1 Kings 18:1-16 - Reluctant Servant - Elijah Series 5 of 18
Quote from Forum Archives on November 7, 2016, 7:48 pmPosted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Reluctant Servant
Elijah Series 5 of 18
Text: 1 Kings 18:1-16 (Don’t pray)
Aim: to show the failures of Compromise
I. Introduction:
Chapter 17 vs. 1 – Revealing the Prophet
Chapter 17 vs. 2-7 – Refuge at Cherith
Chapter 17 vs. 8-16 – Resource of Faith
Chapter 17 vs. 17-24 – Raising the Dead
Now we are in Chapter 18:1-16 – Reluctant Servant
A. Review
It has been 58 yrs. since the division of the nation of Israel – into the Northern & Southern kingdoms. Elijah is prophesising to the Northern Kingdom where they have had a succession of 7 kings.
Each succeeding King is seemingly worse than the one he replaced in destroying Israel’s faith and loyalty to Jehovah God. And now, at the end of the 58 yr. period King Ahab reigns and his wife, Jezebel, and her prophets have done their job well in tearing down the people. 1 Kgs. 16:30 – “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.”
It would appear on the surface, that the knowledge of God has been completely abolished from the land. Jezebel, the pagan religion of Baal and the prophets of Baal are firmly entrenched in the culture of the land. But at that desperate and dark hour God sends a prophet. 1 Kgs. 17:1 – “Elijah the Tishbite, who was one of the inhabitants of Gilead…”
1. Elijah comes before Ahab in vs. 1
a. He declared by the power of God “there shall be no dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.”
b. This severe punishment was because Israel’s idolatry and God’s plan to make a show of Phoenician storm god—Baal, whose specialty was supposed to be in rainmaking business
2. Ahab probably laughed off Elijah’s threat, but laughter changed to revenge when Ahab realised in fact, it wasn’t going to rain.
a. Ahab started looking for Elijah, but God prepared a place for Elijah and told him in vs. 3 “hide thyself by the brook Cherith.”
b. This he did for about 1 year. During that time, twice a day a raven fed him meat and bread, while the brook provided fresh water.
3. Then after about a year the brook dried up!
a. But because Elijah was THERE where God placed him, he heard the word of the Lord again giving him guidance for his move.
b. Elijah during this trial didn’t get discouraged for he knew that when the provisions were gone THERE, that God would speak again but is seems God wouldn’t speak until the provisions were gone!
4. In vs. 9 God directs Elijah to the city of Zarephath over next to Zidon.
a. Oh, BTW Elijah, Jezebel’s daddy is King of Zidon and you’ll only be 8 miles from her hometown Zidon.
b. The Lord said, “I have commanded a widow woman THERE to sustain thee.” The Lord sent him to the least likely person that would be able to take care of him.
c. He travelled 75 miles, on foot, across desert and wilderness without provision to get there – and nothing in Scripture about the raven following either.
5. Immediately in vs. 10b he contacted the right woman – Boy, what a coincidence! Coincidence my foot! This was the divine leadership of the Lord!
6. Then in accordance with Elijah’s promise in vs. 14 that the meal and oil would stay in full supply, she took her last scope meal and the few drops of oil and made Elijah a cake of bread. As a result in being obedient to God’s man, the Lord God fed her, her son, and Elijah “many days” (vs. 15) – i.e. for over 2 years.
7. During Elijah’s stay with her the widow’s son dies – vs. 20. In response to her cries of despair, Elijah compassionately took the son up to his loft where he agonized in prayer – prostrating himself three times over the boy’s body.
C. Now for over 3 years – 1 year at the Brook Cherith; over 2 years at the widow’s house in Zarephath; for about 3 ½ years God has been caring for His prophet.
1. God has been feeding him – others are starving. BUT God fed him and the widow and her son and supplying them with water.
2. God has been protecting him – Hid by God from the King Ahab for 3 1/2 years.
a. It was by Elijah’s word the rain stopped, and if he could, Ahab would have tried to force him to give the word for the drought to stop.
God’s hiding of him and feeding him during this time is a miracle!b. Elijah lived with a widow for over 2 years – what about the neighbours, surely a stranger and foreigner would have been noticed?
1) Surely folks would talk, somebody had to be curious, and somebody normally had to talk over the back wall. How could this be kept quiet?
2) BUT when the king’s spies looked for him nobody knew anything! God hid his prophet for 3 1/2 years. This is a miracle.
