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56k Standards[X-FB]

Posted by: tatewake <tatewake@...>

A buddy forwarded this to me...

>Edupage, 9 December 1997. Edupage, a summary of news about information
>technology, is provided three times a week as a service by Educom,
>a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
>seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.
>The battle over technical standards for 56-Kbps modems appears to be over,
>with rival camps tentatively agreeing to a compromise between 3Com's X2 and
>Rockwell International's K56flex technologies. The new international
>standard, approved by an International Telecommunication Union working
>committee, incorporates details from both transmission techniques, leaving
>both sides claiming victory: "Everybody is a net winner in this one," says
>an analyst at a modem-market tracking firm. With a new standard in place,
>it is expected that most 56K modems made this year can be upgraded fairly
>simply through the addition of new software. (Wall Street Journal 8 Dec 97)

Sounds nice, to say the least.

I heard recently that 3Com bought USR; I was surprised.

-- Terence Jordan (
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