1 Kgs 19:1-14-Recession Into Depression – Pt. 1 – Elijah Series – 10 of 18
Quote from Forum Archives on December 26, 2016, 12:08 pmPosted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Recession Into
Depression – Pt. 1Elijah Series – 10 of 18
TEXT: 1 Kings 19:1-14
AIM: To show that we are responsible for how we respond to circumstances
and situations of life.INTRODUCTION:
Elijah suddenly emerges on the pages of Scripture and appears
before the nation in 1 Kings 17He had challenged the nation with his faith in Jehovah
God and cornered the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. It was there he
conclusively proved that Jehovah was God; it was there the leaders of Israel
turned back to the Lord, and there the prophets of Baal were destroyed.B.
Elijah, no doubt believes that the battle has been won.He thought idolatry has finally been ridden from the
land. Surely, blessings will come and from now on things are just going to be
great!Read: 1
Kings 18:46 – The Lord’s hand was on Elijah in supplying him with
supernatural strength to run from Mt. Carmel to Jezreel. This distance varies
with most scholars who indicate it was anywhere from 17 to 30 miles.Evidently empowered by God, Elijah races ahead of Ahab,
who is in a horse drawn chariot, back to Jezreel and amazingly beats him. Remember
the roads weren’t paved and they were going down hill.C.
We can only guess as to possibly why he made such an enormous
effort…1. Maybe he wanted to
guide Ahab back and be of help because of the storm.The King’s gratitude might later on be of value in the revival that he hoped
was to happen.2. He may have wanted
to demonstrate his humility before the King to alleviate any question in Ahab’s
mind about Elijah’s popularity. He didn’t want Ahab to think he was revolting against
the king’s reign. He was only in opposition to Jezebel’s religion.3. His run also ensured
that the correct story of what happened would reach Jezreel and the ears of
Jezebel4. NOTE: On Egyptian monuments it can be seen that Princes and
nobles of that land had attendants who ran before their chariots!5. Ultimately, I think Elijah
thought that he was going to be the main figure in helping to establish their
revival in the country— as revival had just broken out on Mt. Carmel and
probably he was going to be the main figure – BUT. . .When Elijah gets to the city, rather than encountering
revival, he is confronted with the RAGE OF JEZEBEL. She was enraged with Ahab’s
report of the defeat and destruction of her prophets and the return of the
nation back to the true worship of Jehovah God – 1
Kings 19:1Just a few days before the people were saying Baal is
God – Now in 18:39 its Jehovah is
Lord! Jehovah He is God!Jezebel was furious and immediately counterattacks by sending a sizzling
message to Elijah, threatening him with his life. She promised to see to it
that by the next day he would leave this world the same way as her prophets had
left it! – 1 Kings 19:2Elijah – A GIANT of the Faith – responded in
disheartening and tragic fashion! He turned tail and ran! The context of the
Scriptures reveals his RECESSION INTO DEPRESSION
– 1 Kings 19:3D.
Depression is a major problem among people today.1.
Sad to say any person, saved or unsaved, can
become depressed if they do not handle life-shaking issues correctly.2.
Depression brings about chemical changes in the
body that affects us mentally as well as physically.3. It
is self-inhibiting and
immobilizes oneself; all the while feeding on it’s self—driving an afflicted
person deeper into despair.NO ONE
is immune to depression, so we sympathetically look at Elijah’s case history
and learn . . .1. To IDENTIFY The CAUSE Of Elijah’s Depression
BECAUSE of limits of our time
we are only going to look at the first point and discuss the others in
following messages.In this first message we are going to discuss 3 FACTORS that have a great deal
to do with Elijah’s depression.PLEASE
NOTE: These are NOT the only
factors that can be present in a person that is falling into depression, but
these 3 in Elijah’s situation are used as an excuse to allow Elijah to slide
down into the dark pit of what we call depression.ALSO
NOTE: Elijah MAY NOT have been responsible for all 3 factors, BUT he is completely responsible for
how he responds to them, regardless of the cause!We are not responsible for everything that happens to
us, just like Elijah wasn’t responsible for the Rage of Jezebel, HOWEVER, regardless of the stimulus to
the cause of depression and regardless as to who is responsible for the cause, we
are 100% responsible as to our response when we are confronted with it!This major EVENT that is a part of Elijah’s life story
didn’t bring on his depression, but it was the way he and we respond to
the event that does! Only a sinful response drives us into the despair
of depression. Unbiblical responses to life’s issues are the cause for most
depression.So in this message we will deal with IDENTIFYING THE CAUSE of Elijah’s
DepressionI. Elijah was guilty of CARNAL PRESUMPTION!
Elijah allowed himself to elevate too high in his own mind.1. Because of God’s
work through him, he presumed prominence in the affairs in Jezreel.2. He presumed that he
alone of all Israel had maintained his faith untainted.B.