3. God prepared him – More was going on than just feeding him and protecting him – God was preparing him for a greater work! Elijah was learning something that he couldn’t have learned any other way:
a. He learned to trust God by faith taking Him at His Word – not just on a long range basis, but day by day (Brook, raven, barrel of meal)
b. He learned the power of prayer – praying each day for his provisions
c. He learned how to deal with adversity.
D. Now it was time to bring the prophet out of hiding.
1. Vs. 1-2 – INSTRUCTIONS to Elijah
2. Vs. 3-6 – INTRODUCTION of Obadiah
3. Vs. 7-14 – INTERCEPTION of Obadiah by Elijah
4. Vs. 15-16 – IGNORING Obadiah’s Protest
II. instructions to elijah AND OBADIAH– Vs. 1-2
A. CHARGE to Elijah – vs. 1
1. It was God who said to Elijah in 17:3, “Get thee hence…hide thyself.”
And he did so for some 3 ½ years. Now Jehovah says 18:1 “Go show thyself to Ahab!”2. The time of the instructions– “…in the third year…”
3. A challenging command to follow – “…Go, show thyself to Ahab…”
a. This was a dangerous thing to do as Ahab wanted to kill him – he had spies throughout the land and men hunting for him.
b. God you say, “Show thyself to Ahab” – when I do this, can I be on one mountain and he on the other? Can’t I just call him on the phone or send him a text message? How about me sending him an autographed photo?
c. Elijah had been prepared for this day, for this hour! How?
1) He learned to trust God going through the trials of the DRY Brook, the DEPLETED Barrel with the widow of Zarephath, and the raising of the widow’s DEAD Boy.
2) He learned to take God at His Word – If he’d do exactly as God said:
a) He learned he wouldn’t starve;
b) He learned he would be protected
c) He learned in the three experiences at the Brook, at the Barrel and at the Body that it is vitally important to obey the Word of God regardless how challenging it may sound! Take God at His Word and you’ll always come out on top!
B. CULMINATION of the Drought was Promised
1. The promise that God gave Elijah in vs.1 – “I will send rain upon the earth.”
a. There had been no rain for 3 1/2 years. We know this from at least two NT references SEE >> Luke 4:25,26; James 5:17
b. We are told in 18:2 “there was a sore famine in Samaria.”
What would it be like around here without rain for 3 ½ years?1) No brooks to water cattle, sheep or water to make green the hills.
2) Without a doubt the crops failed, the earth was chapped and barren – the ground was as hard as iron.
3) Animals deserting the young for lack of grass as there would have been no sustainable living vegetation.
4) Bloated carcasses would be doting the countryside and bleached bones of animals would be strewn all over the land.
2. This was a desperate time. By this punishment it was hoped that God’s people would learn the exceeding sinfulness and evil of their sin.
Jer. 2:19 – “Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore, and see, that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God…”
3. Elijah had no joy to see the suffering – it must have broken his heart to seeing first hand the tragedy, realizing it was by his word from the Lord.
a. He knew it was of God, he knew it was a judgement for the nation’s wickedness and God used him to bring it about!
b. Therefore it must have rejoiced him to know God was going to send rain again – the drought was about to be broken.
C. Compliance of Elijah – vs. 2
1. No hint of hesitation on Elijah’s part facing King Ahab. Prov. 28:1 – “…the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
2. Elijah knew he was God’s prophet, he knew God would protect him; he knew God could be trusted and it was God who would see him through this challenge.
III. INTRODUCTION of Obadiah – vs. 3-6
A. The Call to Obadiah by Ahab – vs. 3
1. Obadiah’s position in the kingdom
a. 1 Kings 18:3 – “And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house…”
b. Evidently Obadiah was in charge of Arab’s house and would have been highly trusted.
2. Obadiah’s spiritual condition was that he “…feared the Lord greatly...”
a. He lived in the midst of idolatry and gross evil but was not caught up in it.
b. Obadiah was vexed by the treatment of God’s prophets and acted to save them – 1 Kings 18:4.
1) This was a very dangerous thing to do.
2) We can only speculate how he got the bread and water, and how he was able to get it to the prophets.
B. Obadiah’s Compromise
1. There is no question that Obadiah did a good thing, BUT there is the question as to whether he compromises his convictions while serving Ahab?
a. There is no sin in holding a high position under wicked people like King Ahab.
1) There is nothing wrong with his employment, there is nothing wrong with a believer getting job that has him working around a lot of unsaved, ungodly people though some jobs would be wrong for a Christian—bartender, working in an abortion clinic, etc.
2) It is a serious mistake for believers to isolate themselves from society and the world in general – we are to be salt and light!
3) We know in Jesus’ time there were saints in Caesar’s household and probably right for them to be there.
b. Believer’s who are qualified should enter politics.
