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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Lauren J. (-USA).

"Bro. Andrew...
I am about to be 15 and my entire life I thought I was saved. I’ve
grown up in a Christian home. I knew the word and I heard pretty
correct things all my life and thought I was OK because I “asked
Jesus to come into my heart” when I was 3 and I was baptized
around 11. I believe God did something in me. I’ve spoken in
tongues since I was about 4 ½.

We, as a church body, had just come out of the “building” and
began to meet in houses in January of this year - even then I
thought for sure this made everything right. I had gotten a hold of
your teaching “How to Experience Personal Revival”. I had listened
to it about 10 times and thought it was great. Well on June 1st
after talking to one of my very close friends about her experience
with making a list like you said, I decided to take notes. Earlier
that week I had begun to have these weird questions like, “Am I
REALLY saved?”

Well, I took notes on that teaching and I’m telling you, I HEARD
what you said. My heart heard it. Not just my ears. It was like a
massive revelation- like an entire new gospel I had never heard
before. You made a comment, “If you’re not living in revived
Christianity, what makes you think you’re living in Christianity?”
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had never
been truly “saved”.

I never experienced the first 3 weeks of being saved. I began to
ask myself, “Why am I not walking with God like Adam did? Why
don’t I have that fear of the Lord? Am I even saved?” I thought
about when it says that the people said, “LORD, LORD, we cast
out demons, we spoke in tongues…” And it was like a light went
off and I knew that I was not saved. I always thought that the battle
and the race and the struggle was against sin and fighting temptation.

My whole life I had struggled with sin thinking that I had repented
of it only to find myself the next day repenting of it again. It wasn’t
true repentance! TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK. I had made
everything so complicated! The simplicity of the gospel is so alive
in my heart and mind. Anyway, it was like I got a small
understanding of the holiness of God and he was someone I had
never met before. I made a list like you said, and I poured my
heart out to this holy God and asked him to take the biggest
search light he had and show me anything that was displeasing to
him and I repented of it immediately. After I did that I felt utterly
different. Like a weight I had had my entire life that I didn’t even
know about was gone. It’s like the sky is bluer and the grass is
greener and the birds sing louder just because I know the true
Jesus. I know that this is real. It’s not like before. I woke up the
next morning and it was still there. And the next, it was still there,
and last week-it was still there!

It’s so simple and my entire life I’ve believed, whether I’ve said it or
not, in an American Jesus who would just let my sin pass on by. I
am utterly ecstatic. I know I’m different! I look at the word and the
things that I’ve underlined and highlighted with 4 different colors
mean something completely different now. This past Sunday I
actually got baptized in my next door neighbors’ backyard. --All I
want to do is approach my holy God with only the holiness He can
give. And walk completely and utterly transparent before Him. I
just wanted you to know how much you, by obeying God by
preaching holiness, how much it has impacted me."

NOTE: To hear Andrew Strom's specific message on "How
to Experience Personal Revival" please download it (free) from
the right-hand side of-
Also, it is highly recommended to follow it up with- "Are You
Walking in Romans 8??" from the same website.