Elijah unwittingly placed his confidence in flesh – rather
than waiting upon God’s will.1. We know “the hand of the
Lord” (18:46) was upon him, but what direction of guidance did God
give him?a. We don’t know? The Bible doesn’t say
as there is no record
that God told him to go to Jezreel.b. BUT for sure we know he didn’t wait
on the Lord!2. Evidently, he presumed
he was going to be top dog.3. He presumed revival that
had started on Mt. Carmel would be followed by reformation of King Ahab and
Elijah Outran The Will Of God1. In all the preceding
events in Elijah’s ministry God had always given clear instructions when it was time
for the prophet to move and Elijah only acted upon God’s word–a. On God’s command he
was sent to Ahab’s court to declare there would be no rain according to his word.b. It was God’s word
that directed him to the Brook CherithGod commanded the ravens to feed him THERE!
c. When the brook dried
up, he waited THERE for the next command from the Lord, which directed
him to Zarephathd. It was there at Zarephath
God commanded a Zidonian widow woman to sustain him with a handful of meal and
little cruse of oil.e. After 3 ½ -yrs. of
drought, God instructed him to go to King Ahab—and on his way he intercepted
Obadiah, who he instructed tell Ahab he wanted to meet with him for he was
going to challenge him to a contest.f. The purpose of Elijah’s
whole ministry was culminated on Mt. Carmel with the defeat of the prophets of
Baal and with the roots of revival implanted in the hearts of Israel’s leaders.g. He followed God’s
instructions Step by Step! ALL the Way!2. On Mt. Carmel, in
the zeal of the moment, with the enthusiasm that filled his soul, with the
excitement of the people and the assurance that revival had come, lead him to
presume that God now wanted Him to go to Jezreel and establish the revival
there.a. NOTE: If that is what God had wanted he would have told him –
after all God’s hand was upon him.b. If God had lead him
to Jezreel, running ahead of Ahab, he also ran ahead of God in thinking that
he—Elijah would bring revival.c. He presumed God’s
will – He was so sure of himself that he did not check with God.d. To presume God’s
will is—to be so sure of yourself and that you don’t take the time to check
with God.Some may of heard of
the story of the he preacher who received a call from a pastoral committee to
pastor a church. . .The preacher was so sure it was God’s
will for him to accept this pastorate and that it was what God wanted that he
sent his wife upstairs to pack while he prayed!Elijah presumed it was God’s will for
him to go to Jezreel to take his place as the rightful head of the revival.To presume God’s will may cause you to
step outside God’s will.e. Elijah’s running ahead of God
resulted in Him running out of the will of God READ >> 19:3
If I am not careful, I will do things
for the wrong motives and in the energy of my flesh, believing that God wants
me to do them but without taking the time to find out what God really wants.Scripture
Illustrations of Presumption1. Battle of Ai in Joshua 7
a. After God lead
Joshua and Israel in their victory over the great city of Jericho, they looked
down the road at the next city – Ai.b. It was a little city and they assumed
that only 2,000-3,000 soldiers could take it while the rest of the nation of
Israel could have a day off.c. BUT Israel was
defeated because they presumed that they could win this battle because of their
experience, their strength and over-whelming numbers, therefore, they didn’t
need God’s help.2. King Saul’s Presumption in 1 Sam. 13
a. Samuel instructed
Saul to wait at Gilgal 7 days until he would come and make a sacrifice in preparation
for the upcoming battle.b. Saul became nervous,
as Samuel was slow in coming and the people were getting restless. Saul
believed he had to do something.c. Impatiently, he looked
at his watch, checked the calendar and decided that Samuel wasn’t coming therefore;
he had to take things into his own hands and make a sacrifice in Samuel’s
stead.d. Just after Saul
finished making the sacrifice Samuel arrives! In an exasperated voice he asks,
“What have you done?”e. Saul told him what
he did thinking he was being spiritual.f. Samuel informed him
because he resorted to situation ethics presuming that his sacrifice was sanctioned
by and as good as Samuels.g. Because of his
wilfull fleshly actions, Saul had just lost his Kingship. Saul went ahead of God
and in so doing stepped outside the will of God.Don’t move until God says to move.
3. How often we are
guilty of the same sin of presumption? Neglecting
to seek God's will in all issues.a. We do so when we fail
to check God’s Word and get counsel because we think we know it so well. After
all, we’ve read the Bible all the way through – and maybe even have do so 3, 4
or 5 times.1) For sure the Bible
is a living book an inexhaustible source of wisdom, knowledge and instruction.2) AND because it is
alive it will talk to you afresh each and every time you open its pages.b. By NOT praying or seeking counsel before
we jump or make a move – we are putting confidence in the energy of our own
flesh and in the wisdom of this world as well as our own.
II. Elijah was CONSUMED with
Elijah thought the issue of idolatry was settled, the issue as
to who was the real God was settled and possibly who should get the credit – 1
Kings 18:241. As he looked at the
crowd on Mt. Carmel and listened to their praise to God, he probably reasoned…a. “Man this is great!
We are experiencing revival! Everybody is for the Lord, Listen to the people
– ‘Jehovah is God’ (Repeat)”b. “Praise the Lord it
won’t be long until Judah gets saved; Syria; Mesopotamia; and then the world!”2. He maybe expected to
find the red-carpet rolled out for him at the gates of Jezreel and have tea at the
Palace.3. Perhaps he thought
Ahab and Jezebel would repent with either of them humbly saying, “Mr. Elijah, won’t
you please show me how to be saved?”a. He probably
envisioned that he’d be tearing down the pagan altars, destroying images and
cutting down the groves.b. Man – he was going
to establish the revival and he would be recognized as the religious leader of
the day!4. Rather than being
met with a red-carpet – he was met with the rage of Jezebel and a red-hot
telegram in 19:2 – “Paging Mr.