1) Prov. 14:34 – “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
2) We need godly leaders to make and keep laws that will glorify God.
3) Good laws, godly laws, righteous laws in the hands of a corrupt rotten leadership with not give you good government.
4) You can give wicked men the Bible and tell them to govern the land with it and they wouldn’t – they’d corrupt the truth to conform to their will.
5) It is time parents raised their children with the sights of responsibility to change and mould the course of history in this country
6) We need Christians, the born-again, spirit-filled, Bible-believing kind, as wise children of God to seek leadership in government—failure to do so means we let the Devil have it!
2. THE ISSUE is whether or not Obadiah violated Biblical convictions by concealing his identity as a believer?
a. Did he cry out about the evil he witnessed? Did he see the prophets die at the hands of Ahab and Jezebel?
b. Many believers today claim to love God and hate evil, but they do not confront the evil. They choose to remain silent.
c. THE ISSUE with Obadiah neither was that he held a high position in Ahab’s court but the issue was could hold it without compromising principle?
1) Can you be elected to a political office and still retain you principles as a believer? I say you can!
2) Can you be in an ungodly environment surrounded by unsaved people and retain your principles as a believer? I say you can!
3) Can you be an officer in the military and hold to your convictions? YES you can!
4) There is hardly a position in this world that you can’t hold and still maintain you biblical principles and convictions.
d. Obadiah compromised a very vital principle—he kept his mouth shut tolerating sin.
1) He kept his mouth shut when he saw the prophet’s heads being chopped off.
2) Sure he feared the Lord and hid 100 prophets and fed them, BUT he kept his mouth shut about the 100’s of others who were slain.
3) Evidently didn’t believe in being a religious fanatic.
a) Oh, he didn’t agree with the new orders of things under Ahab but there was no need for him to force his religious convictions on others.
b) After all, it was no business of his. If he had spoken up he would lose all his benefits and plush position—not to speak of possibly losing his head. He didn’t fancy being a martyr.
4) He probably took the view than he was only one man – after all one man couldn’t do much – ugh, how about Elijah – he was just one man, but God’s man.
5) Have you ever asked yourself why the 100 prophets were in hiding? Isn’t it a shame that God had to go way across over the Jordon River into Gilead to get a prophet to talk to Ahab when there were 101 under foot?
a) Seemingly these men believed in self-preservation – After all you gotta live! You call a daily water and bread ration living?
b) God took care of Elijah. —He ate bread, meat and who know what other delicacies.
c) If there were one prophet out of a 100 hidden in the cave with any guts—God would have used him!
1) You say, but Obadiah would lose his head if he spoke up – then let it roll! No matter, it is still wrong to hide your identity as a believer!
2) It is wrong for those with whom you work with not to know you are saved?! It is also wrong to take your employers time by stopping work to witness? —But that is a violation of another principle.
3) Many Christians are like Obadiah—You love God and hate evil, but never enough to rebuke sin. You’d never tell people what is wrong or what is right.
4) Obadiah was probably the product of the leadership he was hiding in the caves! People will not rise higher than the leadership they have takes them.
3. Ahab’s instructions to Obadiah – 1 Kings 18:5-6
a. Ahab’s heart was still hard. After 3 ½ years of drought and starvation Ahab still refuses to turn back (repent) from idolatry back to the true and living God.
1) His god Baal had been unable to stop the drought but nonetheless he still serves him. His heart is harder now than in the beginning.
Why hasn’t Baal helped?2) He is THE god of the religion of the land. Isn’t it about time Ahab realised that Baal isn’t a very powerful God?
3) Do you not think that if Ahab had been praying to the Lord Jehovah God for 3 ½ yrs. and He didn’t do anything that Ahab would for sure question the power of the Almighty God?
b. Ahab was heartless and selfish. He was Israel’s king and rather than try to alleviate the misery of his people, his only concern was for the animals!
He sends Obadiah out looking for food for the horses and mules.1) When people are starving they eat their live stock including horses & mules
2) Obadiah was NOT sent to look for grassland for cattle, sheep or chickens but Ahab’s stud stock.
3) Ahab cared more for prize stock than for people.
c. Compare David’s compassion for the people. 2 Sam 24:17 – “And David spake unto the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father’s house.”
1) Obadiah didn’t stand up to be heard at the slaughter of God’s prophets
2) Obadiah didn’t speak up in objection to looking for food for the horses when people were starving
a) Our failure to stand for God and for His people is the sole cause of failure in God’s work—not being counted is the same as not being there
b) Our sinful rebellion often brings suffering on others.
