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9-11 And Beyond Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Dedicated To All Of Those Who Died On 9 11 01
"9-11 And Beyond"
It seems like only yesterday
that loved ones went away.
Their lives taken suddenly
on that fateful, tragic day.
It was the day the terrorists
decided to play God;
And dove those planes into buildings
and into Pennsylvania sod.
Oh, why do people always
have to be so very cruel?
They really thought they could make
America break the rules.
They thought by devastation,
they could make her from God turn;
But all it really did was make her
Trust Him, love Him... yearn.
They thought they'd break America,
her spirit would destroy;
But she gathered up her strongest
and her loyal ones deployed.
She fought the bitter fight
and she never lost her will;
And today she gathers strength
and growing stronger still.
Her people pulled together,
helped each other to survive.
They may have lost their loved ones,
but their memory is alive.
We never will forget...
Yes, 9-11 brought much pain;
But with love, loyalty and determination,
America rose again!
Now may God be with her
and keep her loved ones safe.
May the people continue on
in this great land of the brave.

"September 11th., 2002"
I woke up this morning almost dreading the day
because it is 9-11 and the tears won't go away.
I mourned for the people lost in the attack.
I mourned for the survivors who are forced to look back.
I mourned for my country, felt a weight crushing my heart...
A feeling of heaviness that just wouldn't depart.
I prayed for those people, I prayed for each one
Who must face today with the battle not done.
I prayed for a peace to settle our land,
To take away heartache, to unite us to stand...
For stand together we must and be drawn closer to God.
But our Lord knows each heart and it's so very hard.
It's hard to pray peace and watch destruction take its toll.
But God is still GOD... and HE'S STILL IN CONTROL!
So today with the tears still fresh on my face...
I will pray for each one to feel our Lord's grace.
I will pray for the enemy...yes they need prayer too,
For if they don't come to Jesus, His wrath will pour through.
Through the skies come destruction and their lands will run red
With the blood of their people until the enemy's dead.
Oh, God, comfort our victims, for their pain's taken its toll.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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