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100 things about Marci

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>



I saved this list of 100 things about Marci. I think she shared it with the Homestead Heaven ladies about 2007.


We have been so privileged to have Marci for a friend. I never knew her to speak an unkind word. Her life was a fragrant blessing to all those around her.


1. First and foremost I love the Lord with all that I am.
2. I love my dear sweet husband, Michael. He is my best friend.
3. I have been married for almost 28 years.
4. I love my son, Joshua who is now 23.
5. Joshua is adopted. We got him at 3 days old.
6. I am barren
7. I love babies
8. I love little children
9. I give prizes to children for memorizing scripture
10. I am part of a home fellowship
11. I was born in Kentucky.
12. I lived in Chicago for 7 years.
13. I lived in Ohio for many years.
14. I moved to Florida for 12 years.
15. I now live back in Ohio.
16. I had bacterial meningitis in 2005.
17. I had the 6th disease as a child
18. I was born in December.
19. I was married in April
20. I live on a small farm
21. I would still love to have more children
22. I am 48 years old and yes, #21 is true.
23. I am looking forward to grandchildren
24. I love blue gingham.
25. I love sunflowers.
26. I love bluebirds.
27. I play the piano.
28. I am learning to play the fiddle
29. I play the guitar
30. I am learning to play the mountain dulcimer
31. I love to sing.
32. Be Thou My Vision is my favorite hymn.
33. I love Michael Card's music
34. I love Ricky Skagg's music
35. I love bluegrass music
36. I have always wanted a sleigh bed
37. I love the mountains.
38. I used to collect pigs.
39. My dream vehicle is a 1947 Chevy pick-up
40. I love office work
41. I used to write poetry
42. I have written a couple of songs.
43. I hate cats.
44. I have barn cats.... go figure.
45. I am a good leg wrestler.
46. I did not have any sisters... only 4 brothers
47. I love to build things and work with wood.
48. I love to read the Bible
49. I love missionary stories
50. I love to read books
51. I love building web pages
52. I have been blessed with many friends
53. I have 2 Australian shepherd dogs.
54. I have 2 French Alpine Dairy goats
55. I have 5 Shetland sheep
56. I have 2 Jersey milk cows.
57. I have 2 Jersey steer calves.
58. We have bees on the property
59. I have laying hens (if you can call them laying hens, when I get so few eggs).
60. I had a great Mom who went to be with the Lord in 2005.
61. I have a great Dad who lives in Florida.
62. I have a wonderful Mother In Law and Father In Law
63. I started training as a midwife and had to quit. I would like to finish that one day.
64. I have a little log cabin in my woods.
65. I have a pond.
66. I love to drive the tractor
67. I love to swim
68. I love to ride on pontoon boats.
69. I cry in most movies.
70. I make cheese sometimes. I used to do this a lot.
71. I grind my own wheat for bread
72. I run a local co-op
73. I make herbal remedies
74. I love to paint.
75. I love to crochet.
76. I love to knit, although I am a beginner
77. I have cement floors (that I am trying to be content with)
smile emoticon
78. I am intimidated to paint a wall by myself (and I have several to paint)
79. I used to run a bulk food store on my farm.
80. I used to keep books for my brother's excavating company.
81. I like to have table lamps instead of overhead lighting.
82. I have a king size bed.
83. I love quilts.
84. I love lots of flowers in the yard.
85. I love to garden
86. I love a houseful of people around me
87. I love all the baby animals on the farm in the spring.
88. I have a cookstove that heats our house.
89. I love to send cards to people. It seems I don't do as many as I used to. hmmm...
90. I love hugs and kisses both giving and getting. God has given me lots of people (especially little ones) who like them too.
91. I love this list and the ladies on it. You have walked with me through many of hard places in my life.
92. I love coffee - black and no flavors.
93. I love peppermint tea, but not as much as I love coffee.
94. I love breads and rolls.
95. I eat cold baked potates that are left over.
96. I really miss my Mom
97. I am trying to praise the Lord more - both in the good times and the not so good times.
98. I hope to one day have hardwood floors.
99. I love to pray out loud when no one is around but me.
100. I am looking forward to heaven.


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