3) Obadiah was willing to sacrifice others in the interest of personal gain
a) He sacrificed his testimony for God to keep his position
b) My sin is bringing suffering, my sin is destroying lives, but I don’t care about that, I’ve got to take care of Number 1!
1. While Ahab goes one-way Obadiah goes another in search for grass. And what a coincidence his path crosses with Elijah’s! “Funny meeting you way out here Elijah.”
2. He had immediate recognition of Elijah. How did he know him?
It was more than likely, Obadiah was present when Elijah put his finger under Ahab’s nose and delivered his message to the king in 1 Kings 17:1.
Here Obadiah had a real opportunity to quit the charade and take of the mask of pretence and identify himself when he met Elijah. But he did not.
1. What have I done to deserve this? – 1 Kings 18:9
a. He response shows a resentment towards God’s man
b. To comply would mean he might get hurt.
c. To comply would ruin to what he was accustomed.
d. It is obvious he wished he never met the prophet
2. Obadiah sounds suspiciously like a man who has a guilty conscience and fears that God is about to judge him – 1 Kings 18:10-12
3. He complained that he feared the Lord. However, he seems to fear Ahab and Jezebel more.
a. Obadiah was afraid after he told Ahab that the Spirit of God would take Elijah away and leave him holding the bag.
b. Guess who he is most concerned bout? Obadiah!
c. He feared God, but was afraid of his own shadow
d. He was more anxious for himself than for the work of God or God’s people. Thrice in vs. 9, 12, 14 he expressed his fear that “he [Ahab] shall slay me.”
4. Most of us unfortunately are content with pollution – we deal with it by working around it, but understand if we want the water in the stream to be pure can only happen when someone is willing to go to the source of the pollution and make waves.
a. It is not enough to shelter the prophets we must show ourselves to the Ahabs of this world.
b. You might be a sweet as sugar person, but it is salt is what God made you and it is ONLY salt that halts the progress of sin and its infectious nature.
c. It is a shame and sinful when we fear the faces of people more than we fear God. Obadiah said, “but I thy servant fear the LORD from my youth.”
1) But he’s reluctant to do the bidding of God’s man, Elijah.
2) He is reluctant to stand for God and fear’s man more than his Saviour.
D. Crediting of Obadiah by Himself – vs. 13-14
1. Obadiah appealed to his good works – 1 Kings 18:13
He had done a good thing but a person cannot balance good and bad on a scale.a. How was Elijah going to know this – who was going to tell him over in Gilead? After all I don’t think Obadiah told anyone.
b. He is resting on his “used to bees” and “I have dunes.”
c. Maybe that is your testimony? —“I remember when…”
2. He seemed to be trying to put Elijah on a guilt trip – 1 Kings 18:14
3. Obadiah’s complaints were basically ignored.
A. Certainty of Elijah in Meeting Ahab – 1 Kings 18:15
1. Elijah assured Obadiah that he wasn’t going to skip out and leave him holding the bag he said, “As the Lord of hosts liveth…I will shew myself TODAY!”
2. His boldness in declaring he would stand before Ahab that day had its source in the strength and fearlessness of the Lord he served.
a. When we are in the will of God we can be as bold as a lion.
b. Elijah did not fear facing Ahab.
3. “I am Jehovah’s prophet, I am His mouth piece, I am His servant and I have a job to do for my Master! By God’s grace Ahab shall see my face today! Obadiah GULPS! —And then capitulates!
B. WE See Obadiah Compliance in 1 Kings 18:16
A. Fearing and serving God in the past does not justify remaining silent about evil.
B. Service in the past does not justify lack of service today.
1. Past service does not justify compromise of biblical principles.
2. It does not matter what kind or amount of good work you have done, it does not matter what kind of good Christian you’ve been—NOTHING you have anywhere, and at anytime will justify wrong doing today
3. Your service in the past does not count for service in the present, as the only service for the Lord that counts for today, is the service that is done today!
C. Working and living in the world is not wrong as long as we remain faithful to the Lord with our witness.
1. No matter what employment we are engaged we need to keep our priorities straight and determine to be a witness, refusing the temptation to hide our faith by compromise.
2. We are salt and light and need to let this world know, that no matter where we live, work or to whomever we talk, they are going to know we are one of God’s children!
D. The compromising and silent Christians will eventually be put on the spot where they will have to reveal themselves.
1. Just as Obadiah was when he happened upon Elijah.
2. God is only going to let you go so long, before He is going to embarrass you and make you identify yourself.
3. It is so much easier to this without being put under pressure – BUT if you don’t stand up on your own – God will one day rip off the covers and then what will you do?