Elijah, have I got a message for you!”B.
Immediately he was consumed with a sense of failure1. He thought he had
won the battle, but with Jezebel’s Message, he was overcome with a dark garment
of despair which completely crushes his spirit2. He was so certain of
victory! Jezebel snatched his expectations and sucked
all the life out of them—She wanted to defeat and destroy him.3. As a result he
experiences the death of his dreams, the ruination of his goals, the collapse
of his ambitions, and his hopes.4. He now believes he
has failed. Elijah forgot that God did not make him responsible for success—only
faithfulness.5. He stands at the
gate of Jezreel despondent and then takes off running.He sits under a tree and has a great big pity party and no one else is invited 19:4, 10, 14
Disappointment is a major factor in depression – today1. This is
disappointment when goals not reached.2. For some, in so called mid
life crisis, this occurs when they have not achieved what they had hoped to
achieve.a. This is when a man
feels he hasn’t accomplished the goals he had set when he was young. After 35 years
of age all down hillb. At 40 you’ve reached
your peakc. At this time the woman
– feels she has lost identity—the children are leaving home, as well as, her
shape and beauty are also departing.3. Depression can
result with a reverse in business, unemployed, closed plants, or an
interpersonal problem, etc.4. Broken homes or the
loss of love ones for one reason or another as well as a cascade of various
family problems can trigger depression5. There is the loss of
position at work, school or in the community – President Nixon went into
depression when he was forced from office.6. BUT Understand, Elijah
Forgot Something! – God did not
make him responsible for success, but made him responsible for his faithfulness
to God!2 Corinthians 10:17–18 – “But he that
glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. 18] For
not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.”a.
It didn’t matter to God, as far as Elijah was concerned, as to
how Ahab and Jezebel responded to the message of
God’s victory!b.
The only thing that mattered to God was Elijah’s
faithfulness in delivering his message, his faithfulness in service – and staying
where God put him.Application
How about you? Are
you feeling sorry for yourself? Do you have regular pity parties?Do you find yourself sliding off into depression?
Everybody feels a little sorry for himself
or herself once in a while, but that doesn’t mean you are depressed. Depression
comes when we handle the disappointments of life wrongly.All of us have the doldrums, or the blues,
or being down in the dumps – but most people pick themselves up, dust
themselves off and get on with life. Others dwell on their situation, linger in
self-pity and become depressed.Depression feeds on its self and is a
spiral staircase that leads down to the pits!Depression is a CONSUMING DISAPPOINTMENT
III. elijah constrained
by fear19:3 – “…He arose, and went for his
life, and came to Beersheba…” – Beersheba is in another
country. This was in the southern tribe of Judah – approx. some 120 miles away19:4 – Leaving his servant
there in Beersheba he goes off by himself
“…a days journey into the wilderness…” King
Jehoshaphat’s son was married to Jezebel’s daughter – to Arabian Desert.A.
His Fear Was INEXCUSABLE1. He had not
demonstrated any fear previously when he stood before Ahab in the Palace or on
Mount Carmel.2. He had the promises
of the Lord and not only knew of—BUT
had experienced God’s miraculous power of providing for him in the past3. He was living proof
of having experienced God’s protection in the pasta. God hid him from Ahab
and his soldiersb. He met, challenged
and defeated 850 prophets of BaalB.
His Fear Was A Bad EXAMPLE as the people of Israel needed him
to stand1. The people had fully
committed themselves in both word and in decisive action in killing Jezebel’s prophets on Mt. Carmel.a.
The leaders of the land were ready and willing that day
to give complete cooperation, AND to
give up their positions and even give up their lives, if necessary.b.
But if their leader does not stand! If he was not galvanised
to stand, how could they be motivated to stand?2. Elijah was needed to
hold his ground – the people needed him now to direct them in the choice they
had made to follow him.a. We would expect him
to dwell in the security of the shadow of the Almighty on Mt. Carmel, but he
couldn’t because his situation was precipitated by his carnal presumption for
God had not specifically sent him to Jezreel.b.
From what we know of his past conduct, we would have expected
to see him brush off Jezebel’s threat as one would a
flea—and then laying the whole situation in quite confidence before God.c.
BUT when Elijah ran – he blew away the revival and the
chances there were for his country’s salvation.C.
His Fear was EXERCISED Unfoundedly1.
The people were on his side – the leaders were now believing
that Jehovah was God – they would have rallied the mass of people to his
support and Jezebel must have know this!2.
The people could have isolated Jezebel
from the kingdom and Elijah.In the 1500’s in
Scotland the wicked Queen Regent[1] Mary reignedMary was a Catholic, who wanted to
establish Roman Catholicism in Scotland, but the Reformers and especially
former Catholic Priest John Knox were leading the people to follow God rather
than the Pope. The same was true concerning the leadership of Martin Luther.Scots men were leaving Catholicism and
Catholic churches were being closed down. Queen Mary of Scotland wanted to kill
John Knox, but God protected him. Also God protected His truth that was carried
by God’s people, which proved too strong for Mary to ever overcome. Many were
martyred, but she couldn’t get to John Knox, because the people stood shoulder
to shoulder with him against Mary.3.
