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2005 Redemption CCG National Tournament

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

It was a long weekend. Wednesday evening, Dan Knight showed up at my
door to go to Burnsville, Minnesota with me. After a short nap, we left
a bit before 1 AM. It took us about 13 hours to drive there, after a nap
for safety along the way and a long detour (read: almost got lost) north
of Chicago.

Well, the church was very nice, and the youth center we were in for the
event was rather nice. We set up our table of DragonRaid and Holy Lands
stuff and sat there for most of three days.

There were over 200 people there for the tournament, and there were a
surprising number of adults. Though, it should not be too surprising, it
takes a bit of money to purchase all those cards, make the trip, pay for
the hotel, eat out at about every meal...

For promotions, we gave away flyers, stickers, dice, and old posters.
Dan did a great job of talking to people about using DR with youth and he
probably took care of most, if not all of the sales. I ran a short demo
session on Friday night for half-a-dozen people. Didn't sell any Holy

Most of the games we took went to Chris Bany, the man who was running the
event and has a distributorship to several Christian bookstores. So,
DragonRaid is getting out there, slowly, but it is moving.