All God's Best,Bob Zemeski
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Posted by: bzemeski <bzemeski@...>
Reluctant Servant
Elijah Series 5 of 18
Text: 1 Kings 18:1-16 (Don’t pray)
Aim: to show the failures of Compromise
I. Introduction:
Chapter 17 vs. 1 – Revealing the Prophet
Chapter 17 vs. 2-7 – Refuge at Cherith
Chapter 17 vs. 8-16 – Resource of Faith
Chapter 17 vs. 17-24 – Raising the Dead
Now we are in Chapter 18:1-16 – Reluctant Servant
A. Review
It has been 58 yrs. since the division of the nation of Israel – into the Northern & Southern kingdoms. Elijah is prophesising to the Northern Kingdom where they have had a succession of 7 kings.
Each succeeding King is seemingly worse than the one he replaced in destroying Israel’s faith and loyalty to Jehovah God. And now, at the end of the 58 yr. period King Ahab reigns and his wife, Jezebel, and her prophets have done their job well in tearing down the people. 1 Kgs. 16:30 – “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.”
It would appear on the surface, that the knowledge of God has been completely abolished from the land. Jezebel, the pagan religion of Baal and the prophets of Baal are firmly entrenched in the culture of the land. But at that desperate and dark hour God sends a prophet. 1 Kgs. 17:1 – “Elijah the Tishbite, who was one of the inhabitants of Gilead…”
1. Elijah comes before Ahab in vs. 1
a. He declared by the power of God “there shall be no dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.”
b. This severe punishment was because Israel’s idolatry and God’s plan to make a show of Phoenician storm god—Baal, whose specialty was supposed to be in rainmaking business
2. Ahab probably laughed off Elijah’s threat, but laughter changed to revenge when Ahab realised in fact, it wasn’t going to rain.
a. Ahab started looking for Elijah, but God prepared a place for Elijah and told him in vs. 3 “hide thyself by the brook Cherith.”
b. This he did for about 1 year. During that time, twice a day a raven fed him meat and bread, while the brook provided fresh water.
3. Then after about a year the brook dried up!
a. But because Elijah was THERE where God placed him, he heard the word of the Lord again giving him guidance for his move.
b. Elijah during this trial didn’t get discouraged for he knew that when the provisions were gone THERE, that God would speak again but is seems God wouldn’t speak until the provisions were gone!
4. In vs. 9 God directs Elijah to the city of Zarephath over next to Zidon.
a. Oh, BTW Elijah, Jezebel’s daddy is King of Zidon and you’ll only be 8 miles from her hometown Zidon.
b. The Lord said, “I have commanded a widow woman THERE to sustain thee.” The Lord sent him to the least likely person that would be able to take care of him.
c. He travelled 75 miles, on foot, across desert and wilderness without provision to get there – and nothing in Scripture about the raven following either.
5. Immediately in vs. 10b he contacted the right woman – Boy, what a coincidence! Coincidence my foot! This was the divine leadership of the Lord!
6. Then in accordance with Elijah’s promise in vs. 14 that the meal and oil would stay in full supply, she took her last scope meal and the few drops of oil and made Elijah a cake of bread. As a result in being obedient to God’s man, the Lord God fed her, her son, and Elijah “many days” (vs. 15) – i.e. for over 2 years.
7. During Elijah’s stay with her the widow’s son dies – vs. 20. In response to her cries of despair, Elijah compassionately took the son up to his loft where he agonized in prayer – prostrating himself three times over the boy’s body.
C. Now for over 3 years – 1 year at the Brook Cherith; over 2 years at the widow’s house in Zarephath; for about 3 ½ years God has been caring for His prophet.
1. God has been feeding him – others are starving. BUT God fed him and the widow and her son and supplying them with water.
2. God has been protecting him – Hid by God from the King Ahab for 3 1/2 years.
a. It was by Elijah’s word the rain stopped, and if he could, Ahab would have tried to force him to give the word for the drought to stop.
God’s hiding of him and feeding him during this time is a miracle!
b. Elijah lived with a widow for over 2 years – what about the neighbours, surely a stranger and foreigner would have been noticed?
1) Surely folks would talk, somebody had to be curious, and somebody normally had to talk over the back wall. How could this be kept quiet?
2) BUT when the king’s spies looked for him nobody knew anything! God hid his prophet for 3 1/2 years. This is a miracle.
3. God prepared him – More was going on than just feeding him and protecting him – God was preparing him for a greater work! Elijah was learning something that he couldn’t have learned any other way:
a. He learned to trust God by faith taking Him at His Word – not just on a long range basis, but day by day (Brook, raven, barrel of meal)
b. He learned the power of prayer – praying each day for his provisions
c. He learned how to deal with adversity.