I think Jezebel really didn’t want to kill Elijah – I
think she wanted him to run!a. If she wanted his
life why give him a warning?b. Why send a messenger
when an executioner was more appropriate?c. NOTE: Elijah didn’t give her prophets any warning that
afternoon – if he did they all would have tried to escape.4.
Jezebel wouldn’t want Elijah as a martyr symbol to fan
the fires of revival in his followers – by running he destroyed all incentive for
them to follow God, leaving only fear and despair in its place.D.
His Fear Erupted at his Strongest Point1. He stumbled in his
strongest point with the weakest attack – A THREAT2. This is a common
occurrence among people in the Bible – they tend to fall at their strongest
point.a. Abraham – friend of God, man of faith, father of all who
believe, yet down in Egypt his faith failed and he told a lie to Pharaoh about
his wife.b. Moses – meekest of men, but in anger he strikes out at the
rock which God told him to speak to and misses out on entering Canaan.c. Peter – bold disciple, the one who with a sword cut off the
ear of Malkus in the garden, the one who is always first to speak, he is
terrified when a little maid at Christ’s trials identifies him as being a
follower of Christ.d. John – the beloved apostle, the prophet of love, all through
his gospel and epistles are little gems describing how we ought to love one
another as our expression of love to God, yet in Luke 9:54 in a moment of intolerance he wished to bring fire down
on out of heaven against Samaritans who wouldn’t receive Jesus.e. Elijah – who proved himself to be superior in resisting the
pit falls of all human weaknesses failed at his strongest point and showed
himself to be “a man
subject to like passions as are we” (James 5:17).Over the city of
Edinburgh and across a ravine is Castle Rock with Edinburgh Castle on it.A fort first built on Castle Rock in
the 600’s and in all of its history that mount has only been captured one time.
Time and time again it was attacked without success, but in one siege, its
defenders thought that because of the steep rock face in its foreside, it was
inaccessible and impregnable against attack, so they placed no sentries there.Well in the grey mist of the early
morning a small party of the enemy scaled the rock, surprising the garrison
into surrender. They thought there was no need for defence, it was their
strongest point and it was exactly there they fell.1 Cor. 10:12
warns: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he
Is there an area in
your life you have no defence? What is your strongest point?Do you have a sentry there?
Do you have the attitude I don’t have
to be cautious in this area of my life, I’d never yield to that temptation or
sin – THEN BEWARE! That may be just
the area Satan has allowed you to develop a false sense of security so he can
bring your downfall.What fear threatens
you?Failure, loneliness, sickness, death, growing old,
unemployment, the economy, a loss of friends or loved ones? 2 Timothy 1:7 – “God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and
of love, and of a sound mind.”E.
are a Combination of Causes for DepressionThere are a number of other factors
that could lead to depression – they probably
are numberless as there are countless life problems that can lead you to depress
yourself if they are handled incorrectly.
- David
experienced sin, guilt & grief- Jonah experienced bitterness
· Job suffered
enormous afflictionYou may not be responsible for the things that happen as
it could be biological changes – hormones, inherited tendencies. BUT regardless
of the cause you are responsible for the way you respond to these things that
come into your life.You cannot say, “HE depresses me, or IT depresses me, or
THIS situation depresses me”Apart from something biological – WE
depress ourselves!Until we come to the place and admit that our depression
is something that we do to ourselves, until we confess we are responsible for
the state of our mind there will be no help for us. The beginning of
the cure for depression is in the acknowledgement that depression is something
we do to ourselves.
In these messages I am not going to deal with the cure
of depression, BUT I do want to try
to make it clear the best way to deal with it is to avoid it.Do everything in your power NOT to let it happen, for it
can be a very serious problem once you get it. Once you become a depressed
person you usually need someone to help you get out of it. It is extremely
difficult to rid yourself of the problem alone once it has set in.The best remedy is avoidance.
can it be avoided you ask?The same as Elijah could have avoided it.
1. Do not run ahead of God. Do not
presume to know His will without checking with Him.2. Keep your eyes on the Lord – not on
circumstances, people, things and stay in God’s will. Don’t step outside His
will; stay put until He tells you to move.3. Don’t generate expectations that are
not in your control. When
we are faithful, and things go wrong, do not interpret it as a personal
failure.4. Lastly, think right. Don’t brood,
don’t dwell on your problems – help someone else, don’t have a pity party when
things don’t turn out as you thought they would – trust God, His sovereignty
over situations and love for you – Do something, don’t be lazy.Most people who suffer from depression, rather than
seeking God’s Biblical remedy or cure reach out for something that will immediately
and artificially bring them peace and comfort —something that will help them
over this difficult time like: Food, Perversion, Drink or DrugsIV. Close with 2 Cor.
4:8-91. “We are TROUBLED” = pressed from all sides, like a grape
2. “Yet not distressed” = not depressed,
lit. not cramped or crushed, i.e. we still have room, we are not completely
discouraged3. “Perplexed” = to be at a loss
mentally without resources4. “Not in despair” = there is a way,
God is still in HeavenPaul didn’t quit, didn’t lose heart – he handled
problems right in contrast to Elijah who failed before Jezebel.Knocked down, but not knocked out – If life hands you a
lemon, turn it into lemonade.
