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1 Kings 17:17-24-Raising The Dead - Elijah Series4 of 18

Posted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>

Raising The Dead

Elijah Series 4 of 18


  Text:   I Kings 17:17-24

   Aim:   Remain faithful in suffering


God sent Elijah to Israel in a very dark hour of her history. It had been 58 years and a series of 7 kings, who seemed to progressively increase in leading the nation away from God to where they fell into idolatry of Baal worship resulting in that the knowledge of Jehovah God was all but removed from the land.

What prophets of God there were they were in hiding or keeping their mouths shut allowing the worship of Baal to prevail by their silence. It seemed through the eyes of most that God was dead – BUT GOD ISN’T DEAD, the Eternal, Ever-living God raises up a prophet to confront the Baalites and apostates of the day, Elijah is that prophet.

1st Message – REVEALING the Prophet

1.    Comes out of the wilderness to preach a red-hot message to King Ahab and Jezebel – not going to rain any more.

2.    God knowing that they would seek Elijah out, for it would only rain “according to my word” (i.e. Elijah’s – in vs. 1), God prepared a place for Him in the wilderness where He would hide him.

2nd Message – REFUGE in the Brook Cherith

1.    Lord leads Elijah to this brook cut in the rocky wilderness where He promises him meat and bread twice a day as well as water to drink from the brook.

2.    He learns to wait on the Lord and in obedience to Him is protected and secure from danger and all of his daily needs are supplied.

3.    One day the brook dried up, but avoids panic and any hasty decision and once again waits on the Lord to speak.

4.    Remember Elijah is going to school – God is training and preparing His life for future service – 1st term is over!

3rd Message – RESOURCE of Faith

1.      It was time for 2nd term in God’s school of faith – vs. 8-9

a.       After concealing and providing for Elijah at Cherith, God sent him to Zarephath to be cared for by the impoverished widow.

b.      Though she was in dire circumstances, she believed the promise of Elijah and put him first with her limited food supply. God therefore multiplied the meal and oil and provided for Elijah and the widow and her son.

2.    Zidon (about 8 mi. from Zarephath) is Jezebel’s hometown – she spells TROUBLE!
She wants Elijah dead; she wants revenge, yet God sends him right into her backyard almost to hide.

3.    God commands a widow woman to feed him – now that is a challenge.
She seems lest likely to care for the prophet, especially in a drought.

4.    Elijah makes three requests of her. Each one was intended to provoke; to test her ability to withstand the temptation of a wrong response; to prove her gracious and full of faith.

a.    “Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water” – vs. 10

1)    Interrupted her present activity – No likes to be interrupted

2)    One always tends to think his talk is more important than another’s.


b.    Vs. 11 – When you come back bring me some bread please.

1)    Vs. 12 – Both she and her son were probably already suffering from malnutrition and this was her last meal – this is all we have

2)    Vs. 13 – Elijah told not to fret over it just do what I tell you to do.

c.     “Make me…a little cake FIRST!”

1)    There was a promise in vs. 14 

2)    Condition to the fulfilling of promise – vs. 13

a.)   First use the meal to make the prophet a cake!

b.)  “…And after make for thee and thy son” – implied the miracle would be worked in her behalf – IF SHE OBEYED.

3)    (The ball is in her court). It is her faith, what will she do? It is easy to talk about faith, but it is another matter to live by it when one’s life depends on it. 

4)    Her decision will bring starvation and death or blessing.

5)    She learns a lesson: there is a blessing to be had in putting God first in your life and in your giving! Not second or after what’s left over, but first and if you do God assures you of a blessing.

6)    She obeys – vs. 15-16

5.    God did not fill up the barrel of meal, but every day there was enough for the three of them. Her provisions would not “fail according to the word of the Lord.” So everyday she made Elijah a cake first. Each time God provided she put God first.

6.    She had to wonder everyday, she had to pray everyday, she had to learn to depend upon God everyday for her supplies. This taught her to walk by faith on a day to day basis.

7.    IF WE LEARN THIS LESSON, WE WILL LEARN A VALUABLE LESSON. Don’t fret over visible circumstances. Just keep right on trusting God in spite of what you see or don’t see.

It is obvious God is now blessing. The widow’s home is a happy place for food was no longer a problem. She was daily reassured of her faith in Jehovah and Elijah was present to give her spiritual instruction in the things of God. Her little boy was gaining strength and being restored to his former health, then “after these things” (vs. 17) the faith of Elijah and the widow was put to another serious test when the son suddenly died.

