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22 SERMONS on ONE C.D - get it now!

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

22 SERMONS on ONE C.D - for *ANY* DONATION or even just

Includes these new sermons that we have not put out on CD before:

(1) "REPENTANCE IN TEXAS". When Andrew Strom preached
this sermon to 1000 people in a Texas megachurch, virtually the
entire audience stood to repent and surrender to God. Many came
forward weeping over their sins and 30 people got baptized.
Naturally, after that day he was never invited back!

(2) "YOU ARE A MISSIONARY!" - by Patrick Ersig, who is a
leader of a Detroit street-team that sees healings and deliverances
on the streets. Here he gives amazing accounts of what God has
been doing - and challenges us all to get outside the "4 walls".

(3) "IS JUDGMENT COMING TO AMERICA?" -If so, why?? - by
Andrew Strom.

(4) "TRUE INTERCESSION" - by Giancarlo Jarquin, who is leader
of the young prayer-warriors from California that we hear on the
"Agonizing Prayer" audio. -One of the most powerful messages
on intercession that I have ever heard.

(5) "GET OUT OF THE BOX!" - Andrew Strom preached this to
a Michigan church - about the lessons from the Katrina outreach
in Mississippi. Radical!!

(6) "RETURN TO YOUR FIRST LOVE" - by Josef Urban, a fiery
young prophet who is also a leader in the Detroit street-team.

(-PLUS 16 other sermons).

-ALL OF THESE SERMONS are in "MP3" format, so they will
play on any computer (-but not ordinary CD players). They can
be downloaded onto IPOD's, burned onto Audio CD - anything
you want to do with them. (-Computers will play them fine).

As I said, you can have this CD with all these sermons for *ANY*
donation - or even just the cost of postage (-which is only 90 cents
in the USA). We do not want anyone missing out on this just
through lack of finances. Simply pray and send whatever God
leads you to send.

Here are the other sermons on this CD:

(7) "Almost Shot on the Streets" - by Darren Smith; [Most of
the rest are by Andrew Strom] - (8) "Thundering in Nashville",
(9) "The Old Testament God", (10 + 11) "How to Have a Personal
Revival - Parts 1 and 2", (12) "Street Revival is Coming!", (13) "Deep
Dealings (-My Testimony)", (14) "Repentance in Kansas City",
(15) "Outspoken!! # 2", (16) "Elijah & the Restoration of Acts",
(17) "A Call to Agonizing Prayer", (18) "Pray Along with Agonizing
Prayer", (19) "The True Gospel - Have We Ever Heard It?", (20) "Are
You Walking in Romans 8??", (21) "Great Street Revivals & the
Salvation Army", (22) "Miracles Are a Must!"


Firstly, please REPLY to this email so that we know that you
want it.

Secondly, simply SEND YOUR DONATION to us.

-Probably the best way is to use PAYPAL to donate to us securely
online. Simply go to the following webpage to do that-

OR you can simply send a check or money order (or cash) to
the following address:

Andrew Strom,
10610 W. Ruth Ave,
AZ 85345.

(-Please remember to include your ADDRESS. And we will get
the CD off to you ASAP).

I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this CD, my friends.

God bless you all!

Andrew Strom.