[1] Regent: a
person appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is absent
or incapacitated.--
All God's best,
Bob Zemeski40 Captain's Hill
Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23 C8K1IrelandG. Campbell Morgan: " I never begin my work in the morning without thinking that perhaps He will interrupt my work and begin His own. – I am not looking for death, I am looking for Him. "1 Samuel 12:23,24
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Posted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Recession Into
Depression – Pt. 1
Elijah Series – 10 of 18
TEXT: 1 Kings 19:1-14
AIM: To show that we are responsible for how we respond to circumstances
and situations of life.
Elijah suddenly emerges on the pages of Scripture and appears
before the nation in 1 Kings 17
He had challenged the nation with his faith in Jehovah
God and cornered the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. It was there he
conclusively proved that Jehovah was God; it was there the leaders of Israel
turned back to the Lord, and there the prophets of Baal were destroyed.
Elijah, no doubt believes that the battle has been won.
He thought idolatry has finally been ridden from the
land. Surely, blessings will come and from now on things are just going to be
Read: 1
Kings 18:46 – The Lord’s hand was on Elijah in supplying him with
supernatural strength to run from Mt. Carmel to Jezreel. This distance varies
with most scholars who indicate it was anywhere from 17 to 30 miles.
Evidently empowered by God, Elijah races ahead of Ahab,
who is in a horse drawn chariot, back to Jezreel and amazingly beats him. Remember
the roads weren’t paved and they were going down hill.
We can only guess as to possibly why he made such an enormous
1. Maybe he wanted to
guide Ahab back and be of help because of the storm.
The King’s gratitude might later on be of value in the revival that he hoped
was to happen.
was to happen.
2. He may have wanted
to demonstrate his humility before the King to alleviate any question in Ahab’s
mind about Elijah’s popularity. He didn’t want Ahab to think he was revolting against
the king’s reign. He was only in opposition to Jezebel’s religion.
3. His run also ensured
that the correct story of what happened would reach Jezreel and the ears of
4. NOTE: On Egyptian monuments it can be seen that Princes and
nobles of that land had attendants who ran before their chariots!
5. Ultimately, I think Elijah
thought that he was going to be the main figure in helping to establish their
revival in the country— as revival had just broken out on Mt. Carmel and
probably he was going to be the main figure – BUT. . .
When Elijah gets to the city, rather than encountering
revival, he is confronted with the RAGE OF JEZEBEL. She was enraged with Ahab’s
report of the defeat and destruction of her prophets and the return of the
nation back to the true worship of Jehovah God – 1
Kings 19:1
Just a few days before the people were saying Baal is
God – Now in 18:39 its Jehovah is
Lord! Jehovah He is God!
Jezebel was furious and immediately counterattacks by sending a sizzling
message to Elijah, threatening him with his life. She promised to see to it
that by the next day he would leave this world the same way as her prophets had
left it! – 1 Kings 19:2
Elijah – A GIANT of the Faith – responded in
disheartening and tragic fashion! He turned tail and ran! The context of the
Scriptures reveals his RECESSION INTO DEPRESSION
– 1 Kings 19:3
Depression is a major problem among people today.
Sad to say any person, saved or unsaved, can
become depressed if they do not handle life-shaking issues correctly.
Depression brings about chemical changes in the
body that affects us mentally as well as physically.
3. It
is self-inhibiting and
immobilizes oneself; all the while feeding on it’s self—driving an afflicted
person deeper into despair.
is immune to depression, so we sympathetically look at Elijah’s case history
and learn . . .
1. To IDENTIFY The CAUSE Of Elijah’s Depression
BECAUSE of limits of our time
we are only going to look at the first point and discuss the others in
following messages.
In this first message we are going to discuss 3 FACTORS that have a great deal
to do with Elijah’s depression.
NOTE: These are NOT the only
factors that can be present in a person that is falling into depression, but
these 3 in Elijah’s situation are used as an excuse to allow Elijah to slide
down into the dark pit of what we call depression.
NOTE: Elijah MAY NOT have been responsible for all 3 factors, BUT he is completely responsible for
how he responds to them, regardless of the cause!
We are not responsible for everything that happens to
us, just like Elijah wasn’t responsible for the Rage of Jezebel, HOWEVER, regardless of the stimulus to
the cause of depression and regardless as to who is responsible for the cause, we
are 100% responsible as to our response when we are confronted with it!
This major EVENT that is a part of Elijah’s life story
didn’t bring on his depression, but it was the way he and we respond to
the event that does! Only a sinful response drives us into the despair
of depression. Unbiblical responses to life’s issues are the cause for most
So in this message we will deal with IDENTIFYING THE CAUSE of Elijah’s
I. Elijah was guilty of CARNAL PRESUMPTION!
Elijah allowed himself to elevate too high in his own mind.
1. Because of God’s
work through him, he presumed prominence in the affairs in Jezreel.
2. He presumed that he
alone of all Israel had maintained his faith untainted.
Elijah unwittingly placed his confidence in flesh – rather
than waiting upon God’s will.
1. We know “the hand of the
Lord” (18:46) was upon him, but what direction of guidance did God
give him?
a. We don’t know? The Bible doesn’t say
as there is no record
that God told him to go to Jezreel.
b. BUT for sure we know he didn’t wait
on the Lord!
2. Evidently, he presumed
he was going to be top dog.