This brings us to our message of Raising the Dead. Note three thoughts:

1.     The Intrusion of Trouble 

2.     The Intercession of Elijah 

3.     The Incomparable Miracle

I.    intrusion of trouble – vs. 17-18

A.   There is a CATASTROPHE in The Widow’s House – Vs. 17

1.    This was a time when daily blessings were being enjoyed. Everyday there is water to drink, meal, plenty of oil to make bread.

2.    The faith of Elijah and the widow was growing, but it was a faith that required a furnace of testing.

a.    Each trial in our walk with God brings us to a new step of faith, designed to lift us to a higher plane of faith.

b.    Their faith had to be tried by fire – it had to be put in the furnace. Their faith was untested.

c.    Real faith requires the furnace – faith can grow during times of blessings, but a high spiritual plane of faith is only reached when one experiences trouble and goes through fiery trials. Abraham had faith in God “and it was counted unto him for righteousness (Rom. 4:3)

Turn Rom 4:19-22 His faith wasn’t tested – put through the fire and into the furnace until he was to offer his promise, his son Isaac as a sacrifice 30 year or more later.

3.    Sooner or later all of us will be “tried as by fire.” The trouble that has come your way, the difficulties, the problems, the heart breaks and all the other distasteful things that you have not enjoyed at all have been used by God to strengthen you, to firm you up in order to make that faith you have more real, more usable and more dependable in experiencing other tests and trials that will come your way.

4.    Real FAITH – the kind that you need for tomorrow and for every trial of life you face requires suffering. Heb. 11:17, 36-39; James 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 1:6-7; 4:12-13

5.    The widow woman didn’t enjoy that test.

a.    Remember now, she was a believer among a town filled with unbelievers. The trial of her faith now would strengthen her later when the prophet was gone.

b.    She didn’t respond to test favourably, it was hard, but later on we’ll find she could look back upon her experience and glad she went through it. She might have said when it was over: “I may be glad that I had to experience a test, because it was a crucible that perfected my faith!”

6.    Both the widow and Elijah had a faith that needed a test. How will they handle it? It had to come, because they needed a test. Up to this point what had Elijah been experiencing, but Blessing after blessing!

·      At the brook? BLESSING!

·      At the widow’s house? MEAL and OIL from the vessels – BLESSING

·      There was spiritual revival everyday, faith growing everyday trouble free blessings everyday.

7.    God wanted to be sure their faith was firm – so that when real trials come or in the midst of labour for Him and tragedy strikes you don’t fall apart and His work goes on. Elijah is to experience much greater trials as He walks with God, but he needed to pass this testing and have his faith tried, before the greater trials come.
Look how the woman handled it.

B.    The CONFUSION of the Widow – Vs. 18

1.    What a stinging, unjust remark – she blames the prophet! "What have I done to you?" Ya know through, much can be excused in the face of great grief.

2.    When trouble comes we often find fault with our circumstances, our stay in life and blame others without realizing that God sent it and God meant it for our good.

3.    Her response is improper, exactly like some of us and says to those nearest her that it is their fault.

4.    She falsely assumed that she was being judged for some past sin and that Elijah had been sent to apply the judgment.

a.    Something in this woman’s background, some dark deed stood out in her memory – possibly in connection with the birth of her son.

b.    No doubt she is a saved woman – BUT that sin is in the past, God has forgiven her, but she hasn’t forgiven herself.

c.    There are some sins in the past that we will reap the harvest for: drinker – kills brain cells, ruins organs; dope – destroys mind, hallucinations; tobacco – cancer; venerial disease from immoral behaviour.

d.    But this isn’t her condition – God wasn’t punishing her for sin – her past sin had nothing to do with this trial or testing of her faith.

e.    She plagued herself with the trouble of Job’s 3 friends

1)    Many on both sides of the issue often wrongly assume that suffering is due to sin. Job's friends made this error.
2)    She took their side against Job – In essence they said, “Hey Job, don’t you realise the righteous don’t suffer – confess your sinfulness and clear your plate.”

5.    Her wrong response, lashing out, contributing it to a wrong cause indicates her lack of stability and spiritual growth – she hadn’t come far enough yet – God was going to use this test to build her, to put something in her so that she could stand the next test. Prov. 24:10 – “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”

6.    Job experienced a test, 7 sons, 3 daughters killed in one day, along with all his worldly possessions – His response?
“Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

7.    In 1 Thess. 5:18 we are told “in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” – that is easier said than done – put yourself in her place.