D. Now it was time to bring the prophet out of hiding.
1. Vs. 1-2 – INSTRUCTIONS to Elijah
2. Vs. 3-6 – INTRODUCTION of Obadiah
3. Vs. 7-14 – INTERCEPTION of Obadiah by Elijah
4. Vs. 15-16 – IGNORING Obadiah’s Protest
II. instructions to elijah AND OBADIAH– Vs. 1-2
A. CHARGE to Elijah – vs. 1
1. It was God who said to Elijah in 17:3, “Get thee hence…hide thyself.”
And he did so for some 3 ½ years. Now Jehovah says 18:1 “Go show thyself to Ahab!”
2. The time of the instructions– “…in the third year…”
3. A challenging command to follow – “…Go, show thyself to Ahab…”
a. This was a dangerous thing to do as Ahab wanted to kill him – he had spies throughout the land and men hunting for him.
b. God you say, “Show thyself to Ahab” – when I do this, can I be on one mountain and he on the other? Can’t I just call him on the phone or send him a text message? How about me sending him an autographed photo?
c. Elijah had been prepared for this day, for this hour! How?
1) He learned to trust God going through the trials of the DRY Brook, the DEPLETED Barrel with the widow of Zarephath, and the raising of the widow’s DEAD Boy.
2) He learned to take God at His Word – If he’d do exactly as God said:
a) He learned he wouldn’t starve;
b) He learned he would be protected
c) He learned in the three experiences at the Brook, at the Barrel and at the Body that it is vitally important to obey the Word of God regardless how challenging it may sound! Take God at His Word and you’ll always come out on top!
B. CULMINATION of the Drought was Promised
1. The promise that God gave Elijah in vs.1 – “I will send rain upon the earth.”
a. There had been no rain for 3 1/2 years. We know this from at least two NT references SEE >> Luke 4:25,26; James 5:17
b. We are told in 18:2 “there was a sore famine in Samaria.”
What would it be like around here without rain for 3 ½ years?
1) No brooks to water cattle, sheep or water to make green the hills.
2) Without a doubt the crops failed, the earth was chapped and barren – the ground was as hard as iron.
3) Animals deserting the young for lack of grass as there would have been no sustainable living vegetation.
4) Bloated carcasses would be doting the countryside and bleached bones of animals would be strewn all over the land.
2. This was a desperate time. By this punishment it was hoped that God’s people would learn the exceeding sinfulness and evil of their sin.
Jer. 2:19 – “Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore, and see, that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God…”
3. Elijah had no joy to see the suffering – it must have broken his heart to seeing first hand the tragedy, realizing it was by his word from the Lord.
a. He knew it was of God, he knew it was a judgement for the nation’s wickedness and God used him to bring it about!
b. Therefore it must have rejoiced him to know God was going to send rain again – the drought was about to be broken.
C. Compliance of Elijah – vs. 2
1. No hint of hesitation on Elijah’s part facing King Ahab. Prov. 28:1 – “…the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
2. Elijah knew he was God’s prophet, he knew God would protect him; he knew God could be trusted and it was God who would see him through this challenge.
III. INTRODUCTION of Obadiah – vs. 3-6
A. The Call to Obadiah by Ahab – vs. 3
1. Obadiah’s position in the kingdom
a. 1 Kings 18:3 – “And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house…”
b. Evidently Obadiah was in charge of Arab’s house and would have been highly trusted.
2. Obadiah’s spiritual condition was that he “…feared the Lord greatly...”
a. He lived in the midst of idolatry and gross evil but was not caught up in it.
b. Obadiah was vexed by the treatment of God’s prophets and acted to save them – 1 Kings 18:4.
1) This was a very dangerous thing to do.
2) We can only speculate how he got the bread and water, and how he was able to get it to the prophets.
B. Obadiah’s Compromise
1. There is no question that Obadiah did a good thing, BUT there is the question as to whether he compromises his convictions while serving Ahab?
a. There is no sin in holding a high position under wicked people like King Ahab.
1) There is nothing wrong with his employment, there is nothing wrong with a believer getting job that has him working around a lot of unsaved, ungodly people though some jobs would be wrong for a Christian—bartender, working in an abortion clinic, etc.
2) It is a serious mistake for believers to isolate themselves from society and the world in general – we are to be salt and light!
3) We know in Jesus’ time there were saints in Caesar’s household and probably right for them to be there.
b. Believer’s who are qualified should enter politics.