3. He presumed revival that
had started on Mt. Carmel would be followed by reformation of King Ahab and
Elijah Outran The Will Of God
1. In all the preceding
events in Elijah’s ministry God had always given clear instructions when it was time
for the prophet to move and Elijah only acted upon God’s word–
a. On God’s command he
was sent to Ahab’s court to declare there would be no rain according to his word.
b. It was God’s word
that directed him to the Brook Cherith
God commanded the ravens to feed him THERE!
c. When the brook dried
up, he waited THERE for the next command from the Lord, which directed
him to Zarephath
d. It was there at Zarephath
God commanded a Zidonian widow woman to sustain him with a handful of meal and
little cruse of oil.
e. After 3 ½ -yrs. of
drought, God instructed him to go to King Ahab—and on his way he intercepted
Obadiah, who he instructed tell Ahab he wanted to meet with him for he was
going to challenge him to a contest.
f. The purpose of Elijah’s
whole ministry was culminated on Mt. Carmel with the defeat of the prophets of
Baal and with the roots of revival implanted in the hearts of Israel’s leaders.
g. He followed God’s
instructions Step by Step! ALL the Way!
2. On Mt. Carmel, in
the zeal of the moment, with the enthusiasm that filled his soul, with the
excitement of the people and the assurance that revival had come, lead him to
presume that God now wanted Him to go to Jezreel and establish the revival
a. NOTE: If that is what God had wanted he would have told him –
after all God’s hand was upon him.
b. If God had lead him
to Jezreel, running ahead of Ahab, he also ran ahead of God in thinking that
he—Elijah would bring revival.
c. He presumed God’s
will – He was so sure of himself that he did not check with God.
d. To presume God’s
will is—to be so sure of yourself and that you don’t take the time to check
with God.
Some may of heard of
the story of the he preacher who received a call from a pastoral committee to
pastor a church. . .
The preacher was so sure it was God’s
will for him to accept this pastorate and that it was what God wanted that he
sent his wife upstairs to pack while he prayed!
Elijah presumed it was God’s will for
him to go to Jezreel to take his place as the rightful head of the revival.
To presume God’s will may cause you to
step outside God’s will.
e. Elijah’s running ahead of God
resulted in Him running out of the will of God READ >> 19:3
If I am not careful, I will do things
for the wrong motives and in the energy of my flesh, believing that God wants
me to do them but without taking the time to find out what God really wants.
Illustrations of Presumption
1. Battle of Ai in Joshua 7
a. After God lead
Joshua and Israel in their victory over the great city of Jericho, they looked
down the road at the next city – Ai.
b. It was a little city and they assumed
that only 2,000-3,000 soldiers could take it while the rest of the nation of
Israel could have a day off.
c. BUT Israel was
defeated because they presumed that they could win this battle because of their
experience, their strength and over-whelming numbers, therefore, they didn’t
need God’s help.
2. King Saul’s Presumption in 1 Sam. 13
a. Samuel instructed
Saul to wait at Gilgal 7 days until he would come and make a sacrifice in preparation
for the upcoming battle.
b. Saul became nervous,
as Samuel was slow in coming and the people were getting restless. Saul
believed he had to do something.
c. Impatiently, he looked
at his watch, checked the calendar and decided that Samuel wasn’t coming therefore;
he had to take things into his own hands and make a sacrifice in Samuel’s
d. Just after Saul
finished making the sacrifice Samuel arrives! In an exasperated voice he asks,
“What have you done?”
e. Saul told him what
he did thinking he was being spiritual.
f. Samuel informed him
because he resorted to situation ethics presuming that his sacrifice was sanctioned
by and as good as Samuels.
g. Because of his
wilfull fleshly actions, Saul had just lost his Kingship. Saul went ahead of God
and in so doing stepped outside the will of God.
Don’t move until God says to move.
3. How often we are
guilty of the same sin of presumption?
to seek God's will in all issues.
a. We do so when we fail
to check God’s Word and get counsel because we think we know it so well. After
all, we’ve read the Bible all the way through – and maybe even have do so 3, 4
or 5 times.
1) For sure the Bible
is a living book an inexhaustible source of wisdom, knowledge and instruction.
2) AND because it is
alive it will talk to you afresh each and every time you open its pages.
b. By NOT praying or seeking counsel before
we jump or make a move – we are putting confidence in the energy of our own
flesh and in the wisdom of this world as well as our own.
II. Elijah was CONSUMED with
Elijah thought the issue of idolatry was settled, the issue as
to who was the real God was settled and possibly who should get the credit – 1
Kings 18:24
1. As he looked at the
crowd on Mt. Carmel and listened to their praise to God, he probably reasoned…
a. “Man this is great!
We are experiencing revival! Everybody is for the Lord, Listen to the people
– ‘Jehovah is God’ (Repeat)”
b. “Praise the Lord it
won’t be long until Judah gets saved; Syria; Mesopotamia; and then the world!”
2. He maybe expected to
find the red-carpet rolled out for him at the gates of Jezreel and have tea at the
3. Perhaps he thought
Ahab and Jezebel would repent with either of them humbly saying, “Mr. Elijah, won’t
you please show me how to be saved?”
a. He probably
envisioned that he’d be tearing down the pagan altars, destroying images and
cutting down the groves.
b. Man – he was going
to establish the revival and he would be recognized as the religious leader of
the day!
