal
thought, yet we claim absolute originality in treatment
and composition of each sermon outline. Each outline
contains the skeleton of an instructive sermon.
In that day in which all shall stand before the tri-
bunal of God, the author expects to be held accountable
for all that he has ever written or spoken as a preacher
of the gospel. Not for one moment would he turn aside
from the immutable word of God to cater to the whims
and fancies of men. So this book of outlines is humbly
devoted to the restoration of primitive Christianity, and
the extension of the kingdom of God in the hearts of
men. May each word contained in it bring forth
abundant fruit to the glory of God and His dear Son,
Jesus the Christ.