1) Prov. 14:34 – “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
2) We need godly leaders to make and keep laws that will glorify God.
3) Good laws, godly laws, righteous laws in the hands of a corrupt rotten leadership with not give you good government.
4) You can give wicked men the Bible and tell them to govern the land with it and they wouldn’t – they’d corrupt the truth to conform to their will.
5) It is time parents raised their children with the sights of responsibility to change and mould the course of history in this country
6) We need Christians, the born-again, spirit-filled, Bible-believing kind, as wise children of God to seek leadership in government—failure to do so means we let the Devil have it!
2. THE ISSUE is whether or not Obadiah violated Biblical convictions by concealing his identity as a believer?
a. Did he cry out about the evil he witnessed? Did he see the prophets die at the hands of Ahab and Jezebel?
b. Many believers today claim to love God and hate evil, but they do not confront the evil. They choose to remain silent.
c. THE ISSUE with Obadiah neither was that he held a high position in Ahab’s court but the issue was could hold it without compromising principle?
1) Can you be elected to a political office and still retain you principles as a believer? I say you can!
2) Can you be in an ungodly environment surrounded by unsaved people and retain your principles as a believer? I say you can!
3) Can you be an officer in the military and hold to your convictions? YES you can!
4) There is hardly a position in this world that you can’t hold and still maintain you biblical principles and convictions.
d. Obadiah compromised a very vital principle—he kept his mouth shut tolerating sin.
1) He kept his mouth shut when he saw the prophet’s heads being chopped off.
2) Sure he feared the Lord and hid 100 prophets and fed them, BUT he kept his mouth shut about the 100’s of others who were slain.
3) Evidently didn’t believe in being a religious fanatic.
a) Oh, he didn’t agree with the new orders of things under Ahab but there was no need for him to force his religious convictions on others.
b) After all, it was no business of his. If he had spoken up he would lose all his benefits and plush position—not to speak of possibly losing his head. He didn’t fancy being a martyr.
4) He probably took the view than he was only one man – after all one man couldn’t do much – ugh, how about Elijah – he was just one man, but God’s man.
5) Have you ever asked yourself why the 100 prophets were in hiding? Isn’t it a shame that God had to go way across over the Jordon River into Gilead to get a prophet to talk to Ahab when there were 101 under foot?
a) Seemingly these men believed in self-preservation – After all you gotta live! You call a daily water and bread ration living?
b) God took care of Elijah. —He ate bread, meat and who know what other delicacies.
c) If there were one prophet out of a 100 hidden in the cave with any guts—God would have used him!
1) You say, but Obadiah would lose his head if he spoke up – then let it roll! No matter, it is still wrong to hide your identity as a believer!
2) It is wrong for those with whom you work with not to know you are saved?! It is also wrong to take your employers time by stopping work to witness? —But that is a violation of another principle.
3) Many Christians are like Obadiah—You love God and hate evil, but never enough to rebuke sin. You’d never tell people what is wrong or what is right.
4) Obadiah was probably the product of the leadership he was hiding in the caves! People will not rise higher than the leadership they have takes them.
3. Ahab’s instructions to Obadiah – 1 Kings 18:5-6
a. Ahab’s heart was still hard. After 3 ½ years of drought and starvation Ahab still refuses to turn back (repent) from idolatry back to the true and living God.
1) His god Baal had been unable to stop the drought but nonetheless he still serves him. His heart is harder now than in the beginning.
Why hasn’t Baal helped?
2) He is THE god of the religion of the land. Isn’t it about time Ahab realised that Baal isn’t a very powerful God?
3) Do you not think that if Ahab had been praying to the Lord Jehovah God for 3 ½ yrs. and He didn’t do anything that Ahab would for sure question the power of the Almighty God?
b. Ahab was heartless and selfish. He was Israel’s king and rather than try to alleviate the misery of his people, his only concern was for the animals!
He sends Obadiah out looking for food for the horses and mules.
1) When people are starving they eat their live stock including horses & mules
2) Obadiah was NOT sent to look for grassland for cattle, sheep or chickens but Ahab’s stud stock.
3) Ahab cared more for prize stock than for people.
c. Compare David’s compassion for the people. 2 Sam 24:17 – “And David spake unto the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father’s house.”
1) Obadiah didn’t stand up to be heard at the slaughter of God’s prophets
2) Obadiah didn’t speak up in objection to looking for food for the horses when people were starving
a) Our failure to stand for God and for His people is the sole cause of failure in God’s work—not being counted is the same as not being there
b) Our sinful rebellion often brings suffering on others.