4. Rather than being
met with a red-carpet – he was met with the rage of Jezebel and a red-hot
telegram in 19:2 – “Paging Mr.
Elijah, have I got a message for you!”
Immediately he was consumed with a sense of failure
1. He thought he had
won the battle, but with Jezebel’s Message, he was overcome with a dark garment
of despair which completely crushes his spirit
2. He was so certain of
victory! Jezebel snatched his expectations and sucked
all the life out of them—She wanted to defeat and destroy him.
3. As a result he
experiences the death of his dreams, the ruination of his goals, the collapse
of his ambitions, and his hopes.
4. He now believes he
has failed. Elijah forgot that God did not make him responsible for success—only
5. He stands at the
gate of Jezreel despondent and then takes off running.
He sits under a tree and has a great big pity party and no one else is invited 19:4, 10, 14
Disappointment is a major factor in depression – today
1. This is
disappointment when goals not reached.
2. For some, in so called mid
life crisis, this occurs when they have not achieved what they had hoped to
a. This is when a man
feels he hasn’t accomplished the goals he had set when he was young. After 35 years
of age all down hill
b. At 40 you’ve reached
your peak
c. At this time the woman
– feels she has lost identity—the children are leaving home, as well as, her
shape and beauty are also departing.
3. Depression can
result with a reverse in business, unemployed, closed plants, or an
interpersonal problem, etc.
4. Broken homes or the
loss of love ones for one reason or another as well as a cascade of various
family problems can trigger depression
5. There is the loss of
position at work, school or in the community – President Nixon went into
depression when he was forced from office.
6. BUT Understand, Elijah
Forgot Something! – God did not
make him responsible for success, but made him responsible for his faithfulness
to God!
2 Corinthians 10:17–18 – “But he that
glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. 18] For
not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.”
It didn’t matter to God, as far as Elijah was concerned, as to
how Ahab and Jezebel responded to the message of
God’s victory!
The only thing that mattered to God was Elijah’s
faithfulness in delivering his message, his faithfulness in service – and staying
where God put him.
How about you? Are
you feeling sorry for yourself? Do you have regular pity parties?
Do you find yourself sliding off into depression?
Everybody feels a little sorry for himself
or herself once in a while, but that doesn’t mean you are depressed. Depression
comes when we handle the disappointments of life wrongly.
All of us have the doldrums, or the blues,
or being down in the dumps – but most people pick themselves up, dust
themselves off and get on with life. Others dwell on their situation, linger in
self-pity and become depressed.
Depression feeds on its self and is a
spiral staircase that leads down to the pits!
III. elijah constrained
by fear
19:3 – “…He arose, and went for his
life, and came to Beersheba…” – Beersheba is in another
country. This was in the southern tribe of Judah – approx. some 120 miles away
19:4 – Leaving his servant
there in Beersheba he goes off by himself
“…a days journey into the wilderness…” King
Jehoshaphat’s son was married to Jezebel’s daughter – to Arabian Desert.
1. He had not
demonstrated any fear previously when he stood before Ahab in the Palace or on
Mount Carmel.
2. He had the promises
of the Lord and not only knew of—BUT
had experienced God’s miraculous power of providing for him in the past
3. He was living proof
of having experienced God’s protection in the past
a. God hid him from Ahab
and his soldiers
b. He met, challenged
and defeated 850 prophets of Baal
His Fear Was A Bad EXAMPLE as the people of Israel needed him
to stand
1. The people had fully
committed themselves in both word and in decisive action in killing Jezebel’s prophets on Mt. Carmel.
The leaders of the land were ready and willing that day
to give complete cooperation, AND to
give up their positions and even give up their lives, if necessary.
But if their leader does not stand! If he was not galvanised
to stand, how could they be motivated to stand?
2. Elijah was needed to
hold his ground – the people needed him now to direct them in the choice they
had made to follow him.
a. We would expect him
to dwell in the security of the shadow of the Almighty on Mt. Carmel, but he
couldn’t because his situation was precipitated by his carnal presumption for
God had not specifically sent him to Jezreel.
From what we know of his past conduct, we would have expected
to see him brush off Jezebel’s threat as one would a
flea—and then laying the whole situation in quite confidence before God.
BUT when Elijah ran – he blew away the revival and the
chances there were for his country’s salvation.
His Fear was EXERCISED Unfoundedly
The people were on his side – the leaders were now believing
that Jehovah was God – they would have rallied the mass of people to his
support and Jezebel must have know this!
The people could have isolated Jezebel
from the kingdom and Elijah.
In the 1500’s in
Scotland the wicked Queen Regent[1] Mary reigned
Mary was a Catholic, who wanted to
establish Roman Catholicism in Scotland, but the Reformers and especially
former Catholic Priest John Knox were leading the people to follow God rather
than the Pope. The same was true concerning the leadership of Martin Luther.
Scots men were leaving Catholicism and
Catholic churches were being closed down. Queen Mary of Scotland wanted to kill
John Knox, but God protected him. Also God protected His truth that was carried
by God’s people, which proved too strong for Mary to ever overcome. Many were
martyred, but she couldn’t get to John Knox, because the people stood shoulder
to shoulder with him against Mary.