II.   intercession of elijah – vs. 19-22

A.   COMPASSION He Felt – Vs. 19

1.    Elijah ignored her charge to him. He saw her great grief. Her burden became his burden, the weight of her heart became the weight of his heart.

a.    No doubt he had grown to love this child. Elijah immediately acted by taking to child to where he was accustomed to be meeting with God in His own quiet place. Is there a certain place where you meet with God?

b.    Her burden became his burden. Gal 6:2 – “Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” Rom.12:15 – “…Weep with them that weep”

2.    Though she blamed him, Elijah did not lash back, but understood her sorrow

3.    The biggest mistake you and I could make in a time of heartbreak is to take someone’s reactions seriously – just feel compassion for them.

B.    COMPLAINT He Expressed – Vs. 20

1.    Now it was Elijah’s turn to goof up – he made a false assumption!

2.    He expressed disappointment with God – vs. 20. God you did it – it is your fault – what kind treatment us this for a woman who has served you the best she knows how, she has been taken care of me, she has served you the best she could – I’ve seen her pray and I’ve seen her trust you and you let this come on her.

3.    Elijah falsely assumed – that faithful, sacrificial service insulates us from trouble. 

a.    “Dear God, this woman – she is a faithful, prayer warrior, who takes care of me – she is your servant

b.    Consider her faithfulness, the good service she’s rendering—ought that not to count for something? —Surely you wouldn’t let her suffer?

c.    God this is not right—this is not just – think of all the drunks who get in accidents and nothing happens to them. BUT here is someone who’s saved, living right, it seems as if everything bad is happening to them.”

4.    Why do good people suffer?

a.    If you believe it is not right that they should suffer – your making the same mistake as Elijah

b.    Elijah needed to learn the truth about suffering and how to react to it.

c.    God allows this test for the widow’s good and for Elijah’s training

c.       History and the Scriptures give us abundant evidence as to how the saints suffer and suffered. Just see Heb. 11 or read Foxes Book of Martyrs.

C.   CRY of Elijah – Vs. 21

1.    This was BURDENED praying and as such we have to ask ourselves when we intercede in behalf of someone if we are we fit to be heard?

2.    Are we on praying ground? Are we in fellowship with God? The next time we petition heaven’s throne and we pray over and over and the heavens seem to be brass, we need to ask ourself, “I am fit to be heard?”

3.    This was Persistent praying. Three times he stretched himself on the child and  – “cried unto the Lord.” TURN >> Lk. 11:5-10

4.    If we prayed for spiritually dead sinners the way Elijah prayed for this boy we would see more sinners saved.

III.  incomparable miracle 22-24

A.   A CONCLUSIVE Result: the child revived – Vs. 22

1.    Imagine the heartbreak of the mom thinking her son is gone – not being able to pray – she’s given up

2.    Elijah maybe was about to give up too – but on the 3rd prayer – “Hugh Hugh” There was BREATH! The soul of the child came into him again!

1 Kings 17:22 – “And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.”

Jer. 33:3 – “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

3.    The Lord heard! Elijah was on praying ground. 1 Kings 17:23 – “And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the house, and delivered him unto his mother: and Elijah said, See, thy son liveth.”

a.    Oh, Elijah’s faith took a giant leap— he had a great boost to his faith.

b.    We can imagine the excitement Elijah felt as he brought the child to the widow with her tear stained face. 

c.    We can also imagine the joy of the mother’s heart as she embraced and wept over her restored son.

B.    Widow CONFESSES – Vs. 24

1.    She had believed previously but now all doubt was removed. In the face of great grief even some strong believers may doubt.

2.    She was like the father who had lost hope for his demon possessed son in
Mk. 9:24 – “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

3.    Both the widow and Elijah rejoiced in the strengthening of their faith in the all powerful God.




CONCLUSION – Lessons To Be Learned:

There were some great lessons to be gleaned from this text.

1.       Trouble often comes in the midst of blessings. None are immune to suffering.

2.       Suffering is not always due to sin, but as a means to refine and perfect the believer.

3.       Suffering will come during times of great blessing and of great service.

4.       God will use sufferings to teach lessons and to perfect our faith

5.       Burdened and Persistent prayer is the only kind of praying that moves God to action.

How are we handling our trouble? Are we blaming God? Blaming everything and everybody else? Have we fainted?

Why do we not just be still and let God do what He wants to do in our lives and accept it as from Him?



All God's Best,
Bob Zemeski


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