3) Obadiah was willing to sacrifice others in the interest of personal gain
a) He sacrificed his testimony for God to keep his position
b) My sin is bringing suffering, my sin is destroying lives, but I don’t care about that, I’ve got to take care of Number 1!
1. While Ahab goes one-way Obadiah goes another in search for grass. And what a coincidence his path crosses with Elijah’s! “Funny meeting you way out here Elijah.”
2. He had immediate recognition of Elijah. How did he know him?
It was more than likely, Obadiah was present when Elijah put his finger under Ahab’s nose and delivered his message to the king in 1 Kings 17:1.
Here Obadiah had a real opportunity to quit the charade and take of the mask of pretence and identify himself when he met Elijah. But he did not.
1. What have I done to deserve this? – 1 Kings 18:9
a. He response shows a resentment towards God’s man
b. To comply would mean he might get hurt.
c. To comply would ruin to what he was accustomed.
d. It is obvious he wished he never met the prophet
2. Obadiah sounds suspiciously like a man who has a guilty conscience and fears that God is about to judge him – 1 Kings 18:10-12
3. He complained that he feared the Lord. However, he seems to fear Ahab and Jezebel more.
a. Obadiah was afraid after he told Ahab that the Spirit of God would take Elijah away and leave him holding the bag.
b. Guess who he is most concerned bout? Obadiah!
c. He feared God, but was afraid of his own shadow
d. He was more anxious for himself than for the work of God or God’s people. Thrice in vs. 9, 12, 14 he expressed his fear that “he [Ahab] shall slay me.”
4. Most of us unfortunately are content with pollution – we deal with it by working around it, but understand if we want the water in the stream to be pure can only happen when someone is willing to go to the source of the pollution and make waves.
a. It is not enough to shelter the prophets we must show ourselves to the Ahabs of this world.
b. You might be a sweet as sugar person, but it is salt is what God made you and it is ONLY salt that halts the progress of sin and its infectious nature.
c. It is a shame and sinful when we fear the faces of people more than we fear God. Obadiah said, “but I thy servant fear the LORD from my youth.”
1) But he’s reluctant to do the bidding of God’s man, Elijah.
2) He is reluctant to stand for God and fear’s man more than his Saviour.
D. Crediting of Obadiah by Himself – vs. 13-14
1. Obadiah appealed to his good works – 1 Kings 18:13
He had done a good thing but a person cannot balance good and bad on a scale.
a. How was Elijah going to know this – who was going to tell him over in Gilead? After all I don’t think Obadiah told anyone.
b. He is resting on his “used to bees” and “I have dunes.”
c. Maybe that is your testimony? —“I remember when…”
2. He seemed to be trying to put Elijah on a guilt trip – 1 Kings 18:14
3. Obadiah’s complaints were basically ignored.
A. Certainty of Elijah in Meeting Ahab – 1 Kings 18:15
1. Elijah assured Obadiah that he wasn’t going to skip out and leave him holding the bag he said, “As the Lord of hosts liveth…I will shew myself TODAY!”
2. His boldness in declaring he would stand before Ahab that day had its source in the strength and fearlessness of the Lord he served.
a. When we are in the will of God we can be as bold as a lion.
b. Elijah did not fear facing Ahab.
3. “I am Jehovah’s prophet, I am His mouth piece, I am His servant and I have a job to do for my Master! By God’s grace Ahab shall see my face today! Obadiah GULPS! —And then capitulates!
B. WE See Obadiah Compliance in 1 Kings 18:16
A. Fearing and serving God in the past does not justify remaining silent about evil.
B. Service in the past does not justify lack of service today.
1. Past service does not justify compromise of biblical principles.
2. It does not matter what kind or amount of good work you have done, it does not matter what kind of good Christian you’ve been—NOTHING you have anywhere, and at anytime will justify wrong doing today
3. Your service in the past does not count for service in the present, as the only service for the Lord that counts for today, is the service that is done today!
C. Working and living in the world is not wrong as long as we remain faithful to the Lord with our witness.
1. No matter what employment we are engaged we need to keep our priorities straight and determine to be a witness, refusing the temptation to hide our faith by compromise.
2. We are salt and light and need to let this world know, that no matter where we live, work or to whomever we talk, they are going to know we are one of God’s children!
D. The compromising and silent Christians will eventually be put on the spot where they will have to reveal themselves.
1. Just as Obadiah was when he happened upon Elijah.
2. God is only going to let you go so long, before He is going to embarrass you and make you identify yourself.
3. It is so much easier to this without being put under pressure – BUT if you don’t stand up on your own – God will one day rip off the covers and then what will you do?
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