I think Jezebel really didn’t want to kill Elijah – I
think she wanted him to run!
a. If she wanted his
life why give him a warning?
b. Why send a messenger
when an executioner was more appropriate?
c. NOTE: Elijah didn’t give her prophets any warning that
afternoon – if he did they all would have tried to escape.
Jezebel wouldn’t want Elijah as a martyr symbol to fan
the fires of revival in his followers – by running he destroyed all incentive for
them to follow God, leaving only fear and despair in its place.
His Fear Erupted at his Strongest Point
1. He stumbled in his
strongest point with the weakest attack – A THREAT
2. This is a common
occurrence among people in the Bible – they tend to fall at their strongest
a. Abraham – friend of God, man of faith, father of all who
believe, yet down in Egypt his faith failed and he told a lie to Pharaoh about
his wife.
b. Moses – meekest of men, but in anger he strikes out at the
rock which God told him to speak to and misses out on entering Canaan.
c. Peter – bold disciple, the one who with a sword cut off the
ear of Malkus in the garden, the one who is always first to speak, he is
terrified when a little maid at Christ’s trials identifies him as being a
follower of Christ.
d. John – the beloved apostle, the prophet of love, all through
his gospel and epistles are little gems describing how we ought to love one
another as our expression of love to God, yet in Luke 9:54 in a moment of intolerance he wished to bring fire down
on out of heaven against Samaritans who wouldn’t receive Jesus.
e. Elijah – who proved himself to be superior in resisting the
pit falls of all human weaknesses failed at his strongest point and showed
himself to be “a man
subject to like passions as are we” (James 5:17).
Over the city of
Edinburgh and across a ravine is Castle Rock with Edinburgh Castle on it.
A fort first built on Castle Rock in
the 600’s and in all of its history that mount has only been captured one time.
Time and time again it was attacked without success, but in one siege, its
defenders thought that because of the steep rock face in its foreside, it was
inaccessible and impregnable against attack, so they placed no sentries there.
Well in the grey mist of the early
morning a small party of the enemy scaled the rock, surprising the garrison
into surrender. They thought there was no need for defence, it was their
strongest point and it was exactly there they fell.
1 Cor. 10:12
warns: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he
Is there an area in
your life you have no defence? What is your strongest point?
Do you have a sentry there?
Do you have the attitude I don’t have
to be cautious in this area of my life, I’d never yield to that temptation or
sin – THEN BEWARE! That may be just
the area Satan has allowed you to develop a false sense of security so he can
bring your downfall.
What fear threatens
Failure, loneliness, sickness, death, growing old,
unemployment, the economy, a loss of friends or loved ones? 2 Timothy 1:7 – “God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and
of love, and of a sound mind.”
are a Combination of Causes for Depression
There are a number of other factors
that could lead to depression – they probably
are numberless as there are countless life problems that can lead you to depress
yourself if they are handled incorrectly.
- David
experienced sin, guilt & grief - Jonah experienced bitterness
· Job suffered
enormous affliction
You may not be responsible for the things that happen as
it could be biological changes – hormones, inherited tendencies. BUT regardless
of the cause you are responsible for the way you respond to these things that
come into your life.
You cannot say, “HE depresses me, or IT depresses me, or
THIS situation depresses me”
Apart from something biological – WE
depress ourselves!
Until we come to the place and admit that our depression
is something that we do to ourselves, until we confess we are responsible for
the state of our mind there will be no help for us. The beginning of
the cure for depression is in the acknowledgement that depression is something
we do to ourselves.
In these messages I am not going to deal with the cure
of depression, BUT I do want to try
to make it clear the best way to deal with it is to avoid it.
Do everything in your power NOT to let it happen, for it
can be a very serious problem once you get it. Once you become a depressed
person you usually need someone to help you get out of it. It is extremely
difficult to rid yourself of the problem alone once it has set in.
The best remedy is avoidance.
can it be avoided you ask?
The same as Elijah could have avoided it.
1. Do not run ahead of God. Do not
presume to know His will without checking with Him.
2. Keep your eyes on the Lord – not on
circumstances, people, things and stay in God’s will. Don’t step outside His
will; stay put until He tells you to move.
3. Don’t generate expectations that are
not in your control. When
we are faithful, and things go wrong, do not interpret it as a personal
4. Lastly, think right. Don’t brood,
don’t dwell on your problems – help someone else, don’t have a pity party when
things don’t turn out as you thought they would – trust God, His sovereignty
over situations and love for you – Do something, don’t be lazy.
Most people who suffer from depression, rather than
seeking God’s Biblical remedy or cure reach out for something that will immediately
and artificially bring them peace and comfort —something that will help them
over this difficult time like: Food, Perversion, Drink or Drugs
IV. Close with 2 Cor.
1. “We are TROUBLED” = pressed from all sides, like a grape
2. “Yet not distressed” = not depressed,
lit. not cramped or crushed, i.e. we still have room, we are not completely
3. “Perplexed” = to be at a loss
mentally without resources
4. “Not in despair” = there is a way,
God is still in Heaven
Paul didn’t quit, didn’t lose heart – he handled
problems right in contrast to Elijah who failed before Jezebel.
Knocked down, but not knocked out – If life hands you a
lemon, turn it into lemonade.
[1] Regent: a
person appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is absent
or incapacitated.
Bob Zemeski
Leixlip, Co. Kildare W23 C8K1
1 Samuel 12:23,24
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